900字范文 > 清朝 Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

清朝 Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-24 17:49:41


清朝 Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

清朝,Qing Dynasty

1)Qing Dynasty清朝

1.Research on Yangtze River bank s Frequent in-moving in Wuwei County and Human-environment Relationship of Yangtze River Basin inQing Dynasty;清朝无为江堤屡次内迁与长江流域人地关系考察

2.Social Culture of Patriarchal Clan System inQing Dynasty Reflected by the Dream of the Red Chamber;《红楼梦》折射清朝宗法制社会文化

3.On the Function of Zhebuzundanba System in Administering the Mongolian Area inQing Dynasty;哲布尊丹巴系统在清朝治理蒙古地区中的作用


1.Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)清朝(公元1644—19)

2.Under Yuan and Qing China"s territory was the largest in her5000 years.元朝和清朝是中国5千年中疆土最大的两朝。

3.The Formation and Establishment of Suzerainty-Feudatory Relationship between the Qing Dynasty and Korea;论清朝与朝鲜宗藩关系的形成与确立

4.mandarin coat清朝式对襟绣花马褂

5.In the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911), Hainan Island was known as Ya"Zhou or Land of Perpendicular Cliffs.清朝时,海南岛称“崖州”。

6.The Rise of the Manchus - Qing满洲政权的崛起-清朝

7."Korean s Crossing-Boundary Reclamation" in the Late Qing Dynasty and "Immigration Policy for Consolidating Frontier Defense" of the Qing Government;清末“韩民越垦”与清朝“移民实边”

pilations of the Huidian of Qing Dynasty and Administrative Law System of Qing Dynasty;《清会典》的历次纂修与清朝行政法制

9.But obveriously,this requirement proved contraty to the historical fact that then Qiang?Dynasty ruled Korea under its control as a vassal state being a natural defense to protect the safety of its northeastern frontier.然而,朝鲜当时尚为清朝的藩属国。 清王朝出于东北边疆安全的考虑,需要以朝鲜为屏障。

10.Before the Jiawu War, the suzerain vassal relationship existed between Qing Dynasty and Korea.在甲午战争之前 ,清朝与朝鲜存有宗藩关系。

11.On the Frontier Trade between Qing Dynasty and Korea in the Yalu River Area清朝与朝鲜在鸭绿江地区的边境贸易述论

12.The dispute between China and Japan over the right of communication in Korea and the switch of foreign policy of the Qing government;中日朝鲜通讯权之争与清朝外交政策的转变

parison of Governing Thoughts of the Yunnan Border Area between the Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty元朝、清朝治理云南边疆民族思想之比较

14.Qing Dynasty then launched two wars against Korea and made the latter turn its brotherly state and at last its dependent state.清朝以两次战争,将朝鲜由明朝藩国变为兄弟之国以至藩属国。

15.A Brief Discussion on the Commerce Development of Qing Dynasty in Korea and its Influence during Yuan Shikai being Stationed in Korea;略论袁世凯驻朝期间清朝在朝鲜商务的发展及影响

16.Because there was "decay of Manchu rule" and because it is the weak point that is attacked, it would seem that the revolution was directed against the Ching Dynasty.因为“清朝统治的衰落”,向弱点进攻,是革清朝的命了。

17.The Chinese directed the revolution against the Ching regime because it was the running dog of imperialism.中国人所以要革清朝的命,是因为清朝是帝国主义的走狗。

18.The Hall of Heavenly Purity was the palace, where the emperors used to live and handle daily affairs in the Ming and early Qing dynasties.乾清宫是明朝皇帝和清朝早期皇帝居住并处理日常事务的地方。


the Qing Dynasty清朝

1.On the Interaction Relationships among the Scholar Class,Imperial Examination System,and the Destruction ofthe Qing Dynasty;浅论士、科举制度、清朝灭亡三者互动关系

2.On the Autocracy of Policy ofthe Qing Dynasty over the Dong Nationality;试论清朝经营侗族政策的专制性

3.Review of the National Policy Underthe Qing Dynasty Administration in Xinjiang;清朝治理新疆的民族政策评析

3)the Ming and the Qing periods明朝、清朝

4)The Qing Dynasty清王朝

1.In the early period of 17 century,the relationship between Tibet and the Qing Dynasty experienced a changing process from dispatching messengers to each other to subordination.17世纪前期,西藏地方与清王朝的关系,经历了一个从互遣使者到隶属统治的变化过程。

2.Since the Qing Dynasty came to rule the Central Plains in 1644,the non-stopping Anti-Qing struggles started by Han people caused much trouble to the Qing rulers.清王朝入主中原之后,处在汉族人民汪洋大海般的包围之中,各地的反清斗争绵延不断,使得清王朝的统治者十分棘手。

3.The invasion of the West colonialists awoke in the rulers of the Qing Dynasty the importance of the national frontier defense.在遭受西方殖民主义者侵略的过程中,清王朝统治者认识到了国家边防防御的重要性。

5)Qing dynasty清朝时期

6)two superbness of Qing dynasty清朝双绝


