900字范文 > 废弃巷道 abandoned roadway英语短句 例句大全

废弃巷道 abandoned roadway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-22 23:51:36


废弃巷道 abandoned roadway英语短句 例句大全

废弃巷道,abandoned roadway

1)abandoned roadway废弃巷道

1.Design and analysis of water storage-drainage system inabandoned roadway of mine矿井废弃巷道蓄排水系统设计与分析


1.Design and analysis of water storage-drainage system in abandoned roadway of mine矿井废弃巷道蓄排水系统设计与分析

2.Application of Flac on the Security Evaluate of Building upon Abandoned TunnelFLAC在废弃巷道上方土地建筑利用安全性评价中的应用

3.The paths and roads were all neglected and running wild.大小道路被弃置荒废。

4.Geological hazards of the mine abandoned workings and controlling measures矿山废弃井巷采空区地质灾害调查与防治措施的建议

5.Feasibility analysis on preheating winter incoming wind by using abandoned drift利用废旧巷道预热冬季入风流可行性分析

6.Sneak Into the Vehicle Compound and escape through the abandoned tunnel.潜进车辆区,然后从废弃的通道那边逃走。

7.Is his mercy quite gone for ever? has his word come to nothing?难道他的慈爱永远穷尽,他的应许世世废弃吗?

8.Is his mercy clean gone for ever? doth his promise fail for evermore?难道他的慈爱永远穷尽,他的应许世世废弃吗。

9.Investigation on the Abandoned Air-Raid Shelter and Study on the Stability of Wall Rock废弃人防地道的综合勘察及围岩稳定性研究

10.Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time?8难道他的慈爱永远穷尽,他的应许世世废弃吗?

11.Rudolf Walder: Hazardous waste is mainly produced by the industry.鲁道夫·瓦尔德:有害废弃物主要是由工业产生的。

12.An Experiment Research on Road Engineering of Recycled Aggregate from Abandoned Concrete;废弃混凝土再生骨料道路基层试验研究

13.On Construction of Rainfall Pipeline with Deep Trench, Big-diameter in the Pile Group of Waste Old Building废弃老建筑群桩内深沟槽大管径雨水管道施工

14.It has been reported that 75% of the mines producing these wastes are inactive and abandoned.据报道,产生这些废水的矿有75%是暂停不用的和废弃的。

15.The laser would ablate part of the junk"s surface, creating a bit of thrust to move the piece out of the way.雷射会使废弃物表面部份脱落,产生的些许推力可以使该废弃物偏离原来的轨道。

16.junked and abandoned打捞失败而报废废弃的

17.fall [pass] into desuetude变成废物,变成废弃不用

18.A state of abandonment or neglect.放弃,废弃被放弃或忽视的状态


abandoned workings废巷道

3)abandoned channel废弃河道

1.Identification and application ofabandoned channel in meander river;曲流河废弃河道的识别方法及其应用

2.By taking SII 1+2b layer in the west part of Second Region in Sabei Oilfield for example, the reason ofabandoned channel was analyzed, logging response characteristics and morphological distribution and the method of relative depth of the top sand were integrated, the connecting-well section was observed in multi-angle by underground dense well pattern data under the guidance of modern deposits.废弃河道往往造成相邻河道砂体间的渗流遮挡,因此正确识别废弃河道对于进一步分析储层内部构型以及改善油田开发效果具有很大的现实意义。

3.This method is applied to identification ofabandoned channel facies in Daqing Oilfield.时间序列分析方法是随机数学的一个重要分支,应用到识别废弃河道沉积微相中,将地层垂向测井序列看做是沉积事件在测井相上的反映,每一个测井点都是沉积历史中相应沉积事件的反应,提出用时间序列分析方法中的自回归模型对垂向测井序列进行描述。

4)abandoned pipe废弃管道

5)antinomianism n.道德废弃论


1.Again Discussing on Reservation and Abandonment of Card Type Bibliography;重提卡片式目录的保留与废弃

2.The Abandonment of Lithic Products by the Microblade Technology:A Perspective from Cultural Process;细石叶工艺产品废弃的文化过程研究


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