900字范文 > 游泳教员 Swimming teacher英语短句 例句大全

游泳教员 Swimming teacher英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-12 17:20:14


游泳教员 Swimming teacher英语短句 例句大全

游泳教员,Swimming teacher

1)Swimming teacher游泳教员


1.The Research of the Certification Methods of Teaching Ability of Breliminary Swimming Teacher初级游泳教员教学能力考核方法的研究

2.American Swimming Coaches Association美国游泳教练员协会

3.Australian Swimming Coaches Association澳大利亚游泳教练员协会

4.Effect of swimming instruction on mental health of students in military university;游泳教学对军校学员心理健康的影响

5.Analysis on Swimming Coaches Diagnoses on Athletic Capacity of Swimmers;对游泳教练员诊断运动员竞技能力的研究

6.The swimmer dived into the swimming pool from the divingboard.游泳运动员从跳板上潜入游泳池。

7.Swimmers rise up as they swim.游泳运动员在游泳时也是会浮起来。

8.Investigation On Current Situation Of The Third Line Swimming Coaches In Shandong Province山东省游泳三线教练员现状调查与分析

9.She"s on the city swimming team.她是市游泳队的队员。

10.How to increase the results of children free swimming;如何提高少儿游泳运动员自由泳成绩

11.In individual medley events,the swimmer covers the four swimming styles in the following order:Butterfly,Backstroke,frogstroke,and freestyle.在个人混合泳项目中,游泳运动员按下列顺序以4种游姿比赛:蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳、自由泳.

12.In college, I was on the swimming team. I enjoyed that very much. How about you?读大学时,我是游泳队的成员。我很喜欢游泳,你呢?

13.Analysis on the Swimming Forepart Training of Youngster: DU Wen-tao;对游泳运动员杜文涛早期游泳训练的分析

14.Mr. Rivers gives swimming instruction.里弗斯先生教人学游泳。

15.We will card all the faculty and staff before they en-ter the swimming pool.(在进游泳池前,我们要所有的教职员出示身分证明。

16.Research on China"s High Level of Swimming Coach Training Philosophy and Training Strategies我国高水平游泳教练员训练理念与培养对策的研究

17.Countermeasures for the Construction and Development of Coaches for High-Level Swimming Teams in Chinese Ordinary Colleges and Universities我国普通高等学校高水平游泳队教练员队伍建设与发展对策探讨

18.In the medley relay, all four strokes are swum by four different swimmers.在混合泳接力中,所有四种泳姿由四个不同的游泳运动员来游。


swimming coach游泳教练员

1.To promote the improvement and the sustainable development of China swimming, by the methods of the Literature, Questionnaire, Interview and Statistics, this thesis analyses the concept, structure and factors of Coaching Ability for Chinese competitiveswimming coaches and investigates the condition in this field.为了我国竞技游泳水平的提高和项目的可持续发展,本文以我国高水平游泳教练员为研究对象,采用文献资料、访谈、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法对我国的游泳教练员执教能力体系的概念,结构要素等基本理论问题进行了研究。

3)swimming teaching游泳教学

1.Experimental research on the effect of game teaching methodonswimming teaching of infant;游戏教学法对幼儿游泳教学效果影响的实验研究

2.Application of independence-cooperation learning inswimming teaching;“自主—合作”学习在游泳教学中的应用

3.Application of cooperative study method to theswimming teaching;游泳教学中运用合作学习法的实验与研究

4)swim teaching游泳教学

1.To improve the teaching methods and the quality of teaching,this article states the course of wrong action and the countermeasurea in the course ofswim teaching.通过对学生在游泳教学中产生错误动作的原因、纠正办法等论述,旨在为改进教学方法,提高教学质量服务。

2.Crawl Stroke CAI can change traditional teaching mode , optimize teaching course, combine theory with practice more properly, improve student s participant consciousness and study enthusiasm, provide advanced and intuitionistic teaching instrument forswim teaching.《爬泳技术》CAI的运用可改变传统的教学模式,优化教学过程,它能产生出图文并茂、声色俱全,生动形象的效果,让理论与实践结合地更恰当,提高了学生的参与意识和学习积极性,为游泳教学提供了先进直观的教学手段,弥补了传统教学的不足,因此,在军事体育教育专业术课教学中应加强和更新多媒体教学设备的建设,加快CAI软件的应用及普及。

5)teaching materials of swimming游泳教材

6)He taught swimming.他教游泳。


