900字范文 > 留学运动 the movement of studying abroad英语短句 例句大全

留学运动 the movement of studying abroad英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-16 13:50:45


留学运动 the movement of studying abroad英语短句 例句大全

留学运动,the movement of studying abroad

1)the movement of studying abroad留学运动

1.In Late Qing and Early Republican China, Hunan is a large province, wherethe movement of studying abroad have developed quickly.清末民初,湖南是留学运动发展较快的大省。


1.The Analysis of the Movement of Studying Abroad of Hunan in Late Qing and Early Republican China 1898 to 1924清末民初湖南留学运动探析(1898-1924)

2.On the Impact the Movement of Studying Abroad and the Movement of Missionary on Neo-Chinese Poetry and the Revolution of Neo-poetry;论留学运动与传教运动对白话诗及新诗革命的影响

3.Effect of Study Abroad Trend in Late Qing Dynasty on Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine;试论清末民初留学运动对中医发展的影响

4.Hunan Youth and the Rise of an Exchange Program for Overseas Students in France;湖南青年与留法勤工俭学运动的兴起

5.Original Reasons of the Work-Study-In-France Movement in Baoding保定留法勤工俭学运动兴起原因初探

6.As a returned student, Hung-chien knew about the three P movement popular in the West (Poor Pop Pays):鸿渐是留学生,知道西洋流行的三P运动;

7.Sociological Perspective of the Unanimous Return to Country Movement of Returned Students from Japan in 1905;1905年留日生集体归国运动之社会学透视

8.Simple Explanation of the Relationship between the Interaction League and the Movement of Work-study Program in France;浅析工读互助团与留法勤工俭学运动的关系

9.Cai He-sen s Going to Peking and the Development of Hunan s Work-Study Program Movement in France;蔡和森赴京与湖南留法勤工俭学运动的开展

10.The First Research into Contributions of Japanese Student in the Constitutional s Movement at the End of Qing Dynasty;留日学生在清末立宪运动中的作用初探

11.Talking About the Influence of Chinese Students Work-for-Study Movement in France on the Modernization of the Chinese Society;试论留法勤工俭学运动与中国社会的现代化

12.A Study on the Reasons for Cai Yuanpei s Advocacy of theWork-Study Program in France;蔡元培倡导留法勤工俭学运动原因浅析

13.The Movement of Work-Study Program in France and the Growth of the Young Intellectuals;留法勤工俭学运动与青年知识分子的成长道路

14.The Important Contributions for Introducing Marxism-Leninism byThe Part-Wore and Part-Study Movement in France;留法勤工俭学运动对引进马克思主义的贡献

15.Chinese Student in Japan in Modern Times and the Early Chinese Communist Party Revolutionary Movement中国近代留日学生与中共早期革命运动

16.Investigation and analysis on sport injuries of foreign students in Capital Institute of P.E.;关于首都体育学院武术留学生运动损伤成因的调查与分析

17.The movement"s status and effect on the dissemination of socialism in China.三、留法勤工俭学运动对社会主义在中国传播中的作用和影响。

18.after the May Fourth Movement, many Chinese young people went abroad to study Western cultures to seek ideas for reform."五四"新文化运动,激发一批青年相继留学西方,寻求维新之道,


the studying-abroad movement of Hunan湖南留学运动

1.In the short 20 years’period between the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early term of the Republican China,the studying-abroad movement of Hunan province was in the forefront in the whole country all the time.在清末民初的短短20多年间,湖南留学运动一直走在全国前列。

3)movement of study in France with work-study program留法俭学运动

4)the movement of studying in Russia留俄运动

5)the movement of studying in Japan留日运动

1.Decaying Ch ing Dynasty despatched students to Japan in 1896 to linger on in a steadily worsening condition,thus,the movement of studying in Japan started.国势日衰的清政府为了苟延残喘于1896年首派学子东渡扶桑,开中国留日运动之先河。

6)study abroad in USSR留苏运动


清末留学运动清末留学运动从19世纪70年代起,中国清政府因办洋务的需要,开始成批派遣学生出国留学;到20世纪初,因推行“新政”而派遣得更多;同时,广大知识分子为了寻求救国救民的真理,纷纷争取到国外学习,从而形成留学热潮。1870年(同治九年),根据容闳的建议,曾国藩、李鸿章联名上奏,请求选派学童去美国留学。经过短期筹备,从1872年到1875年(光绪元年),每年派遣30名学童(年龄规定为12~16岁,个别年仅10岁)。计划学习,“学习军政、船政、步算、制造诸学”。到1881年,清政府决定裁撤留美,下令留美学生全部撤回。只有詹天佑等二人完成学业,获得学士学位。不久,洋务派又向欧洲派遣留学生。1873年,福建船政大臣沈葆桢奏准选派船政学堂学生分赴英法学习造船、驾驶。他们回国后,成为中国造船工业、海军建设等方面的重要骨干,著名人物有严复、刘步蟾、林泰曾、叶祖珪、萨镇冰等。甲午战败,日本政府为缓和对立情绪邀请中国派遣学生留日。1896年起,清政府开始派遣留日学生。从1901年起,清政府为推行“新政”,大力提倡青年学生出国留学,在中日两国朝野的鼓动下,一时留日学生势如潮涌,留学人数逐年上升。留日学生既有官费生,又有自费生,程度参差,到日本后绝大多数就读于中等专业学校及大学速成科,学习期限从三个月到七八年不等。学文科的占绝大多数。法政、军事尤为留日学习的热门。1905年孙中山领导的中国同盟会在东京成立,参加者90%以上是留日学生。他们归国后,在辛亥革命的整个历史过程中起了十分重要的作用,涌现出黄兴、宋教仁、邹容、陈天华、秋瑾、陶成章、林觉民、方声洞、胡汉民、居正、焦达峰、陈其美、朱执信、廖仲恺、鲁迅、陈独秀等一大批著名的革命家和政治家。广大留日学生的革命化,使清政府从1906年起对赴日留学采取了许多限制办法。同时,因反对日本取缔中国留学生规则和参加革命,留日学生纷纷回国。1907年以后,留日学生人数逐年下降。赴日留学转入低潮后留学欧美再度兴起。特别是美国于1908年将部分庚子赔款用于向美国派遣留学生,使留美热日炽。欧美留学生以学习理工为主。新疆因与俄国接壤,除派遣满蒙学生留俄外,还派遣了少量学童,专学俄罗斯语言文字。 早期赴日留学生合影
