900字范文 > 双桥水库供水工程 Shuangqiao water supply works zone bit英语短句 例句大全

双桥水库供水工程 Shuangqiao water supply works zone bit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-07 09:01:34


双桥水库供水工程 Shuangqiao water supply works zone bit英语短句 例句大全

双桥水库供水工程,Shuangqiao water supply works zone bit

1)Shuangqiao water supply works zone bit双桥水库供水工程


1.Analysis on Species Diversity of Herbaceous Plant in Shuangqiao Reservoir Water Supply Works Zone Bit双桥水库供水工程区草本植物群落物种多样性

2.Analysis on Community Characteristics of Woody Plant in Shuangqiao Reservoir Water Supply Works Zone Bit双桥水库供水工程建设区木本植物群落特征

3.The Report of phytoplankton in Shuangqiao Reservoir Water Supply Works Watershed六盘水市双桥水库供水工程区浮游植物调查报告

4.Analysis on the Flora of Spermatophyte in Shuangqiao Reservoir Water Supply Works Zone Bit六盘水市双桥供水工程区种子植物区系研究

5.Soil Erosion Remote Monitoring and Evaluation of Liu Panshui Shuang Qiao Reservoir六盘水双桥水库工程调查区水土流失遥感调查与监测

6.Researchs and Assessments on Ecology and Environment Quality of Shuang Qiao Reservoir六盘水双桥供水工程区生态环境质量现状调查与评价

7.A Study on the Interpretation and Pattern of Vegetational Landscape of the Shuang Qiao Reservoir Under the Support of 3S Techniques基于3S技术的双桥水库工程区植被景观解译与格局分析

8.water quality monitoring and health evaluation about water supply project of peach ditch reservoir in fuling area重庆市桃子沟水库供水工程水质监测结果评价

9.On line design for industrial water-supply in Yangwanze reservoir in Shanxi山西省阳湾则水库工业供水工程管线设计

10.Study on construction database of drawings of rural water supply engineering农村供水工程设计图集数据库的构建

11.Application of the RPMP in the Hydraulic Engineering of Shuangfeng Reservoir玻璃钢夹砂管在双峰水库输水工程中的应用

12.On Construction Technique of Intake Tower of Water Supply and Power Tunnel in Hengquan Reservoir横泉水库供水发电洞进水塔施工工艺

13.Experimental Research on Properties of SFRC30 in the Overflow Surface Modification Project of Shuangpai Reservoir;双牌水库溢流面改造工程SFRC30配合比试验研究

14.High Pressure Jet Grouting Technology in Shuangchahe Reservoir Engineering高压喷射灌浆技术在双岔河水库工程中的应用

15.The building of the reservoir is going forward without any trouble.水库建设工程进展顺利。

16.The water-supply cost is the main accounting target of the water-supply project.供水成本是供水工程的主要核算指标。

17.Analysis on Water Supply Amount and Water Price of Repaying Loan For Langdian Water Project;浪店水源工程供水量及还贷水价分析

18.Dongshen--Hong Kong Water Supply Scheme东深─香港供水工程


Shuangqiao reservoir water supply works zone bit双桥供水工程区

1.Based on field survey,specimen identification and laboratory analysis,320 species spermatophyte which belong to 241 genera,96 families have been founded inShuangqiao reservoir water supply works zone bit.根据野外科学考察、鉴定、资料整理和统计,双桥供水工程区有种子植物96科241属320种。

3)Daqiao Reservoir Project大桥水库工程

4)Shuangqiao reservoir双桥水库

1.To investigate and study on community characteristeristics of herbaceous plant inShuangqiao reservoir,village Baohua of Shuicheng county,Quadrat sampling method was used.采用样方法对水城县保华乡双桥水库工程区草本植物群落特征进行了调查研究。

2.The main result was as follows: The vegetation form inShuangqiao reservoir works area was mainly semitropics broad leaf of evergreen mixed defoliate bush forest.采用样方法对六盘水市水城县保华乡拟修建的双桥水库工程区木本植物群落特征进行了调查。

5)Mopanshan Reservoir Water Supply Project磨盘山水库供水工程

6)water supply project供水工程

1.Grey correlation analysis of relationship betweenwater supply projects and regional economic and social development;供水工程与区域经济社会发展的关联度分析

2.Application of RPMP at Tieshangangwater supply project of Beihai city;夹砂玻璃钢管在北海市铁山港区供水工程中的应用

3.Analysis and evaluation on geological condition of emergencywater supply project:Mid-route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;南水北调中线京石段应急供水工程地质条件分析与评价


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