900字范文 > 制造资源能力 manufacture resource capability英语短句 例句大全

制造资源能力 manufacture resource capability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-13 02:03:17


制造资源能力 manufacture resource capability英语短句 例句大全

制造资源能力,manufacture resource capability

1)manufacture resource capability制造资源能力


1.Matching capability degree of manufacturing resource capability and manufacturing process constraint制造资源能力与制造工艺约束的匹配度研究

2.Research on the method of the manufacturing resource capability computing based on the manufacturing unites基于制造单元的车间制造资源能力计算方法研究

3.Study on Resource Allocation Model for Enhancing Independent Innovation Ability of China s Manufacturing Industry;提高我国制造业自主创新能力的资源分配模式研究

4.An Empirical Research on the Relationships between IT Resources and E-business Capabilities in Manufacturing Enterprises制造企业IT资源与电子商务能力关联效应的实证研究

5.Research on the Human Resource Motivation of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry;装备制造业人力资源的激励问题研究

6.Discussion of the System Recreation on HRM in Private Enterprises;民营企业人力资源管理制度再造探讨

7.Taking Human Resources as a Kernel to Composite a Succession System for Power Construction;以人力资源为核心 构造电建梯型体制

8.Resources and Environmental Regulation and the Competitiveness of China"s Paper Industry资源环境管制与我国造纸工业竞争力

9.A Study on HR Staffs Competence Model of Manufacturing Companies;制造型企业人力资源管理者胜任力模型研究

10.Empirical Study on the Relation of AMT and Innovation Ability Based on the theory of Human Resource Management人力资源管理视角下AMT应用与创新能力关系的实证研究——以江苏制造业为例

11.The Mechanism between Committed HR(Human Resource) Practices and Innovation Performance--The Mediating Role of Knowledge Creation Capacity承诺型人力资源实践与创新绩效的作用机制——知识创造能力的中介作用

12.The problem of human resources for Qingdao to build manufacturing base--survey of human resources of Qingdao manufacturing;青岛市建设制造业基地的人力资源问题——青岛市制造业人力资源现状调查

13.Study on the Competitiveness of the Manufacturing Industrial Cluster: Based on RIBV;基于资源整合理论的制造业集群竞争力的研究

14.Research on HR Supply & Demand Problem of Changzhou Manufacture;常州市制造业发展的人力资源供需问题研究

15.Analysis and Demand Forecasting of Human Resources of Shandong Manufacturing Industry;山东省制造业人力资源需求量预测与分析

16.Current Situation and Demand Forcasting of Human Resources in Shandong Manufacturing Industry After Reform and Open Policy;山东省制造业人力资源现状及需求预测

17.On the Link between Chemical Vocational Education and the Human Resources of the Manufacturing Industries in Jiangsu Province;论化工职业教育与江苏制造业人力资源的链接

18.A research on integration of human resource management and manufacturing strategy’s competitive priorities;人力资源管理与制造战略竞争优势的整合研究


Resource Modeling Oriented Generalized Manufacturing Capability广义制造能力资源模型

1.Resource Modeling Oriented Generalized Manufacturing Capability;制造资源网络协同环境下广义制造能力资源模型研究

3)manufacturing resources制造资源

1.Research on scheduling management system formanufacturing resources in shops based on multi-agent system;基于多代理机制的车间制造资源调度管理系统的研究

2.The research and realization ofmanufacturing resources integration platform based on dynamic classification;基于动态分类的制造资源集成平台的研究及实现

3.Research of Manufacturing Resources Modeling in Rapid Proliferating Manufacturing Mode;快速扩散制造模式下制造资源模型研究

4)manufacture resources制造资源

1.A survey of automatic identification technology on work-in-process andmanufacture resources in mechanical manufacturing;机械制造业在制品及其制造资源的自动识别技术研究综述

2.From the perspective of sustainable development strategy,this paper analyses the present conditions of environment and resources of china and points to the urgency of enhancingmanufacture resources utilization ratio.从可持续发展战略出发 ,分析了我国环境和资源现状及提高制造资源利用率的紧迫性 ,并从国家立法、政策导向、企业管理、产品设计、社会环境资源意识等方面提出了提高制造资源利用率的途径。

3.Themanufacture resources is the base of the ASP-based customerization services, and the evaluating and selecting ofmanufacture resources is the key problem of the ASP-based product customerization platform.制造资源是基于ASP的客户化定制服务的基础 ,制造资源的评估与选择是平台实现的关键问题。

5)Manufacture resource制造资源

1.In the paper,the manufacture resource evaluating model facing to equipment biding was studied,and a two-stage decision model of selecting manufacture resources was presented.本文研究了面向设备招标的制造资源评价指标体系,提出了制造资源选择的两级评价模型,给出了定量指标值与评分等级对应关系的计算方法,并借助层次分析法实现了制造资源的优化选择。

2.On the base of analysing manufacture resource information, by using object\|oriented method, the structure forms and their relationships of manufacture resource are studied, and the structure model of manufacture resource is established, which lays a foundation for forming manufacture resource and process knowledge, as well as process data base.在分析制造资源信息构成的基础上 ,应用面向对象 (O -O)的技术 ,研究制造资源的结构形式及其相互关系 ,建立了面向对象的制造资源结构模型 ,为建立制造资源类库乃至工艺知识和工艺数据库奠定了良好的基础 ,并对制造资源与生产规划调度 (PPS)的关系模型进行了研究 。

6)manufacturing resource制造资源

1.Research on Process Decision Making Based on Dynamic Manufacturing Resource Information;基于动态制造资源信息的工艺决策研究

2.Unifiedmanufacturing resource model framework based on meta-model;基于元模型的统一制造资源模型框架

3.Webmanufacturing resource services for networked cooperative product development;面向产品开发的网络化制造资源服务研究


