900字范文 > 青春期大鼠 adolescent rat英语短句 例句大全

青春期大鼠 adolescent rat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-19 08:25:36


青春期大鼠 adolescent rat英语短句 例句大全

青春期大鼠,adolescent rat

1)adolescent rat青春期大鼠

1.The creation of experimental varicocele model inadolescent rats and its effect on the testis;青春期大鼠实验性精索静脉曲张模型的建立及其对睾丸的影响

2.Effects of alcohol treatment on the expression of BDNF and TrkB in CA1 area of hippocampus inadolescent rat酒精处理影响青春期大鼠海马CA1区BDNF和TrkB的表达


1.Experimental Study on the Inhibition on the HPG Axis of Pubertal Rats by Arnebia;紫草抑制青春期大鼠性腺轴功能的实验研究

2.Prepubertal Rats Exposed to Estrogens Can Reduce the NF-κB P65 Expression in Mammary Cancers青春期大鼠接触雌激素下调乳腺癌中NF-κBP65表达

3.Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Leptin of Adolescent Rat睡眠剥夺对青春期大鼠瘦素水平的影响

4.Effects of sleep deprivation on sex hormones in adolescent rats睡眠剥夺对青春期大鼠性激素水平的影响

5.Effect of experimental varicocele on androgen receptor in epididymis of adolescent rats青春期大鼠实验性精索静脉曲张对附睾雄激素受体的影响

6.Effect of Varicocele on Expression of HIF-1A、VEGF and Bax in Germ Cells of Adolescent Rats;精索静脉曲张对青春期大鼠睾丸生精细胞HIF-1α、VEGF、Bax表达的影响

7.Experimental Study of the Apoptosis of Germ Cell in Adolescent Rats with Varicocele;青春期大鼠精索静脉曲张生精细胞凋亡的实验研究

8.Weaker Masticatory Muscles Affects Temporomandibular Joint Synovitis Induced by Increase of Occlusal Vertical Dimension in Adolescent Rats咀嚼力降低状态下升高咬合对青春期大鼠颞下颌关节滑膜的影响

9.Effects of alcohol treatment on the expression of BDNF and TrkB in CA1 area of hippocampus in adolescent rat酒精处理影响青春期大鼠海马CA1区BDNF和TrkB的表达

10.Study of the Effect of Occlusal Vertical Rising on the Condylar Cartilage Histological Featuers and the Expression of PCNA and BMP-2 in Adolescent Rats;咬合升高对青春期大鼠髁突软骨组织学形态及PCNA、BMP-2表达影响的实验研究

11.Effect of Varicocele on Expression of Apoptosis Gene Bcl-2 and Bax in Germ Cell of Adolescent Rats;精索静脉曲张对青春期大鼠生精细胞凋亡基因Bcl-2和Bax表达的影响

12.The Study of Morphological Change, Apoptosis and Expression of Associated Genes of the Prostate Tissue and Hormones in the Experimental Diabetes Rats;糖尿病对青春期大鼠前列腺的影响及相关基因的表达及激素变化的意义

13.Effect of Neizhang Pill on Adolescent Polycystic Ovary Rats;内障丸对青春期多囊卵巢大鼠的影响

14.The Effects of Dietary-induced Obesity on the Development of Testis and Its Mechanism in Pubertal Rats;青春期营养性肥胖对大鼠睾丸发育的影响及机制探讨

15.Expression of Fas and FasL in the Contralateral Testis after the Unilateral Testicular Torsion in SD Rat at Puberty;青春期SD大鼠单侧睾丸扭转后FAS/FASL系统变化的研究

16.Effect of Rou Zhang Pills on Apoptosis Factor Bcl-2 and Bax of Ovarian Granulosa Cells in Adolescent PCOS Rats内障丸对青春期PCOS大鼠卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡因子Bcl-2及Bax的影响

17.Effects of p,p"-DDE on Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Testis of Prepubertal Male Ratsp,p’-DDE对青春前期大鼠睾丸组织氧化应激及凋亡的影响

18.on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents,使青春期的孩子大为震惊,


pubertal male rats青春期雄性大鼠

3)Prepubertal rat青春期前大鼠

4)Puberty mouse青春期小鼠

5)Pubescent females青春期雌鼠

6)Improvement of Rat PCOS-IR Model/Insulin Resistance改良青春期Pcos-IR大鼠模型/胰岛素抵抗


男性青春期乳房发育男性青春期乳房发育puberty gynecomastia男性青春期乳房增大多为生理性,因雄激素和雌激素的分泌不平衡,或乳房组织对雌激素敏感增加所致。增大的乳腺组织多不超过3cm,可有不对称或轻度疼痛持续2~3年回缩而消失。如继续增大或发生于任何年龄的乳房增大则为病理性的男性乳房发育,可由先天或后天性的睾丸疾患或肿瘤致睾酮产生不足或缺乏、雌激素产生过多或雌激素类药物影响等引起。在排除睾丸、肾上腺肿瘤同时,应注意患儿营养、性征发育、乳房增大与肥胖组织的鉴别。24小时尿测雌二醇/睾酮的比值增高可助诊。首先予以精神支持,解除顾虑或睾酮衍生物治疗,必要时手术切除乳房组织。
