900字范文 > GTP结合蛋白质类 GTP-binding proteins英语短句 例句大全

GTP结合蛋白质类 GTP-binding proteins英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-07 14:17:07


GTP结合蛋白质类 GTP-binding proteins英语短句 例句大全

GTP结合蛋白质类,GTP-binding proteins

1)GTP-binding proteinsGTP结合蛋白质类

2)GTP binding proteins/genetGTP结合蛋白质类/遗传学

3)rac1 GTP-binding proteinrac1 GTP结合蛋白质

4)GTP-binding proteinGTP结合蛋白


1.Screening and Identification of the Gene ATP/GTP Binding Protein 1 Related to Gastric Cancer;胃癌相关的ATP/GTP结合蛋白1基因的筛选和鉴定

2.single-stranded DNA binding protei单链DNA结合蛋白

3.dna binding proteindna 结合蛋白质

4.Functional Analysis of Two Putative Rho GTPase Activating Proteins in Magnaporthe Grisea稻瘟病菌两个假定的Rho GTP酶激活蛋白的功能研究

5.thyroxine-binding prealbumi甲状腺素结合前白蛋白

6.Conjugates of protein and lipid occur as lipoproteins.蛋白质和脂肪结合产生脂蛋白。

7.Identification of U5-116 Protein as Specific Interaction Protein of p100 Proteinp100蛋白与U5-116蛋白的相互结合作用

8.cell-bound immunoglobulin细胞结合免疫球蛋白

9.testosterone-estradiol binding globulin睾酮-雌二醇结合球蛋白

petitive protein-binding technique竞争性蛋白质结合技术

11.thyroxine-binding globulin甲状腺素结合球蛋白

12.abnormality of cortisol-binding globulin皮质醇结合球蛋白异常

13.Glycoprotein A conjugated protein formed by the combination of a protein with carbohydrate side chains.糖蛋白:是将蛋白与糖基侧链结合形成的一种结合蛋白。

14.Expression and purification of fusion protein containing the segment of glycoprotein G of RSV and the serum albumin-binding region of streptococcal protein G(BB)SPG血清白蛋白结合区和RSV的G蛋白片段融合蛋白的构建和表达

15.Conjugates of proteins with carbohydrate are termed glycoproteins.蛋白质和碳水化合物的结合物称为糖蛋白。

16.Plasma protein binding ratio of ORC was found to be 10 5% at the concentration range of 50~200 μg·ml -1 . CONCLUSION: ORC is well absorbed when given orally and rapidly eliminated via the urine.蛋白结合率低,平均结合率为10?5%。

17.Histones are a group of proteins that are associated with chromosomes.组蛋白是一类结合在染色体上的蛋白质。

18.Identification and Functional Characterization of Telomere Associated Centrosomal Protein 1(TACP1);一个与端粒结合蛋白TRF1相互作用的新蛋白


GTP binding proteins/genetGTP结合蛋白质类/遗传学

3)rac1 GTP-binding proteinrac1 GTP结合蛋白质

4)GTP-binding proteinGTP结合蛋白

5)heterotrimeric GTP binding proteins异源三聚体GTP结合蛋白质类

6)GTP-binding protein regulatorsGTP结合蛋白质调节剂


蛋白质结合碘分子式:CAS号:性质:血液中的碘是以蛋白质结合的形式存在,包括约1/2至2/3的T4和T3是同血浆蛋白甲状腺素结合球蛋白(TBG)和甲状腺素结合前清蛋白(TBPA)结合;TBG是分子量为50 000的糖蛋白,对T4和T3的亲和力是TBPA的100倍,结合容量为20μg/dl血浆,在正常情况下血浆中的T4和T3几乎全部以非共价结合在TBG上,仅少量未结合的具有生物学活性。测定血液中PBI用以估量血循环中甲状腺激素的浓度,正常人血清中PBI浓度为276~550nmol/L。
