900字范文 > 蛋白质结合 protein binding英语短句 例句大全

蛋白质结合 protein binding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-11 01:38:04


蛋白质结合 protein binding英语短句 例句大全

蛋白质结合,protein binding

1)protein binding蛋白质结合

1.The plasmaprotein binding rate was calculated by the equation: B%=[(ct-cf)/ct]×100%.目的:建立人血浆中野黄芩苷的检测方法,测定野黄芩苷的蛋白质结合率。


petitive protein-binding technique竞争性蛋白质结合技术

2.Results: 1) 58.7% of total Se was bound to proteins in Se-enriched S.P .结果 :蛋白质结合的硒占藻体总硒的 58.7% ;

3.Reaction of Tetracarboxy Aluminum Phthalocyanine with Protein and Its Application to Detection of Protein;四羧基铝酞菁与蛋白质结合反应及其在测定蛋白质中的应用

4.dna binding proteindna 结合蛋白质

5.abnormality of cortisol-binding globulin皮质醇结合球蛋白异常

6.Conjugates of protein and lipid occur as lipoproteins.蛋白质和脂肪结合产生脂蛋白。

7.Conjugates of proteins with carbohydrate are termed glycoproteins.蛋白质和碳水化合物的结合物称为糖蛋白。

8.Histones are a group of proteins that are associated with chromosomes.组蛋白是一类结合在染色体上的蛋白质。

9.Electrophoretic analysis of protein and CaBP in cattle bile牛胆汁中蛋白质种类及钙结合蛋白的电泳分析

10.a conjugated protein having a carbohydrate component.含有碳水化合物的结合蛋白质。

11.Trichosathin Interacts with Ribosomal Protein L10a and Plasma Membrane Proteins;天花粉蛋白与核糖体蛋白L10a及细胞质膜蛋白的结合研究

12.Proteomic Analysis of a Candidate Tumor Suppressor Protein 14-3-3σ Associated Protein in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma食管鳞癌中候选抑癌蛋白14-3-3σ结合蛋白的蛋白质组研究

13.a protein that combines with a coenzyme to form an active enzyme.和辅酶结合构成活性酶的蛋白质。

14.In addition, growth hormone can attach to binding proteins.另外,生长激素可以粘附结合蛋白质。

15.A detectable signal is emitted from the DNA spots where the proteins bind.探测信号排出的蛋白质的DNA结合点.

16.The binding reaction of the dye titan yellow with proteins have been studied.研究了达旦黄与蛋白质的结合反应.

17.Study on the DNA-binding Properties of Zinc Finger Protein 191;锌指蛋白Zfp191的DNA结合性质研究

18.Prediction of protein folding based on hybrid optimization strategy混合优化策略的蛋白质折叠结构预测


coniugated protein结合蛋白质

3)calmodulin-binding proteins钙调蛋白结合蛋白质类

4)RNA-binding protein FUSRNA结合蛋白质FUS

5)calcium-binding proteins钙结合蛋白质类

6)albumin-bound solute蛋白结合溶质


蛋白质结合碘分子式:CAS号:性质:血液中的碘是以蛋白质结合的形式存在,包括约1/2至2/3的T4和T3是同血浆蛋白甲状腺素结合球蛋白(TBG)和甲状腺素结合前清蛋白(TBPA)结合;TBG是分子量为50 000的糖蛋白,对T4和T3的亲和力是TBPA的100倍,结合容量为20μg/dl血浆,在正常情况下血浆中的T4和T3几乎全部以非共价结合在TBG上,仅少量未结合的具有生物学活性。测定血液中PBI用以估量血循环中甲状腺激素的浓度,正常人血清中PBI浓度为276~550nmol/L。
