900字范文 > 制造资源选择 Manufacturing Resources Decision英语短句 例句大全

制造资源选择 Manufacturing Resources Decision英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-17 04:51:32


制造资源选择 Manufacturing Resources Decision英语短句 例句大全

制造资源选择,Manufacturing Resources Decision

1)Manufacturing Resources Decision制造资源选择

1.Conjugate-wavelet-network-basedManufacturing Resources Decision in Mass Customization Synergic Production;基于共轭小波网络的大规模定制协同生产制造资源选择决策


1.Manufacturing resource selection technology based on rapid extended manufacturing environment快速扩散制造环境下制造资源选择技术研究

2.Conjugate-wavelet-network-based Manufacturing Resources Decision in Mass Customization Synergic Production基于共轭小波网络的大规模定制协同生产制造资源选择决策

3.Modeling and Optimal Selection of Manufacturing Resources Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process基于AHP的制造资源建模与优化选择

4.Research on Resources Selecting and Production Scheduling in Networked Manufacturing Floor Shop;网络化制造车间的资源选择与生产调度研究

5.Research on Share and Optimized Selection of Enterprise-Group-Oriented Manufacture Resources;面向企业集团的制造资源共享及优化选择研究

6.Analysis of The Routing of The Resource Reengineer And Endogenetic Mechanisms--An Rural Able-person s Point of View on the New Rural Construction;资源再造和内源性机制形成的路径选择——新农村建设的能人视角

7.Genetic algorithm model of manufacturing resource services selection under Web service platformWeb服务平台下基于遗传算法的制造资源服务选择

8.Study on the Entrepreneurial Resources Combination Strategies and Means Based on Rents Creation Mechanism创业资源整合的战略选择和实现手段——基于租金创造机制视角

9.Prototype selection of customized development process based on open source software开源软件定制改造过程中的原型选择

10.Research on Innovation of Water Administration Institution and Orientation of Policies;水资源管理制度创新与政策选择研究

11.Progress Mechanism of Resource-saving Techniques and Its Choice and Development;资源节约技术进步机制的选择与培育

12.The Market Mechanisms of Resource Allocation and Our Choice of Economic Theories;市场资源配置机制与经济理论的选择

13.Perspective Control of Listed Companies Outside Source of Financing Choices控制权视角下上市公司外源融资选择

14.Expiore the Featnrts of Multiple Choice and Develop Students Creative Thinking开发选择题特征资源 培养学生创造性思维

15.Research on Foreign Direct Investment Mode Selection of China s Manufacturing Enterprises;我国制造企业对外直接投资模式选择研究

16.A Study on the Evaluation Method for Selecting Advanced Manufacturing Technology Investment Project Alteratives;先进制造技术投资项目方案选择评价方法研究

17.Research on Location Choice of Transnational Corporations Manufacturing Investment in China;跨国公司在华制造业投资的区位选择研究

18.A Multi-Objective Generalized Investment-Efficiency Model for Selecting Advanced Manufacturing Technology;先进制造技术选择的多目标广义投资效率模型


resource selection资源选择

1.Gridresource selection based on preference-based fuzzy clustering;基于应用偏好模糊聚类的网格资源选择

2.QoS-based gridresource selection optimization model;一种基于QoS的网格资源选择优化模型

3.Gridresource selection algorithm based on Tabu search and genetic;基于遗传禁忌搜索的网格资源选择算法

3)Selecting potential targets选择壳资源

4)manufacturing resources制造资源

1.Research on scheduling management system formanufacturing resources in shops based on multi-agent system;基于多代理机制的车间制造资源调度管理系统的研究

2.The research and realization ofmanufacturing resources integration platform based on dynamic classification;基于动态分类的制造资源集成平台的研究及实现

3.Research of Manufacturing Resources Modeling in Rapid Proliferating Manufacturing Mode;快速扩散制造模式下制造资源模型研究

5)manufacture resources制造资源

1.A survey of automatic identification technology on work-in-process andmanufacture resources in mechanical manufacturing;机械制造业在制品及其制造资源的自动识别技术研究综述

2.From the perspective of sustainable development strategy,this paper analyses the present conditions of environment and resources of china and points to the urgency of enhancingmanufacture resources utilization ratio.从可持续发展战略出发 ,分析了我国环境和资源现状及提高制造资源利用率的紧迫性 ,并从国家立法、政策导向、企业管理、产品设计、社会环境资源意识等方面提出了提高制造资源利用率的途径。

3.Themanufacture resources is the base of the ASP-based customerization services, and the evaluating and selecting ofmanufacture resources is the key problem of the ASP-based product customerization platform.制造资源是基于ASP的客户化定制服务的基础 ,制造资源的评估与选择是平台实现的关键问题。

6)Manufacture resource制造资源

1.In the paper,the manufacture resource evaluating model facing to equipment biding was studied,and a two-stage decision model of selecting manufacture resources was presented.本文研究了面向设备招标的制造资源评价指标体系,提出了制造资源选择的两级评价模型,给出了定量指标值与评分等级对应关系的计算方法,并借助层次分析法实现了制造资源的优化选择。

2.On the base of analysing manufacture resource information, by using object\|oriented method, the structure forms and their relationships of manufacture resource are studied, and the structure model of manufacture resource is established, which lays a foundation for forming manufacture resource and process knowledge, as well as process data base.在分析制造资源信息构成的基础上 ,应用面向对象 (O -O)的技术 ,研究制造资源的结构形式及其相互关系 ,建立了面向对象的制造资源结构模型 ,为建立制造资源类库乃至工艺知识和工艺数据库奠定了良好的基础 ,并对制造资源与生产规划调度 (PPS)的关系模型进行了研究 。


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
