900字范文 > 歌谣运动 the movement of popularizing folk songs英语短句 例句大全

歌谣运动 the movement of popularizing folk songs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-28 03:52:12


歌谣运动 the movement of popularizing folk songs英语短句 例句大全

歌谣运动,the movement of popularizing folk songs

1)the movement of popularizing folk songs歌谣运动

1.Popular Ballads Weekly andthe movement of popularizing folk songs;《歌谣周刊》与北大歌谣运动


1.The May 4~(th) Folk Songs Campaign and Early Vernacular Poetry Creation;“五四”歌谣运动与早期白话诗创作

2."Being Academic" or "Being Literary and Artistic"?--The Re-assessment of Value and History of the Ballad Movement;“学术的”还是“文艺的”?——歌谣运动的价值重估与历史再评价之一

3.The Representative Results of Ballads Movement--About the Comments on Mr.Zhong Jingwen s Study on Hakka Folk Songs;歌谣学运动的代表性成果——评钟敬文先生的客家山歌研究

4.All these rhymes are performed in connection with gestures or other actions, thus combining simple motor activity with a rhythmic verse.所有这些游戏歌都有与之相对应的手势或动作,于是简单的运动便和抑扬顿挫的歌谣浑然一体。

5.The Auxiliary Application of Chant in Grade 6 Spoken English Class at Village Primary School;农村六年级英语口语教学中歌谣辅助运用

6.An Attempt on Applying Songs and Rhymes to Training the Language Capability of Autistic Children;运用歌谣培养孤独症儿童语言能力的尝试

7.The School of Discussion in Ancient Chinese History: The Motives and Theoretical Value in Its Comparative Study of the Book of Songs and the Folk Songs;论古史辨派以歌谣释《诗经》的动因和诗学意义

8.Folk Songs and Interaction between Government and Common Peopleduring Period of Wei-Jin and South and North Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期的歌谣风议与官民互动

9.Work Songs Shake Mountains and Rivers--“Study of Ba Qu Folk Literature and Customs”: Part Ten;劳动歌谣震山河——“巴渠民间文学、民俗研究”之十

10.In general, there are four major categories of folk rhymes-- nursery rhymes; rhymes of play, games, and fun; rhymes of work; and written traditional rhymes.一般可分为四大类:儿歌、游戏歌、劳动谣以及传统铭文。

11.An analysis of Guo Mo-ruo s poetic activities in the great leap era--From "Hundred Flowers Blossom" to "Red Flag Ballads;试析郭沫若在大跃进年代的诗歌活动——从《百花齐放》到《红旗歌谣》

12.Rumours Spreading and Social Psychology--Psychological Explanation of Rumours Spread in the Period of the Boxer Uprising;谣言传播与社会心理——义和团运动时期谣言传播的心理学解读

13.Folklores Studied with a Double Vision--Contributions of BeijingUniversity s Ballads Weekly to China s Folklore Studies;双重视角下的歌谣学研究——北大《歌谣周刊》对中国歌谣学研究的贡献

14.Poems and Songs of Robert Burns罗伯特·彭斯歌谣集

15.to the accompaniment of the drip-drop, the local folk song和着同伴们土著的歌谣,

16.These songs descended from early ballads这些歌源于早期的民谣。

17.Ballads Lyrics and Poems of Old France法国古代民歌和民谣

18.the recitation of a ballad, an ode, etc叙事歌谣、 颂诗等的背诵.


the movement of collecting folk rhymes歌谣搜集运动

3)Folk-songs are pleasant to the ear歌谣动听

4)labor songs of Xuzi Area渝西劳动歌谣


1.This paper discusses theballad "Ode to the Ancestors" in Shanyangge and other historicalballads as well as the historical origin,attitude to life and ethnic characteristics of the She nationality.山羊隔《祖公歌》等历史歌谣与畲族的历史源流、生活态度和民族特色。

2.With the lingual-cultural perspective,this paper intends to dissect the weddingballad "Wedding Wailing Songs" in Fangshi,Qingchuan County,north Sichuan.本文以川北地区青川县房石镇一带的婚俗歌谣"哭嫁词"为分析语料,从语言学和文化学的角度进行了剖析,指出哭嫁词不仅反映出一种婚俗文化,而且在用词、语句结构、表达运用等方面显露出自身的特色,至今已成为不可多得的地方非物质文化资源之一。

3.Thisballad named by Long She symbol,had eight different variants and been found among various books.这首以"龙蛇"象喻为名的歌谣,曾散见于各种典籍之中。


1.Ballads came into being with the emergence of human beings, and with artificial brewing, liquor andballads have been closely related and mutually dependent, which has been recorded abundantly in the Chinese literature.歌谣是伴随着人类产生而产生的,随着人工造酒的出现,酒就与歌谣紧密地结合在一起,相依相长,这在中国文学中多有记载。

2.In some inhabited areas in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,there have been a lot ofballads,proverbs and vulgarism with the content of marriage.在宁夏一些回族聚居区,流传着许多包含婚姻内容的歌谣、谚语、俗语。


南美洲运动会和南十字运动会19在巴西举行过1届南美洲运动会,参加者限于南美洲国家。1978年在玻利维亚举行过 1届南十字运动会,参加国有阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、巴拉圭、秘鲁和乌拉圭8国。
