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晚清 late Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-15 08:58:26


晚清 late Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

晚清,late Qing Dynasty

1)late Qing Dynasty晚清

1.The Combination of Industrialists and Cause of Charity——Modern Industrialists of Jiangsu and Promotion of “Charity” in Late Qing Dynasty;实业家与慈善事业的结合——近代江苏实业家与晚清“义赈”的兴起

2.Study of Relationship Between Railroads and Social Progress in Late Qing Dynasty;铁路与晚清社会进步关系问题的研究

3.On the Period and Character of Introduction of Western Modern Natural Science inlate Qing Dynasty;晚清西方近代自然科学输入的阶段性特征


1.Who Is Qing Liu?-On the Appellation of Qing Liu in Late Qing Dynasty谁是“清流”?——晚清“清流”称谓考

2.Study of the Anti-foreign Riots in Late Qing Dynasty (1842-1900);晚清民夷冲突探析(1842-1900)

3.The Research of New Culture in Hubei during the Later Qing Dynasty 1889-1911;晚清湖北新学研究(1889—1911)

4.The Research of Illegitimate Coppers in the Late Qing Dynasty (1875-1900);晚清私钱研究(1875-1900)

5.The Research on Gentry of Shaanxi in Late Qing Dynasty;晚清陕西士绅研究(1862-1912)

6.A Study of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in Late Qing Dynasty (1865-1894)晚清汇丰银行研究(1865-1894)

7.A Masterpiece for the Study of Late Qing Dynasty --A Comment on the Study of Late Qing Dynasty;晚清史研究的一部力作——《晚清史研究》评介

8.Famine in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Qing Government Relief Measures;晚清时期的灾荒及清政府的赈灾措施

9.On the relationship between the Upright Clique in the late Qing and political cliques;浅析晚清清流派与各政治派系的关系

10.The Commercial Operation and the Changes of the Novels" Engraving Form in the Late Ming and Late Qing Dynasty--A Survey Centered in Publishing Houses of Jianyang and Book Companies of Shanghai晚明、晚清商业运作与小说刊印形态之变迁——以晚明建阳书坊和晚清上海书局为中心

11.A Study on the Consistence of the Late Ming Dynasty、the Late Qing Dynasty and Wu Si s Poetry Theory Reforms;晚明、晚清与“五四”诗论变革一致性之考察

12.A Summary of the Second International Academic Seminar on the Reform and Social Changes in the Late Qing Dynasty;“晚清改革与社会变迁——第二届晚清史国际学术研讨会”述要

13.The Limitation of Collecting Likin in Late Qing Dynasty;论晚清厘金征收机制的局限——以晚清浙江厘金为例

14.On Ideal Object of Modern Woman in the Late Qing Dynasty Novel --Based on the Samples from Four Novel Periodicals;晚清小说塑造现代女性的理想目标——以晚清四大小说期刊为例

15.On the Illustrations in Late Qing Dynaty Novel Periodicals during 1902-1911--Taking Four Major Novel Periodicals in Late Qing Dynasty as Example论1902—19间晚清小说期刊中的插图——以晚清四大小说杂志为例

16.A Controversial Academic Book of Late Qing Dynasty;《清学案小识》:一部饱受争议的晚清学术史

17.On the Late Qing Dynasty Government s Financial Crisis and its Economic Countermeasures;略论晚清财政危机与清政府的经济对策

18.Transformation of Civil Law Thought in Late Qing and Its Codification;晚清民法观念的变迁与清末民律的修订


the Late Qing dynasty晚清

1.A Preliminary Discussion of the Thoughts and Practice of the Agricultural Science and Technology in the Late Qing Dynasty;晚清农业科技思潮及实践初探

2.Qiu Weixuan: A Neglected Novel Critic of the Late Qing Dynasty;邱炜萲:被尘封的晚清小说批评家

3)Late Qing晚清

1.On the Importment and Inflence of the Western Geology inLate Qing;论晚清西方地质学的输入及影响

2.Exploration on Depression of Western Industrial Commerce and Urban fromLate Qing to Republic of China;晚清至民国西部工商业和城市困顿探析

3.On the development of independent legislature in the late Qing;“司法独立”在晚清的艰难展开

4)the late Qing晚清

1.The Cultural Meaning of the Chronology Contest in the Late Qing;晚清“纪年”论争之文化解读

2.Law and Society: Comment on Ancient Imperial Examination Law of the Late Qing Dynasty;法律与社会:晚清科举考试法规评析

5)Later Qing Dynasty晚清

1.When Love Became History——Historical Ci in theLater Qing Dynasty;当爱情变成了历史——晚清的史词

6)the Upright Clique of the late Qing Dynasty晚清清流派


《晚清四十家诗钞》近代诗总集。编者吴闿生。《诗钞》收吴汝纶以下41家,录诗 600余首,其中包括日本友人的诗作,分成3 卷,1924年由北平文学社刊行。编录原则"以师友源澜为主"(自序),如编者认为能得吴汝纶诗传的范当世,即钞其诗100多首,近全书六分之一。不属桐城师承关系而入选的当代名流,也都是作诗不背宗尚李白、杜甫、苏轼、黄庭坚之旨者。编者又"精加评点,分别涂径"(曾克端序),实为一种流派的选本,当时诗风新旧交替,吴闿生认为"异说纷腾,李杜苏黄之学将绝于天下",想编此集以维持桐城之绪于不坠。故可从中窥见一派诗的面目。
