900字范文 > 恒温条件 constant temperature英语短句 例句大全

恒温条件 constant temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-30 02:56:10


恒温条件 constant temperature英语短句 例句大全

恒温条件,constant temperature

1)constant temperature恒温条件

1.Effects ofconstant temperature and heat shock on trehalose metabolism of Candida krusei were studied.研究了恒温条件和热冲击条件对克鲁氏假丝酵母海藻糖代谢的影响。


1.Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of Gram-level AP under the Constant Temperature Condition of 170℃170℃恒温条件下克级高氯酸铵的热分解特性

2.The photoperiodic reactions of univoltine and bivoltine Asian corn borer (ASB) Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) under alternative and constant temperature conditions were studied in Jilin Province.在变温和恒温条件下研究了吉林省的一、二化性亚洲玉米螟的光周期反应。

3.The relationship between the postemortem interval and effects of morphine on the growth stage of Lucilia sericata;恒温条件下吗啡对丝光绿蝇发育规律改变与死者死亡时间推断的相关研究

4.Experimental study on characteristic of coal"s constant temperature oxidntion at different temperature不同温度条件下煤的恒温氧化特性实验研究

5.Power Optimization of an Irreversible Closed Intercooled Regenerated Brayton Cycle Coupled to Constant-Temperature Heat Reservoirs恒温热源条件下不可逆闭式中冷回热布雷顿循环的功率优化

6.Power Density Optimization of Real Regenerated Brayton Cycles Coupled with Constant-temperature Heat Reservoirs恒温热源条件下实际回热式布雷顿循环的功率密度优化

7.Power Density Performance of an Irreversible Brayton Cycle Coupled to Constant-temperature Heat Reservoirs恒温热源条件下内不可逆布雷顿循环的功率密度特性

8.Power Density Performance of Real Regenerated Brayton Cycles Coupled to Constant-Temperature Heat Reservoirs恒温热源条件下实际回热式布雷顿循环的功率密度特性

9.Improve on Invariable Temperature Calorimeter and Study on Coal Ignition with Excessive Oxygen;恒温式氧弹仪的改进及过氧条件下煤着火性质的研究

10.Stress-strain relationship and modulus of elasticity of 16Mn steel under loading and constant temperatureQ345(16Mn)钢在恒温加载条件下的应力-应变曲线和弹性模量

11.always safe geometry【核】恒安全几何条件

mutative Conditions of Rings with Variable Identical Equation;可变恒等式条件下的环的交换性条件

13.Of or relating to an isotherm.等温线的属于或关于一条等温线或恒温线的

14.Under these conditions the conservation of energy is equivalent to the conservation of mass.在这种条件下,能量守恒和质量守恒是相等的。

15.The sensing element necessary for controlling room temperature is called a thermostat.控制室温所需要的那种传感元件称为恒温器。

16.A line drawn on a weather map or chart linking all points of equal or constant temperature.恒温线;等温线气象地图或图表上所画的一条连结同温或恒温各点的线

17.The Judgement of Identical Condition Function Property;浅谈恒等条件式函数性质的判断方法

18.The temperature and pressure condition each other.温度和压力互为条件。


conservative condition守恒条件

3)identical condition恒等条件

1.This paper talks about how to judge its relative property of abstract function in differentidentical conditions,and then gives reasonable proofs to several judgement methods,so as to reduce readers blindness in solving relevant problems.介绍了抽象函数在给出不同的恒等条件时,如何去判断其相关性质,同时对几种判定方法给出了理性的证明,从而使读者在解决相关问题时减少盲目性。

4)conservation condition守恒条件

1.In the view of the energy variation of particle system caused by external force works and non-conservatio force works which is an internal force,theconservation conditions of mechanical energy in the particle system were analyzed and P_(ext)=0,P_(int,n-cons)=0 in the particle system were proposed as theconservation conditions of mechanical energy.从一个质点系所受的外力对其所做的功和内力中的非保守力所做的功引起质点系能量的变化角度,讨论质点系的机械能守恒条件,提出机械能守恒的条件应为质点系的Pext=0,Pint,n cons=0。

5)permanent and stable conditions恒定条件

1.Taking the two cooperations for example, this article expounds that cooperation between different parties must have somepermanent and stable conditions.以两次国共合作为例 ,阐明党派合作需要具备一定的恒定条件 :第一 ,两党为实现自己的总目标都面临着一个消除民族危机 ,实现民族复兴的共同的任务 ;第二 ,这个共同的任务单靠任何一党的力量都是难于单独完成的。

6)constant current conditions恒流条件


