900字范文 > 中国保险企业 Chinese insurance companies英语短句 例句大全

中国保险企业 Chinese insurance companies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-25 12:38:13


中国保险企业 Chinese insurance companies英语短句 例句大全

中国保险企业,Chinese insurance companies

1)Chinese insurance companies中国保险企业


1.Size VS Efficiency of the Firm: An Empirical Research with DEA Method on Insurance Firms in China;企业规模VS效率:对中国保险企业的DEA经验研究

2.The analyses on the effective brand communication strategies for the insurance industry in China;中国保险企业有效品牌传播策略研究

3.A Study on the Conceptual Framework of China s Statutory Accounting Principles;中国保险企业法定会计概念框架研究

4.Human Capital Investment Risk Management of Insurance Enterprises in China;论中国保险企业人力资本投资风险管理

5.Research on the Diversified and Specified Operation Mode of Insurance Company in PR-China;中国保险企业分业与混业经营模式研究

6.Research on the Competitive Advantage Cultivation of Transnational Management for the Chinese Insurance Enterprises;中国保险企业跨国经营竞争优势培育研究

7.The insurances appropriate to an joint venture shall be furnished by Chinese insurance companies.合营企业的各项保险应向中国的保险公司投保。

8.Research on the Development Access to Small and Medium-Sized Insurance Enterprises--Taking American Insurance Enterprises as Examples中小保险企业的发展路径研究——以美国保险企业为例

9.Export Credit Insurance and Enterprise Export Competitiveness in China;中国出口信用保险与企业出口竞争力

10.The Study on the Occupational Pension of Social Endowment Insurance in China;我国社会养老保险中的企业年金研究

11.An Enterprise s Role in Urban Endowment Insurance System in China;我国城市养老保险制度中的企业行为

12.Ehancing Chinese Life Insurance Enterprise International Competition with Insurance Innovation;以保险创新提升中资寿险企业国际竞争力

13.The various kinds of insurance coverage of a contractual joint venture shall be furnished by insurance institutions within the territory of China.合作企业的各项保险应当向中国境内的保险机构投保。

14.Enterprises with foreign capital shall apply to insurance companies in China for such kinds of insurance coverage as are needed.外资企业的各项保险应当向中国境内的保险公司投保。

15.How Insurance Company Take Part in Collective Pension Funds of Small and Medium Size Enterprises我国保险业参与中小企业集合年金的策略探讨

16.Application Study on Insurance Mechanism in the Financing of SMEs;保险机制在我国中小企业融资中的应用研究

17.Analysis to Financing Through Pattern of Export Credit Insurance by Chinese Small & Medium Enterprises;中国中小企业利用出口信用保险模式融资分析

18.The insurance appropriates to a joint venture shall be furnished by Chinese insurance company.适合于合资企业的各种保险均应由中国保险公司提供。


Chinese insurance business中国保险业

1.This paper discusses on the developing opportunities brought about b y WTO entry toChinese insurance business from aspects of improving the operatio n environment, activating the insurance market, promoting the mechanism transfor mation, and accelerating the leaning of the advanced experiences, etc.从改善经营环境、激活保险市场、促进机制转换、加快学习先进经验等方面,论述了加入WTO给中国保险业带来的发展机遇;从资金差距、服务落后、人才流失等方面,分析了中国保险业面临的挑战。

3)Chinese insurance中国保险业

1.After the entry into the WTO,the trade bodies in theChinese insurance market will increase rapidly and the competition among them will become keener.入世后 ,中国保险业的市场主体将迅速增加 ,竞争更加激烈 ,最后形成较为完善的保险市场 ,使中国的保险业与国际接轨 ,走向国际

2.Based on all the reached agreements that china wants to join WTO and the status quo ofChinese insurance, this paper analyes the chances and challenges in running, management, market competition and talents that chinese insurance is faced with when joining WTO, and presents corresponding countermeasures.根据中国关于进入WTO达成的各项协议 ,以及中国保险行业的现状 ,分析了中国保险业加入WTO之后在经营、管理、市场竞争、人才等方面将面对的机遇和挑战 ,并提出了相关对策 。

4)China insurance industry中国保险业

5)Chinese insurance industry中国保险业

1.The holding of Beijing Olympic Games will undoubtedly bring unprecedented development opportunity forChinese insurance industry.通过对中国保险业参与北京奥运会面临的机遇与挑战的分析,认为建立科学的营销策略,挖掘中国保险业的自身优势,并以准确快速地把握市场需求来抢占市场,是中国保险业最终赢得市场的有效途径。

2.Chinese insurance industry has developed very fast in recent 30 years with the process of Reform and opening-up.改革开放以来,中国保险业经过近30年来的快速发展,已由完全垄断型转变为"寡头垄断,大中小共生"的寡头垄断型市场结构,已具备了良好的产业体系框架和比较理想的市场结构。

6)China Insurance Enterprises我国保险企业

1.Research on Customer Relationship Management inChina Insurance Enterprises;我国保险企业客户关系管理研究


