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堆积 accumulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-09 02:03:42


堆积 accumulation英语短句 例句大全



1.Numenical simulation for main factors influencing theaccumulation shape of debris flow;泥石流堆积形态影响要素的数值模拟

2.Accumulation Intention in Cao Yu"s Theatrical Works大小舞台上的人生凝聚——论曹禺戏剧中的“堆积”意向

3.Excessiveaccumulation greatly affects the vacuum in evaporation system,which aill cause abnormal operation of desorption system.缩二脲为白色固体,难溶于水,熔点高达190℃,在尿素合成以及尿素溶液浓缩蒸发过程中产生的缩二脲会大量堆积在蒸发器的上部,当缩二脲堆积过多时会严重影响蒸发系统真空度,挤压设备,不易被清理,也会造成水解解吸系统无法正常运行。


1.A pile, mound, or heap.一堆,一垛,堆积物

2.Fat deposits were laid down.脂肪堆积物堆积起来。

3.void space in packing system(晶体)堆积中空位

4.A piled-up mass, as of snow or clouds.堆积,层云雪等堆积起来的团块

5.To be in a heap or pile, as leaves for decomposition or fermentation.使成堆成堆或团,例如树叶堆积起来分解或发酵

6.Ink piling: Build up of ink on offset blanket.堆墨:油墨堆积于胶布上的情况。

7.The snow heaped up against the walls.雪靠着墙堆积如山。

8.His notes already made a formidable range of volumes.他的笔记本已堆积如山。

9.leaves at the base of the trees树下堆积的厚层落叶

10.sandbag a rising river在水涨的河里堆积沙袋

11.The snow piled high in the mountain road.雪在山路上堆积得很厚。

12.They are stockpiled in the cytoplasm.它们堆积在细胞质中。

13.The snow lay thick on the ground.雪厚厚地堆积在地上。

14.The wind banked the snow up against the wall.风使雪堆积在墙脚下。

15.because then it will go bad when one piles it up.因为堆积起来后,会发霉。

16.Snow piled against the fences.雪在篱笆边堆积起来。

17.Snow accumulated to a depth of five feet.雪堆积达5 英尺深。

18.The old snow has compacted into the hardness of ice.雪堆积日久而凝固如冰。



1.Parameter evaluation of deposition in terms of debris-flow surges;根据阵流估计泥石流堆积参数

2.Sediment sorting in deposition process of debris flow;多组分流元模型在稀性泥石流堆积分选特征研究中的应用

3.Debris flow has been observed to start its deposition at the front of the surge, with consequent piling up in ways of randomness.野外观测和实验证明,泥石流的堆积是经过无数随机的"元堆积"叠加形成的。


1.The simulation sea-ice climb-up and pile-up process on semicircle breakwater;半圆型防波堤前海冰堆积模拟

2.For three ice pile-ups,Samdwich structures inside and s.1月在辽东湾盘锦市附近的海滨进行了堆积冰表面形态的现场调查。


1.Thepacking of mineral admixture and concrete s dense positive-fill mix proportion design;矿质混合料堆积与混凝土致密正填配合比设计

2.The relationship between thepacking behavior and particle size distributions of binary mixtures of inorganic fillers used in dental composite resins was studied.通过测定用作牙科复合树脂中无机填料的粉体的振实密度 ,使用Mathematica和SAS/STAT软件 ,用统计学的方法得到了双组分粉体混合物的粒度分布与堆积体比容之间关系的经验公式。


1.This paper introduces the methods of creation of the double hash function, proves it has Θ(m 2) probing sequences, concludes that the clustering will seldom happen when collision is solved through using double hash function and analyzes its searching quality.介绍了双重散列函数的构造方法 ;证明了其探测序列有Θ(m2 )种并指出双重散列处理冲突时堆积很少产生 ;分析了双重散列函数的查找性

2.This paper points out the disadvantages of the three methods,intro-duces the methods of construction of the double hash function,proves it hasΘ(m 2 )probing sequences and concludes that the clustering will seldom happen when collision is solved through using double hash function.开放地址法是散列表中处理冲突的常用方法,它的三种基本实现方式是线性探测、二次探测及随机探测,文章指出了这三种方式的不足;介绍了双重散列函数的构造方法并证明了其探测序列有Θ(m2)种;对双重散列处理碰撞时堆积很少产生进行了分析。



