900字范文 > 楠溪江供水工程 Nanxijiang Water Supply Works英语短句 例句大全

楠溪江供水工程 Nanxijiang Water Supply Works英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-04 11:27:38


楠溪江供水工程 Nanxijiang Water Supply Works英语短句 例句大全

楠溪江供水工程,Nanxijiang Water Supply Works

1)Nanxijiang Water Supply Works楠溪江供水工程

1.Design of Flood-period Passing for Flood Retarding Gate inNanxijiang Water Supply Works楠溪江供水工程拦河闸施工度汛方案的设计与实施


1.An Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Models of the Sluice in Nanxi River Water Supply Projects楠溪江供水工程拦河闸枢纽水工模型试验研究

2.Design of Flood-period Passing for Flood Retarding Gate in Nanxijiang Water Supply Works楠溪江供水工程拦河闸施工度汛方案的设计与实施

3.Study on Programming Scheme for Flood Control in Nanxi River, Yongjia County;永嘉县楠溪江防洪工程规划方案研究

4.Working contract mechanism in fishing resources protection in Nanxi River浙江楠溪江渔业承包机制和资源保护工作的新探索

5.Study on Engineering Geological Characteristics of the Anti-sliding Stability of Side Fractural Plane of Dam Abutment of Xiluodu Hydropower Station,Jinsha River;金沙江溪洛渡水电站工程坝肩抗滑稳定侧裂面工程地质性状研究

6.The Research of the Risk Management in "Zhougongshan Nanshuige" Hotel Project;周公山楠水阁酒店工程项目风险管理研究

7.Research on the Typical Central Space of Traditional Settlement in Nanxi River Region by Liming Huang;楠溪江传统民居聚落典型中心空间研究

8.The Impact of Intelligentsia Culture on the Space Principle of the Ancient Villages of Nanxi River Basin;士文化对楠溪江古村落空间营造法则的影响

9.Exploration and Analysis on the Protection and Exploitation Strategies for Linkeng Ancient Village in Upper Reaches of Nanxi River;楠溪江上游林坑古村落保护和开发策略探析

10.The Protection and Utilization of SceneryResources in the Spot of Nanxi River;浅议楠溪江风景名胜区资源保护与利用

11.Study on Project Post Evaluation: Exampled by Xiaoshunjiang Water Project;小舜江供水工程建设项目后评价研究

12.Handling Patterns of Goods & Materials of Jiangpinghe Hydropower Station;江坪河水电站工程物资供应管理方式

13.A brief introduction about the automation system for Xixi Ship-lock of Chaozhou Water Supply Project is given herein.介绍了潮州供水枢纽工程西溪船闸综合自动化系统的概况。

14.Study on Leisure Tourism Developing of “Farming-studying Culture”--Taking “Farming-studying Culture” in Nanxijiang River Valley in Zhejiang Province as A Case;“耕读文化”的旅游开发利用研究——以浙江楠溪江流域古村落为例

15.The Economic Evaluation and Analysis for the Being-constructed Project of Water Supplying in SongJiangHe Town and Donggang Town, BaiShan City;白山市松江河镇、东岗镇供水工程项目分析

16.Analysis on stability of the area structure in the Jianjiang water supply pivotal project鉴江供水枢纽工程区域构造稳定性分析

17.You can climb the Yandang Mountain, boat on the Nanxi River, and share the special Wenzhou"s snacks.你可以爬雁荡山,在楠溪江里划船,还可以吃到独具特色的温州小吃。

18.The Interactional Relation between Farming-studying Culture and People′s Living Environment--Taking the Ancient Villages in Nanxi River Region as an Example;耕读文化与人居环境的互动关系——以楠溪江流域古村落为例


Nanxi River楠溪江

1.Preliminary Study on Ancient Village Garden atNanxi River Basin;楠溪江古乡村园林研究初探

2.The Research on the Scenic Spot Management System ofNanxi River;楠溪江风景名胜区管理体制探讨

3.Resources of Tree Species for Ecological and Ornamental Scenery alongNanxi River and Development Prospect;楠溪江生态景观树种资源与开发前景探讨

3)Nanxijiang River Valley楠溪江流域

1.Study on Leisure Tourism Developing of “Farming-studying Culture”——Taking “Farming-studying Culture” inNanxijiang River Valley in Zhejiang Province as A Case;“耕读文化”的旅游开发利用研究——以浙江楠溪江流域古村落为例

4)Xiaoshunjiang Water Project小舜江供水工程

1.Study on Project Post Evaluation: Exampled byXiaoshunjiang Water Project;小舜江供水工程建设项目后评价研究

5)The Case on packets of Nan xi Jiang楠溪江包江案

6)Nanxijiang Scenic Spot楠溪江风景区

1.The Effects of Wenzhou Segment of Zhuji-Yongjia Highway on the Physiognomy and Vegetation inNanxijiang Scenic Spot;诸永高速公路温州段对楠溪江风景区地貌与植被的影响


