900字范文 > 受控标引 Controlled indexing英语短句 例句大全

受控标引 Controlled indexing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-28 02:09:45


受控标引 Controlled indexing英语短句 例句大全

受控标引,Controlled indexing

1)Controlled indexing受控标引

1.This paper introduces a new scientific domain in terminology-computational terminology,it presents term acquisition,term enrichment,term controlled indexing and term free indexing.本文介绍了术语学中的一个新兴学科——计算术语学,分别介绍了术语的发现、术语的充实、术语的受控标引、术语的自由标引等问题。

2.Controlled indexing cannot meet the needs of dynamic and timely indexing of dissertations under the network environment,while semi-controlled indexing can overcome such disadvantages as it can comprehensively index and deeply reveal the information in dissertations,thus directly reflecting their era characteristics and scientific contents.网络环境下,受控标引方式已不能满足学位论文动态性、实效性的信息标引需求。

2)controlled indexing language受控标引语言

3)semi-controlled indexing半控标引

1.Controlled indexing cannot meet the needs of dynamic and timely indexing of dissertations under the network environment,whilesemi-controlled indexing can overcome such disadvantages as it can comprehensively index and deeply reveal the information in dissertations,thus directly reflecting their era characteristics and scientific contents.而采取半控标引能够弥补受控标引的不足,达到对学位论文的全面标引、深层揭示主题标目的时代特征及学科内容。


1.Semi-controlled indexing: an important method to improve the recall ratio of dissertations半控标引是提高学位论文查全率的重要途径

2.Study on the Hardware in the Loop Simulation Technology for Hard Target Penetration Fuze;硬目标侵彻引信半实物仿真技术研究

3.Microcomputer Controling System for Autometic Bonding of Semiconductor Chip Lead半导体芯片自动引线压焊微型机控制系统

4.Research on Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Brake and Traction Control for Light Vehicles;轻型车制动力与牵引力控制半实物仿真研究

5.The Development on the Detecting and Controlling Circuit of Semiactive Laser Guidance Seeker;半主动激光制导导引头检测与控制电路的研制

6.Design of hardware-in-the-loop bus-mastering platform of TV seeker based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的电视导引头半实物总线控制平台设计

7.Error Analysis Caused of CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius数控车刀刀尖圆弧半径引起的误差分析

8.Study on Criterions and Control Techniques of River Eco-water Usage in Semi-arid and Semi-humid Area;半干旱半湿润区河流生态用水标准与调控技术研究

9.Study on Multi-objective output Feedback Control of Semi-Active Suspension Based on LMI;基于LMI的半主动悬架多目标输出反馈控制研究

10.tractor semitrailer牵引机牵引的半拖车

11.Cutting Tool Shape Radius Recompense Inaccuracy Analysis by Grinding Crucial Point CNC Turning Cutting Tools数控车削刀具的刃磨引起的刀尖半径补偿的误差分析

12.Controling of extinction time for semilinear impulsive parabolic equation with absorption term含吸引项的半线性脉冲抛物型方程熄灭时间的控制

13.A Modified Algorithm of Semi-Active Suspension PID Control with Driving State Identification Introduced一种引入行驶状态识别的半主动悬架PID控制修正算法

14.Specifies the index tag for the record source of the Grid control or Relation object.为表格控件或关系对象的记录源指定索引标记。

15.Dimension Interactively form and Position Tolerance by Quoting shape Definition and Graph Control Menu引用形定义与图像控件菜单交互标注形位公差

16.On the Standardization and Control of Indexing in Using the Keyword Glossary of Chinese Book Catalogue;使用《中国图书分类主题词表》标引的规范与控制

17.Analysis of Common Problems Existing in Key words of Research Papers and Quality Control;学术论文关键词标引的问题剖析与质量控制

18.Discussion on Aeolian Sand Control Index in General Canal Building of Water Diversion Project from Nen River to Baicheng City of Jilin Province引嫩入白输水总干风积砂筑渠控制指标探讨


controlled indexing language受控标引语言

3)semi-controlled indexing半控标引

1.Controlled indexing cannot meet the needs of dynamic and timely indexing of dissertations under the network environment,whilesemi-controlled indexing can overcome such disadvantages as it can comprehensively index and deeply reveal the information in dissertations,thus directly reflecting their era characteristics and scientific contents.而采取半控标引能够弥补受控标引的不足,达到对学位论文的全面标引、深层揭示主题标目的时代特征及学科内容。

4)tab control索引卷标控件

5)transport control indexes and guide indexes控制和引导指标

6)acoustic recall buoy声控重返指引浮标


