900字范文 > 大经贸战略 gross economic strategy英语短句 例句大全

大经贸战略 gross economic strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 08:28:08


大经贸战略 gross economic strategy英语短句 例句大全

大经贸战略,gross economic strategy

1)gross economic strategy大经贸战略

1.At the age of economic globalization with complicated international situation, our government should reform system, renew views to developgross economic strategy and boom exportation by emphasizing science and technology and adjusting industrial structure.20世纪 90年代中期实施的大经贸战略对我国对外贸易发展具有十分重要的作用。


1.Economic Globalization and China s Practice of Gross Trading Strategy;经济全球化与我国大经贸战略的实施

2.The Structure of Strategy Information System in Large-scale Goods Economy & Trade Export Enterprise;大型仓储经贸进出口企业战略信息系统的构造

3.Reflecfions on the Strategy to Accelerate Sino-Russian Economic and Trade Relations in the New Era;新时期加速发展中俄大经贸的战略思考

4.Study on Development Strategies for the Economics & Trade Co. of Kailuan (Group);开滦经贸公司经营贸易发展战略研究

5.Economy and Trade Cooperation between Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone and South Asia成渝经济区与南亚经贸合作战略探析

6.The Scientific Outlook on Development and the Development Strategy of Graduate Education:Take Capital University of Economics and Business as Example科学发展观与研究生教育发展战略——以首都经济贸易大学为例

7.Studies of Sino-Japanese Achievement of the Strategic Upgrading of Economic and Trade Cooperation;中日两国经贸合作战略升级问题研究

8.China s trade strategy adjustment and economic development under WTO rule;WTO条件下贸易战略的转变与经济发展

9.Strategic Speculations about the Relationship between Xinjiang and Middle Asia in Economy and Trade;新疆与中亚地区经贸关系的战略思考

10.On the Strategic Conception of Building up Closer Economic Relationship between Hong Kong and Taiwan;港台建立更紧密经贸关系的战略构想

11.The Strategies for Further Advance of Trade Relations Among China,D.R.Korea and Korea;中朝韩经贸关系纵深发展的战略进路

12.Analysis of Economic and Trade Strategical Readjustment of Our Country under the WTO Framework;WTO架构下我国经贸战略调整分析

13.Development Strategy for Western Economy: a Perspective in the Trade Theory Innovation;从贸易理论创新看西部经济发展战略

14.Guangdong"s ASEAN Strategy and Its Economic and Trade Cooperation with Singapore and Malaysia广东“东盟战略”及其与新马的经贸合作

15.The Strategy of the Export Trade Structure of China During the Process of Changing to be a Powerful Country in Export Trade;出口贸易大国转向出口贸易强国的战略性思考

16.Choice of Trade Strategies:General Case and "Big Country" Case;贸易战略选择:一般情形与大国情形

17.The Regulation of the Foreign Strategy under Conditions of the Reversing the World Economic Situation;世界经济形势逆转时我国对外经贸战略的调整

18.The Research on Construction of Virtual Enterprises and Strategic Management--The Operation Strategy of State-owned Middle and Small Foreign Trade Enterprises;虚拟企业构建与战略管理研究——国有中小型外贸企业经营战略


economic and trade strategy经贸战略

1.At present, the main ideas of upgrading Heilongjiang and Russiaeconomic and trade strategy is to realize the scale expansion of economics and trade cooperation through the implementation of the strategies of the subject cultivation, turning the "great passage" to the "big base", extension from the border to the heart and the industrial docking.目前,黑龙江省对俄经贸战略升级的主要思路是通过实施主体培育战略,转“大通道”为“大基地”战略,由边境向腹地延伸战略和产业对接战略实现经贸合作规模的扩大。

3)strategy on the development of economy and trade经贸发展战略

4)foreign trade management strategy外贸经营战略

5)strategy of foreign economy and trade对外经贸战略

1.Under this circumstance,Jilin province must set off from reality,rethink thestrategy of foreign economy and trade,implement a \" comprehensive rationalization\" as means to promote down-to-earth the strategy of \"quality to found a province\",accumulate strength and establish foundation for participating in the possible appearance of the Northeast Asia regional economic cooperation in the future.对此,吉林省必须从现实出发,围绕对外经贸战略进行重新思考,以推行"全面合理化"为手段,脚踏实地的推进"质量立省"战略的实施,为今后参与可能出现的东北亚区域经济合作积蓄力量和奠定基础。

6)strategic for development of foreign trade对外经贸发展战略


大经贸战略大经贸战略 实行以进出口贸易为基础,商品、资金、技术、服务相互渗透、协调发展,外经贸、生产、科技、金融等部门共同参与的经贸发展战略(大开放、大融合、功能大转变).
