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游泳课 swimming class英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-25 05:42:54


游泳课 swimming class英语短句 例句大全

游泳课,swimming class

1)swimming class游泳课

1.This paper discusses psychological training inswimming classes for beginners and analyzes the result of the study which shows that psychological training contributes to arousing the swimming enthusiasm of students and overcoming their psychological fear of water.目前在普通高校游泳课教学研究中,比较注重对游泳技术的教学研究,而忽视游泳教学心理训练的研究。

2.With reform of the physical education course in university, theswimming class has gotten more and more attentions.随着高校体育课程的改革,游泳课也越来越得到重视,同时其安全问题也受到广大教育工作者及家长的高度重视。

3.Since the hours forswimming class are limited and there are relatively many students in the class, we put forward to adjust system of teaching content and stress on applying modern educational technology and changing “maintainable study” into “creative study”; innovate teaching methods by sepa.采用文献资料、教学实验、逻辑分析法对普通高校游泳课“课内外一体化”教学模式实践过程的效果进行综合分析,根据游泳课学时有限,学生较多的状况,提出了教学内容体系的调整,注重理论课中现代教育技术的运用,从“维持性学习”到“创新性学习”的转变;教学过程中采用层次分班,教学方法的创新,在早操、课外活动中开设辅导班,纳入到体育教学的统一管理之中,确立结构制评定考试成绩。


1.but felt extremely nervous in swimming class.可上游泳课却极度紧张。

2.I forgot to bring my bathing suit for my swimming lesson.我忘了带游泳课要用的泳装了。

3.Experimental Research on lmproving the Breaststroke Teaching Quality of Higher Education by Using Marking Method;运用蛙泳评分方法提高普通高校游泳课蛙泳教学质量的实验研究

4.They go to swimming class on Monday and Friday.他们星期一和星期五要去上游泳课.

5.Well, I"m planning to take a swimming class for a month.哦,我计划上一个月的游泳课。

6.She arranged for her son to take swimming lessons during the summer vacation.她安排儿子暑假上游泳课.

7.Psychological Training for Undergraduates in Swimming Classes;普通高校游泳课实施心理训练的研究


9.The Analysis on the features of Swimming Movement Demonstrations in Different Teaching Stages;动作示范在游泳课各教学阶段的运用

10.Study of "Separate Class Teaching" for Swimming Teaching in College;普通高校游泳课“分层次教学”的研究

11.Study of Teaching Mode of“Integration of in-and-out of Class”for Swimming Teaching in Colleges;普通高校游泳课“课内外一体化”教学模式的研究

12.One day, he called the boy aside after the swimming lesson and said to him,一天,游泳课后,他把那男孩叫到一边,对他说:

13.Have you finally decided to ask out that cute girl in your swimming class?你终于决定约游泳课那位可爱姑娘出来??

14.I"d made sure you"d played hookey and been a-swimming.我看你旷课去游泳了!

15.Notice for participants of Aqua Aerobics: the classes will be held at swimming pool, please dress standard swimming suits and caps.★ 参加水中有氧课程学员请于游泳池上课,并著标准泳衣泳帽。

16.The Impolder And Application Of Multi-Media Courseware For Swimming;游泳普修课多媒体课件的开发与应用

17.Swim, swimsuit and swimming pool游泳,游泳衣和在游泳池游泳

18.Analyzing the key elements of improving the swimming and health lesson,s teaching efficiency in Universities;大学游泳与健康课教学效率要素分析


swimming course游泳课程

1.A discussion of developingswimming course in general physical education in Guangdong Province;广东省高等院校公共游泳课程存在问题及解决方法的商榷

3)swimming as an optional item in physical education游泳选项课

1.Using the principles of sports psychology and in light of teaching practice in physical education,this paper suggests adopting the presentation method for teachingswimming as an optional item in physical education in regular institutions of higher education.运用运动心理学原理结合体育教学实践,提出了在普通高校游泳选项课的教学中,采用表象训练的教学方法学习游泳技术动作,提高学习效率,使学生能够更快地形成正确、清晰的技术动作表象和完整的技术概念,从而加快学习技术动作的速度。

4)re-presentation swimming course重视游泳课

5)Swimming elective course游泳选修课

6)teaching of swimming class游泳课教学


