900字范文 > 浙东学派 East Zhejiang School英语短句 例句大全

浙东学派 East Zhejiang School英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-27 02:31:31


浙东学派 East Zhejiang School英语短句 例句大全

浙东学派,East Zhejiang School

1)East Zhejiang School浙东学派

1.On the Concept Changes of Zhejiang Learning,East Zhejiang Scholarship,East Zhejiang Historiography,East Zhejiang School;论浙学、浙东学术、浙东史学、浙东学派的概念嬗变

2.An Analysis on Learning Thoughts and Approaches ofEast Zhejiang School during Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清浙东学派的治学思想和方法浅谈

3.In the period of historical transformation,Zheshang,a group of openminded businessmen in Zhejiang province,guided by the pragmatic theory of East Zhejiang school,have had a strong will to work around the world.它秉承吴越大地的英气,在历史转型中,接受了经世致用的浙东学派学说,志在天涯。


1.On the Concept Changes of Zhejiang Learning,East Zhejiang Scholarship,East Zhejiang Historiography,East Zhejiang School;论浙学、浙东学术、浙东史学、浙东学派的概念嬗变

2.East-Zhejiang School and Daoism--On Zhejiang School;浙东学派与道家、道教的关系初探——兼谈“浙学”

3.Educational Thought Presented by Eastern Zhejiang School of Thought;论明清之际浙东学派的实学教育思想

4.An Analysis on Learning Thoughts and Approaches of East Zhejiang School during Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清浙东学派的治学思想和方法浅谈

5.Some Questions in The Study of Eastern Zhejiang School and Zhejiang Spirit;浙东学派与浙江精神研究中的若干问题

6.On the Educational Thoughts of the Scholars of Eastern Zhejiang School in the Southern Song Dynasty;南宋浙东学派功利主义教育思想述评

7.An Analysis of "Pragmatism" in Talents Education by the East Zhejiang School in the Southern Song Dynasty;南宋浙东学派“以适用为主”的人才教育思想探析

8.The Integration of Science and Humanities --On Yang Xiaoming’s Science in Eastern Zhejiang School in Qing Dynasty;科学与人文融会的传统——读杨小明《清代浙东学派与科学》

9.The Chinese and Japanese pre-modern thoughts of commodity economy and their modern values:centering on the comparison of "Sekimon Shigaku" and Zhedong School;中日近世商品经济观及其现代价值——以石门心学和浙东学派为中心

10.Thoughts of the Eastern Zhejiang Practical School to Make People Richer and Country Stronger during the Southern Song Dynasty;论南宋浙东事功学派的富民强国思想

11.On the Legal Concept of Utilitarianism of the Utilitarian School in the Eastern Area of Zhejiang in the Southern Song Dynasty;论南宋浙东事功学派的功利主义法律观

ments on Major Schools of Ancient Book Collectors;古代私家藏书流派及虞山派、浙东派论析

13.Representative schools of the zheng are the Henan and Shandong schools in the northern region, and the Zhejiang, Chaozhou (Guangdong) and Hakka schools in the southern region.代表性的流派有河南、山东等地的北派等和浙江、广东潮州、客家等地的市派筝。

14.A Comparative Analysis of the Current Situation of the Stadium and Gymnasium in the Primary and Secondary schools in the Northeast and Southwest of Zhejiang province;浙东北与浙西南中小学体育场地的比较分析

15.Zhejiang Spirit--Concentrative Reflection of Value Orientation of Zhejiang East Learning and Cultare;浙江精神:浙东学术文化价值取向的集中表现

16.School of Management of State Affairs & Chinese School of Ci-Poem;经学与词学——离合于常州、浙西二派之间的谢章铤

17.The Thought of Chen Liang and His Arguments with Zhu Xi on "Wang Ba Yi Li;浙东事功派代表人物陈亮的思想与朱陈“王霸义利之辨”

18.An Analysis on the Zhexi Ci Poems and the Changzhou Ci Poems;推源析流话“浙”“常”——“浙西词派”与“常州词派”


Eastern Zhejiang School浙东学派

1.On the Educational Thoughts of the Scholars ofEastern Zhejiang School in the Southern Song Dynasty;南宋浙东学派功利主义教育思想述评

2.On the Educational Thoughts of the Scholars of theEastern Zhejiang School in the Southern Song Dynasty;论南宋浙东学派的教育思想

3.The scholars of theEastern Zhejiang School in the Southern Song dynasty have regarded "advocacy of practical results" as the starting point to research on historiography.南宋浙东学派的学者们以"事功"为出发点致力于史学的研究,在史学领域多有建树,对后世特别是明清学者的史学思想产生了较大影响,在中国古代史学史上占有重要地位。

3)Eastern Zhejiang Practical Schools浙东事功学派

4)Science in Eastern Zhejiang School in Qing Dynasty《清代浙东学派与科学》

1.The Integration of Science and Humanities ——On Yang Xiaoming’sScience in Eastern Zhejiang School in Qing Dynasty;科学与人文融会的传统——读杨小明《清代浙东学派与科学》

5)Zhang Xue-cheng and East Zhejiang School章学诚与浙东学派

6)school of Zhe Dong Shi Gong浙东事功派

1.The School of Zhe Dong Shi Gong,represented by Chen Liang also developed at that time and became the opposite side of neo confucianism.与之相对的浙东事功派 ,亦兴盛起来 ,形成了与居于主导地位的朱熹所代表的正统派理学之间的对立。


浙东学派1.宋时与程朱理学派对立的学派。包括金华学派﹑永嘉学派﹑永康学派。参见"金华学派"﹑"永嘉学派"﹑"永康学派"。 2.清初以黄宗羲﹑万斯同﹑全祖望﹑章学诚﹑邵晋涵等为代表的史学派别。他们一般主张治学先穷经而求证于史,倡导注重研究史料和通经致用的风气。
