900字范文 > 三步走 Three-stage economic development strategy英语短句 例句大全

三步走 Three-stage economic development strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-29 05:05:58


三步走 Three-stage economic development strategy英语短句 例句大全

三步走,Three-stage economic development strategy

1)Three-stage economic development strategy三步走

1.The analysis of text focused on the three-stage economic development strategy.文章首先介绍了发展观的演变、战略与经济发展战略等概念,以历史时序为线索考察了邓小平经济发展战略思想的形成与发展历程,主要集中在他的“三步走”这个总体发展战略的分析上。


pare between "Two-Run on Foot" and "Three-Run on Foot" Development Strategy;“两步走”与“三步走”发展战略比较

2.The second stage in our three-stage strategy is essential, because what is achieved then will serve as the foundation for the third stage.三步走的关键在第二步,第二步为第三步打基础。

3.China is developing its economy in three steps.我国经济发展分三步走,

4.The way of performance budgeting reform can choose trilogy model.在路径选择上,可以采取“三步走”的模式。

5."Three-step"concept of Overhauling Marketization in Waterpower Enterprises;对水电企业检修市场化的“三步走”构想


7.The Three-Step Strategy and the Correct Definition of China s Present Development Stage;“三步走”战略与我国发展阶段定位

8.Take three-step method to restructure develop Anyang Steel;与时俱进 安钢结构调整发展“三步走”

9.Teaching Method about "Three Steps" of Machinery Design Ability Training;培养机械设计能力的“三步走”教学法

10.On Deng Xiaoping s Strategical Theory of EconomicalDevelopment by Three Steps;浅谈邓小平经济发展“三步走”战略思想

11.A Tentative Idea of a Three-Step Plan for the Building-Up of the Medical Security System in the Chinese Countryside;我国农村医疗保障体系建设三步走的初步构想

12.the three-step development strategy of China"s modernization drive中国现代化建设分三步走的战略(具体请查看"第一步"、"第二步"和"第三步")

13.Analysis of Libya’s “Three Steps” Tactics to Improve Relationships with Western Countries试析利比亚与西方改善关系的“三步走”策略

14.The Historical Necessity of Modernization of Chinese Style--On Deng Xiaoping s "Three-step" Strategy;中国式现代化的历史必然——论邓小平“三步走”战略

15.The Three Steps in Integrating Industry and Education for the Hospitality Program;高职饭店管理专业产教结合“三步走”改革之路

16.Deng Xiaoping s Well-off Society Theory and HisThree-step Development Strategy;邓小平小康社会理论与“三步走”发展战略思想

17.On the Development and Intensification of Fairly Well-off Objective in the Three-step Strategy;论小康目标在三步走战略中的演变与深化

18.The doctor advised me to go for a brisk walk for thirty minutes a day.医生建议我一天去走快步走三十分钟。


3 New Developing Steps新三步走

3)three-step strategy"三步走"战略

1.The “three-step strategy” proposed by Deng Xiaoping in the early years of implementing the reform and open-up policy was the outcome of his theoretical reflection in three successive periods, which contributed to the theoretical frame of Chinese economic development.“三步走”战略是立足中国国情 ,从中国实际出发制定的经济发展战略 ,是中国现代化的必然选择。

4)"three-step" strategy"三步走"战略

1.The"three-step" strategy proposed by Deng Xiaoping is the theoretical creation of exploring the way to construct socialism in underdeveloped countries.邓小平提出的“三步走”战略,是探索经济落后国家如何进行社会主义建设的理论创造,它既借鉴了中外现代化建设的经验教训,又充分体现时代发展的基本趋势和社会主义制度的特殊规定。

5)new "three step" strategy新"三步走"战略

6)the developing stratagem of three steps"三步走"发展战略

1.In the theoretics abstract of chinese development of moderniztion, bythe developing stratagem of three steps, Deng Xiaoping firstly frames the gross years of 50 to 70 for c.时量、速度、时效、时机,这四个时间概念,与“三步走”发展战略共同构成邓小平的时间观的经络。


走胡走越成语:走胡走越【解释】: 汉高祖 欲拿 项羽 旧将 季布 , 朱家 因 汝阴侯 滕公 劝 高祖 曰:“臣各爲其主用, 季布 爲 项籍 用,职耳。 项氏 臣可尽诛邪?今上始得天下,独以己之私怨求一人,何示天下之不广也!且以 季布 之贤而 汉 求之急如此,此不北走 胡 即南走 越 耳。夫忌壮士以资敌国,此 伍子胥 所以鞭 荆平王 之墓也。君何不从容爲上言邪?”见《史记·季布栾布列传》。后因以“走胡走越”谓智能之士被迫逃亡,而为敌国所用。 梁启超 《论中国学术思想变迁之大势》第三章第一节:“衰 周 之际,兼并最烈,时君之求人才,载飢载渴,又不徒奬励本国之才而已,且专吸他国者而利用之。盖得之则可以爲雄,失之且恐其走 胡 走 越 ,以爲吾患也。”汉高祖欲拿项羽旧将季布,硃家因汝阴侯滕公劝高祖曰:“臣 各为其主用,季布为项籍用,职耳。项氏臣可尽诛邪?今上始得天下,独以己之私怨求一人,何示天下之不广也!且以季布之贤而汉求之急如此,此不北走胡即南走越耳。夫忌壮士以资敌国,此伍子胥所以鞭荆平王之墓也。君何不从容为上言邪?”见《史记·季布栾布列传》。后因以“走胡走越”谓智能之士被迫逃亡,而为敌国所用。
