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受控点 controlled point英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-13 13:26:13


受控点 controlled point英语短句 例句大全

受控点,controlled point

1)controlled point受控点

2)dominated pair of vertices受控点对

3)non-dominated point非受控点

4)managed children受控子节点

5)Policy controlled nod策略受控节点

6)receptor site受点


1.Pride would have to be humbled.自尊心只好受点委屈了。

2.Great read financial clues love nest: household supplies wear little cool summer enjoyment!爱巢大变身:家居用品穿夏装享受点点清凉!

3.Lets go to the Beach and catch some rays.让我们到海边享受点阳光

4.a vulnerable point易受攻击之点,弱点

5.get angry at [on] the slightest provocation受到一点点刺激就发怒

6.You"d better watch out, or you"ll be getting done in.你得当心点,不然会受骗。

7.Just relax and enjoy it.放轻一点 好好地享受它。

8.Mind out or you"ll get hurt!留心点,否则你会受伤的!

9.Take care a bit, otherwise you can be injured.小心一点,不然你会受伤。

10.and open minds to different ideas.善于接受不同的观点。

11.John fell down and hurt himself.约翰摔倒了,受了点伤。

12.understand and accept sb"s argument理解并接受某人的论点.

13.I can take a bit of sport.我经受得住这点儿玩笑。

14.They objected to being blown up for the slightest fault.他们反对因一点点过失就受到申斥。

15.The gradual and piecemeal change is welcomed by most people.这种一点一点渐进的改变受到大多数人的欢迎。

16.The gradual and piecemeal change is welcome by most people这种一点一点渐进的改变受到大多数人的欢迎

17.LockAgain: Lock password-protected node as soon as I navigate away from them.一旦我离开受到密码保护的节点,请锁定该节点。

18.She suffered minor injuries in the accident - a few cuts only.她在事故中受了点轻伤,只是一点割伤而已。


dominated pair of vertices受控点对

3)non-dominated point非受控点

4)managed children受控子节点

5)Policy controlled nod策略受控节点

6)receptor site受点


