900字范文 > 恒温箱 constant temperature box英语短句 例句大全

恒温箱 constant temperature box英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-06 10:41:48


恒温箱 constant temperature box英语短句 例句大全

恒温箱,constant temperature box

1)constant temperature box恒温箱

pared withtraditional combinedconstant temperature box,separate box has a lot of advan- tage.本文介绍一种分离式恒温箱结构及其特点,并利用系统辨识理论以及 MATLAB 中的系统辨识工具箱确定恒温箱数学模型,使用极点配置自校正 PID 控制方法控制恒温箱,控制程序采用 MALTAB 和 LabVIEW 混合编制的方法,通过反复实验,控温精度达到±0。

2.A system ofconstant temperature box measurement and control based on LabVIEW used in experiment was introduced,including the hardware build-up and software realization.介绍了开发的基于LabVIEW软件平台的恒温箱测控系统,包括其硬件组成和软件实现。


1.This is the basic operating principle of many thermostats.这是许多恒温箱的基本工作原理。

2.The Research of the High-Precision Control Theory and the System Design of Constant Temperature Box;高精度恒温箱温度控制理论研究与系统设计

3.Study on Mixed Cold-storage Delivery Technology with Cold Roll Box;采用蓄冷恒温箱实现混装的冷藏配送技术研究

4.The design of constant temperature box measurement and control system based on multi-sensor information fusion基于多传感器信息融合的恒温箱测控系统设计

5.Simulation and Verification on Air Distribution of Two Sizes of Thermostat两款恒温箱的气流组织模拟与实验验证

6.The complex of retinol acetate with β cyclodextrin and its pre mixture with sugar, table salt, and monosodium glutamate(MSG) were stored at both 25°C and 37°C for 12 weeks.将维生素A与环状糊精加合物分别置于25°C和37°C的恒温箱中,以测试其化学稳定性。

7.Methods The relative humidity in the incubators of same type were measured by nurses with the same hygrometer and recorded in the middle ten days of each month.方法 每月中旬由护士用同一个湿度表测量同一类型恒温箱的相对湿度并进行登记。

8.electric vacuum drying oven电热恒温真空干燥箱

9.convection ovenph.1. 对流加热烤箱,对流恒温烤箱

10.SDJ/W25 Constant Humidity High/Low Temperature Test ChamberSDJ/W25高低温恒湿环境试验箱

11.Design of constant temperature control system in circuit aging test chamber电路老化试验箱恒温控制系统的设计

12.The Design and Realization of Constant Temperature Incubator Shaker Controller Based on Modbus Protocol基于Modbus协议的恒温振荡培养箱控制器设计与实现


14.variable temperature cryostat可变温度低温恒温器

15.A high - temperature thermostat.高温恒温度,高温调节器

16.restoring temperature复原温度 -恒温开关的

17.operating temperature of thermostatic switch恒温开关的动作温度

18.offset temperature of thermostatic switch恒温开关的偏移温度



1.The development and experimental investigation of the miniature refrigerationthermotank;小型制冷恒温箱的研制及试验研究

2.This article presents the corresponding measures on the adjustment of samplc pressure,temperature ofthermotank,flowrate of carrier gas,length of measuring cycles and determination of keeping time of sample compositions;the influence of sampling,columns interchange,backflush and time change of compensation valvc to the measurement and analysis and the solutions to bo adopted.介绍 PGC3 0 2在线气相色相谱仪因原进口色谱柱劣化 ,换用国产色谱柱后 ,在调试过程中 ,样品压力、恒温箱温度、载气流量、测量周期长短、样品各组分保留时间的确定 ,采样、柱切、反吹、平衡阀门开关时间的改变对测量分析的影响及解决办法。

3.In this paper, a scheme of temperature control inthermotanks based on H_(∞)optimal control technique was presented.提出了基于H∞优化控制的恒温箱温度控制问题。


1.Simulation and Verification on Air Distribution of Two Sizes of Thermostat两款恒温箱的气流组织模拟与实验验证


5)constant temperature and constant humidity box恒温恒湿箱

1.The hardware and software design method of a new type ofconstant temperature and constant humidity box s monitoring and controlling system was introduced in this paper.该文介绍了新型恒温恒湿箱测控系统的硬、软件设计方法。

6)Constant Temperature Oven恒温烘箱

1.Temperature Control System ofConstant Temperature Oven based on MSP430;基于MSP430单片机的恒温烘箱温度控制系统

2.The analysis was aimed to the pros and cons about the domestic Y802 constant temperature oven used to test the reversion rate of the textile fabric.对国产Y80 2型恒温烘箱在纺织纤维回潮率测试中的优缺点进行了分析 ,指出由于Y80 2型恒温烘箱采用水银接触温度计进行温度检测与转换、采用继电 /接触器控制系统控制烘箱的升降温 ,故存在超调量过大和温度控制不精确的缺陷 。


