900字范文 > 高层堆积 High-level accumulate英语短句 例句大全

高层堆积 High-level accumulate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-04 09:27:28


高层堆积 High-level accumulate英语短句 例句大全

高层堆积,High-level accumulate

1)High-level accumulate高层堆积

2)BHLF Basic High Layer Function基础高堆积层功能

3)interlayer packing隔层堆积

4)Slope deposit layer坡堆积层

5)layered deposit地层堆积

1.This paper discusses the concepts oflayered deposit,ash pit and interface and the way to deal with those archaeological features in digging and recording.本文详细探讨了地层堆积、灰坑和界面等遗迹现象的概念、形成过程、方式、年代,以及相应的考古发掘清理和记录方法。

6)Delamination deposit分层堆积


1.layer lime and garden clippings to make compost把石灰和修剪下的枝叶分层堆积做堆肥

2.A piled-up mass, as of snow or clouds.堆积,层云雪等堆积起来的团块

3.Study on the Stability and Remedical Measures of Deposit Landslide on the Exit of Nanyuegou Chasm Tunnel;南约沟隧道出口堆积层滑坡稳定性分析及防治

4.leaves at the base of the trees树下堆积的厚层落叶

5.Snow accumulated on the ground.地上堆积了一层雪。

6.All closed-packed arrangements are built by stacking of close-packed layers of the type.所有密堆积排列都是由密堆积层排列而成的。

7.Where, following an abnormal condition, the removal of dust accumulations or layers cannot be assured, then the area is to be classified zone21.如果不能保证排除可燃性粉尘堆积或粉尘层时,则应划分为21区。

8.To be in a heap or pile, as leaves for decomposition or fermentation.使成堆成堆或团,例如树叶堆积起来分解或发酵

9.Thus, there is a built-in tendency towards the accumulation of sand/mud laminae.因此,有一种堆积砂泥纹层的内在趋势。

10.Searching for Slip Surface and Stability Analysis of Colluvial Slope堆积层滑坡滑动面搜寻及稳定性评价

11.A pile, mound, or heap.一堆,一垛,堆积物

12.Seepage Parameter Selection and Three-dimensional Seepage Inverse Analysis for Lixigou High Stack Dam高堆尾矿坝堆积特性及三维渗流数值分析研究

13.Fat deposits were laid down.脂肪堆积物堆积起来。

14.Analysis on the Regularities of the Distribution and Accumulating Sequence of Pingguo Karst Accumulated Bauxite--Taking Jiaomei Orefield as the Example平果岩溶堆积铝土矿堆积序列和分布规律探析——以教美矿区为例

15.Study on Storey Dynamic Control of Laser 3D Deposition Process Based on PMAC基于PMAC的激光三维堆积层高随动控制研究

16.Magnetostratigraphy and Origin of the Red Earth Formation in Jiujiang City of Jiangxi Province China江西九江红土堆积的磁性地层学及其成因研究

17.an undigested mass of facts gathered at random.随意堆积的未充分理解的事实。

18.Determination of bulk density for molecular sieveGB/T6286-1986分子筛堆积密度测定方法


BHLF Basic High Layer Function基础高堆积层功能

3)interlayer packing隔层堆积

4)Slope deposit layer坡堆积层

5)layered deposit地层堆积

1.This paper discusses the concepts oflayered deposit,ash pit and interface and the way to deal with those archaeological features in digging and recording.本文详细探讨了地层堆积、灰坑和界面等遗迹现象的概念、形成过程、方式、年代,以及相应的考古发掘清理和记录方法。

6)Delamination deposit分层堆积


高层①(楼房等)层数多的:~住宅丨 ~建筑。②居于上层的:~岗位丨~领导丨~人物。
