900字范文 > 青春期女性 adolescent female英语短句 例句大全

青春期女性 adolescent female英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-29 20:49:13


青春期女性 adolescent female英语短句 例句大全

青春期女性,adolescent female

1)adolescent female青春期女性

1.The level ofadolescent female peak bone amount relates with non-biomechanical factors and biomechanical factors.青春期女性骨量峰值的高低与非生物力学因素和生物力学因素有关。


1.The Analysis of Premenstrual Tension of Adolescence Female青春期女性经前紧张综合征临床分析

2.The study of the relationship between female BDD in puberty and mental response青春期女性体象障碍与心理反应关系的研究

3.Analysis of the psychology or behavior problems and the behavior character of female adolescent;青春期女性心理行为问题表现特征分析

4.An investigation and analysis on 2523 adolescent women s mental health;青春期女性心理健康状况2523例调查分析

5.Correlation of Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adolescent Girls青春期女性幽门螺杆菌感染与缺铁性贫血相关性研究

6.The Effect of the Obesity on the Cardiopulmonary Function and the Exercise Capability of the Female Adolescents Aged 13 Years Old;肥胖对13岁青春期女性少年心肺功能和运动能力的影响

7.Study of cervical vertebral bone age on adolescent girls" mandibular growth prediction颈椎骨龄系统预测青春期女性下颌骨生长发育的研究

8.Soft Tissue Changes in Adolescent Female after Extraction Treatment in Class Ⅱ Malocclusion青春期女性Ⅱ类错患者拔牙矫治后颅面软组织侧貌的变化

9.Prevalence of Anemia and Its Correlated Factors Among Female Adolescents in Suihua Area绥化地区青春期女性贫血状况及其相关因素分析

10.adolescent boys and girls.青春期的男孩和女孩。

11.A preadolescent boy or girl.青春期前的男孩或女孩

12.How to Overcome the Puberty Schoolgi rls Nonactivity in Physical Trai ning;如何克服青春期女生在体育课中的惰性

13.Study on teenage pregnancy and the status of adolescent sexuality education少女妊娠与青春期性健康教育现状研究

14.of the male voice in puberty.关于男性青春期的声音。

15.Clinical effects of Shugan Jianpi Recipe on postadolescent acne in women疏肝健脾为主周期调治女性青春期后痤疮的临床体会

16.Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Female Post-adolescent Acne with Traditional Chinese Medicines;健脾除湿凉血法治疗女性青春期后痤疮的临床观察

17.The Deviation in Heterosexual Affiliation of Adolescent Girl and Value Guidance of School Education in Medical School;卫校青春期女生异性交往偏差及学校教育的价值引导

18.Effect of Wushu on Female Bone Density and Basic Physique Index in the Post-Adolescent Period;武术运动对青春后期女性骨密度以及基本体质指标的影响



3)post-adolescent female青春后期女性

4)offspring during their adolescence青春期子女

5)the puberty schoolgirls青春期女生

6)pubertal girls青春期少女

1.Objective To investigate the association of estrogen receptor-αXbaI polymorphisms concerned with the effect of calcium supplementation on bone mineral density(BMD) and bone turnover markers of Chinesepubertal girls.目的研究雌激素受体(ER)基因XbaI多态性与补钙对青春期少女骨骼发育作用的关系,为制定钙膳食参考摄入量提供科学依据。


