900字范文 > 生存语境 living context英语短句 例句大全

生存语境 living context英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-27 09:02:59


生存语境 living context英语短句 例句大全

生存语境,living context

1)living context生存语境


1.A Comparative View of the Linguistic Context of LU Xun s Existence and that of Christian Culture;鲁迅生存语境与基督教文化语境比较观

2.The survival context of New media art in college and the specialty s development strategy;高校新媒体艺术专业的生存语境及其应对

3.Analysis on the History and Changes of Folk Culture s Living Context from Daoqing Drama in Henan Province;从河南民间道情看民间文化生存语境的历史及变迁

4.The survival of a language is closely linked to its environment.语文的生存与生活环境息息相关。

work-Being Under Chinese Context: --From the Perspective of Philosophy of Existence;中国语境下的网络化生存——从生存哲学的观点看

6.Return To Be--On the Value of the School Education in the Circumstance of "To Be;回归生存——论“人之生存”语境下学校教育的价值

7.It is closely related to the rhetorical context.它的生发与语言修辞赖以生存的语境紧密相连。

8.The Linguistic Turn in Western Philosophy and its Existential Significance;西方哲学的语言学转向及其生存意境

9.Meaning and Contexts of Existence--The Basic footing of Heidegger s Existentialist Contexts to the Study of Meaning;意义与生存境域——海德格尔生存论语境对意义研究的基础性地位

10.The Research of Existential Construction in the Sentence Groups;论句群语境中存在句的衔接手段——留学生学习汉语存在的偏误

11.The Eco-Ethical Values of Ethnic Minorities taboos under Modern Philosophy of Existence;现代生存论语境下民族禁忌的生态伦理价值

12.On the Survival and Development of Folksongs Art within Globalization Era;论全球化语境下民歌艺术的生存与发展

13.Survial and Development of Chinese Movie Art in Commercial Environment;商业语境下中国电影艺术的生存与发展

14.The Survival of Films on Ethnic Minorities under the Context of Globalization;全球化语境中少数民族电影的生存方略

15.On The Cultural Consumption And Tactics in the Post-Modern Society;后现代语境中文化的消费性特征与生存策略

16.On the National Culture how to Exist and Develop in the Context of the Globalization;试论全球化语境下民族文化的生存与发展之道

17.Realm and Subsistence--Existential Implication of the Realm-of-Life Theory;境界与生存——境界说的生存论意蕴

18.Ecological Aesthetics: A New Aesthetical View of Ecological Existentialism in the Postmodernist Context生态美学:后现代语境下崭新的生态存在论美学观


linguistic context of LU Xun"s existence鲁迅生存语境

3)contextualization existence语境存在

1.The paper provides the concept ofcontextualization existence and interprets felicitous occurrence of definite NPs in this construction.本文提出了“语境存在”的概念 ,并以此重新分析了确指名词组在存在句中出现的理据。

4)living environment生存环境

1."Unification between Human Beings and Nature "of Confucianism and Protecting of the Living Environment of Human Beings;儒学的“天人合一”与人类生存环境保护

2.Selection and remake of theliving environment on the loess plateau by primitive residents;先秦人类对黄土高原生存环境的选择与改造

3.Infrastructure and the Living Environment of Human Being;基础设施与人类生存环境之关系研究

5)dangerous situation of existence生存险境

6)Living conditions生存环境

1.The Chinese archaeology is derived from the studies of biological stratigmphy,and since the Chinese modem archaeology originated, more attention has been paid to thestudies of living conditions of andest human beings.中国考古学源于生物地层学研究,并从中国近代考古学创立开始,就很重视古代人类生存环境的研究。

2.It aims at persuading the prime minister to retreat and we can realize the successful reasons: comfortable living conditions,practical thought tendency and strong lobbying approaches.《蔡泽说范雎功成身退》是《战国策》中极富特色的说辞,是为游说国相,要求取而代之,从中我们能看到战国策士成功的原因:生存环境的宽松,思想倾向的务实,游说手法的有力。

3.This paper presents an analysis of the living conditions of small-sized and medium-sized enterprisesfrom the perspectives as follows: industrial organization,macro economic conditions,economic policies,legal system, financial channel, social burden, social concept and socialization service system, etc.从中小企业产业组织、宏观经济状况、经济政策、法制环境、融资渠道、社会负担、社会观念和社会化服务体系等八大方面分析我国中小企业的生存环境。


