900字范文 > 浙东运河 the Canal in East Zhejiang英语短句 例句大全

浙东运河 the Canal in East Zhejiang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-06 08:49:31


浙东运河 the Canal in East Zhejiang英语短句 例句大全

浙东运河,the Canal in East Zhejiang

1)the Canal in East Zhejiang浙东运河

2)Ancient Grand Canal in Eastern Zhejiang浙东古运河

3)A Preface to the History of the Canal in East Zhejiang《浙东运河史》序

4)Dongpo Canal东坡运河

5)the Shandong Canal山东运河


1.Discussing City-Economy along Shandong Canal in Ming and Qing Dynasty;试论明清时期山东运河沿岸城市经济

2.The Development of the Cancel Cities and the Changes of Their Function in Shan-dong Province in the Ming Dynasty;论明代山东运河城镇的发展与功能变迁

3.Analysis of the Development of Shandong Grand Canal Cultural Tourism and Countermeasures;山东运河文化旅游开发现状分析及对策

4.The Grand Canal flows southwards through the four provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.大运河纵贯河北、山东、江苏、浙江四

5.Study on the Sustainable Development of Beijing-Hangzhou Canal Shandong Segment;京杭运河山东段水运可持续发展研究

6.Research on the Relationship between Beijing-Hangzhou Canal Shipping and Canalside Economy;京杭运河(山东段)航运与“沿运”经济的关联性研究

7.Qianlong Shandong the Yellow River Canarl Floods Relieve Administration;乾隆二十六年(1761)山东黄河运河水灾及其救治

8.The Research on Strategic Environment and Countermeasures for Shipping of the Shandong Section of Grand Canal;京杭运河山东段航运发展战略环境与对策研究

9.Exploration on the Tourism Production System of Shandong Section of the Grand Canal;京杭运河旅游产品体系初探——以京杭运河山东段为例

10.Walking Along the Great Canal-An Investigation of the Heritage of the Historical Towns from Jiangsu through Shangdong;运河踏察——大运河江苏、山东段历史城镇遗产调研初探

11.Research on the Tourism Resources Value of Shandong Section of Jing-Hang Canal京杭运河山东段旅游资源价值评价研究

12.Study on ecological protection for waterway engineering of Ji′ning Dongping section of the Great Canal of China京杭运河山东济宁至东平段航道工程生态防护的探讨

13.The Huanghe River runs into the sea in North Shandong.黄河在山东北部入海。

14.Shandong Jiaxiang Dexin Blue Limestone Co., Ltd. is located in the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, Jiaxiang, which is at the riverside of the Jinghang Canal.山东(嘉祥)德信石业有限公司坐落于京杭大运河畔的孔孟之乡——嘉祥。

15.River variation and regulation of key reaches in Shandong Province of the Yellow River黄河山东段近期重点河段河势演变与河道整治

16.A Study on Mountain Climate in the Basin of Xiying River at the East Section of the Qilian Mountain;祁连山东段西营河流域山地气候研究

17.An Analysis Of Technical Statistics Of Shandong Team In The Finals Of Men s Basketball In The 10th National Games Of People s Republic Of China;十运会男子篮球决赛阶段山东队的技术分析——与河南、吉林、北京3队的对比分析

18.a mountainous region of eastern France drained by the Rhone and Saone and Isere rivers.法国东部一个多山地区,在此隆河和索恩河汇流。


Ancient Grand Canal in Eastern Zhejiang浙东古运河

3)A Preface to the History of the Canal in East Zhejiang《浙东运河史》序

4)Dongpo Canal东坡运河

5)the Shandong Canal山东运河

6)Eastern Zhejiang浙东

1.On Property Transaction: Contract Issue ofEastern Zhejiang in the Qing Dynasty;产权交易下的清代浙东契约文书述论


