900字范文 > 巷道断面 roadway section英语短句 例句大全

巷道断面 roadway section英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-20 20:32:24


巷道断面 roadway section英语短句 例句大全

巷道断面,roadway section

1)roadway section巷道断面

1.Optimizingroadway section and lifting mine benefit;优化巷道断面 提高矿井效益


1.Code for design of roadway section and junction lf coal mine煤矿矿井巷道断面及交叉点设计规范

2.Study on Tunnel Section Design Based on the ANSYS Optimization;基于ANSYS优化的巷道断面设计研究

3.Study on Boom-type Roadheader Laneway Section Shaping Control System悬臂式掘进机巷道断面成形控制系统研究

4.On-line measurement of tunnel sections based on the roadheader posture基于掘进机姿态的巷道断面在线测量方法

5.Automatic section cutting and forming control of longitudinal-axial-roadheaders纵轴式掘进机巷道断面自动截割成形控制方法

6.There are mainly two kinds of roadheader: Tunnelling Boom Machine(TBM) and partial-size tunneling machine.掘进机按照对于巷道断面的作用方式可划分为两种:全断面掘进机和部分断面掘进机。

7.Model Test & Study The Tunnel Section Form With Stability of The Surrounding Rock in High Strees高地应力区巷道断面形状对围岩稳定的模型试验

8.Bolt Roadway Combined Support Technology in Large Section Coal Drift大断面煤巷全锚杆巷道联合支护技术

9.The Research and Application of Huge cross-sectional Road metal Mesh timbering大断面回采巷道锚网支护分析及应用

10.Roof Bolting with Bar and Wire Mesh of the Coal Drift by Crushing Wall Rock in the Heavy Section Multi-intersection Points大断面多交叉点破碎围岩巷道锚梁网索支护

11.The Application Research on Bolt-Mesh Support Technology of Large Cross-Section Gateway in Sihe Coal Mine;寺河矿大断面回采巷道锚网支护技术应用研究

prehensive Analysis of Dynamic Destabilization to Roadway of a Large Scale Across-section in the Crushed Rocks Conditions;破碎围岩条件下大断面巷道动力失稳分析

13.Studying on Deformation Features of Surrounding Rock of Large Sectional Roadway in Coalmines and Supporting Parameters大断面煤层巷道围岩变形特征与支护参数研究

14.Wire Mesh Cablebeam Spray Support Technology in Large Cross-section Lane in High-stress Fracture Zone高应力破碎带大断面巷道锚网梁索喷支护技术

15.Analysis of Roof Caving Instability Mechanism of Large-Section Roadway Under Complex Conditions复杂条件下大断面巷道顶板冒落失稳分析

16.Study on Failure Mechanism and Support of Cross Roadway with Large Span大断面巷道交叉点破坏机理分析及支护研究

17.On strengthening principle and application of the large-section roadway grouting in broken roof破碎顶板大断面巷道注浆加固原理及其应用

18.Applying Continuous Mining Machine to Driving Mining Roadways in Fault Broken Zone应用连采机在断层破碎带中掘进工作面巷道


large-scale roadway大断面巷道

1.Hybrid evaluation onlarge-scale roadway s stability under complex and cracked condition;复杂破碎围岩状态下大断面巷道稳定性综合分析

3)excavated section of road巷道毛断面

4)hard rock roadway with small cross-section小断面硬岩巷道

5)cross-section shape of roadway巷道断面形状

6)tunnel section design巷道断面设计

1.On the basis of coal mine digital mapping and management system we have developed a coal mine tunnel design system which is suitable for coal minetunnel section design and cross design.在煤矿数字成图与管理系统的基础上,基于VC++平台开发出适用于煤矿巷道断面设计和交岔点设计的煤矿巷道设计系统。


异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)special section steel,一、u以uu、’“飞豆on gQngC01异形断面钢材(speeial Seetion steel)见异形断面型材。
