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中学武术教学 martial arts teaching in high shool英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-15 10:16:23


中学武术教学 martial arts teaching in high shool英语短句 例句大全

中学武术教学,martial arts teaching in high shool

1)martial arts teaching in high shool中学武术教学


1.Martial Arts in Junior Quality Education;开展中学武术教学 全面提高学生素质

2.Happy Orientation of Wushu Teaching in Middle School under the New Courses Standard;新课标下中学武术教学的“快乐”取向

3.On the Influence of Wushu Ethics on Students in Wushu Teaching at School;论学校武术教学中武德对学生的影响

4.A Study about Wude s Education in the Sphere of Wushu s Teaching in Normal Schools;师范院校武术教学中的武德教育研究

5.On Cultivation of College Students Teaching Ability in Wushu;高师武术教学中学生教学能力的培养

6.On the Development of Wushu Awareness in the Teaching of Wushu;浅论在武术教学中对学生武术意识的培养

7.The analysis on students interest in wushu teaching;武术教学中学生学习兴趣的调查分析

8.The Exploration of "Experiencing-Teaching" in the Wushu of Universities;高校武术教学中“体验式教学”的探讨

9.Building the Division Teaching Model of Routine Teaching in Wushu;武术套路教学中分解教学模式的构建

10.A Research on the Differences of Teaching Results with Different Wushu Teaching Materials in Primary and Secondary Schools;不同中小学武术教材教学效果的研究

11.Application of Creation Method in Wushu teaching;创造教学法在武术教学中的运用研究

12.Applied Research on Lamination Teaching Method in Wushu Teaching分层教学法在武术教学中的应用研究

13.Exploring of Cultivating of Student s Interest inStudying Wushu in Teaching of Wushu Routine;武术套路教学中学生习武兴趣培养探析

14.On the Grade Teaching Mode of Wushu Education in Primary Schools小学武术教育:武术分级教学模式构想

15.Cultivation on Students Interests in College Martial Arts Teaching;浅谈高校武术教学中学生兴趣的培养

16.The Application of Anatomy in Martial Arts Instruction;试论人体解剖学在武术教学中的运用

17.Utilizing on "Study By Oneself-Guide" Pattern s In Wushu Teaching;“自学—指导”模式在武术教学中的运用

18.Survey and Analysis of Wushu Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in Our Country我国中小学武术教学现状的调查分析


wushu teaching武术教学

1.The discussion on integration ofwushu teaching and multimedia technology;多媒体在武术教学中的运用

2.A Probe into the Present Situation of Wushu Teaching in Institutions of Higher Leaning;对普通高校武术教学现状的探讨

3)Wushu education武术教学

1.Wushu education at rural area trails that in city.农村学校武术教学普遍落后于城市。

2.In order to promote the deep development of Wushu in school physical education, author of this paper made both on-the-spot investigations and questionnaire surveys on present situation ofWushu education in institutions of higher learning in Changchun.为了让武术运动在学校体育教学中不断地深入发展,笔者对长春市普通高校开设武术课的教学现状进行了实地调查和问卷调查,通过对所获得的资料进行统计和分析,全面了解了长春市普通高校武术课教学的现状,对目前长春市普通高校武术教学的目标、内容、及考核的方法等进行深入分析,通过这些工作,达到了明确长春市普通高校武术教学的目的、指导武术教学的内容,进一步发挥武术在高校体育教学中的作用。

4)martial arts teaching武术教学

1.The Special Function Of Invisible Course And Its Implementation Research In Martial Arts Teaching.;武术教学中隐蔽课程的特殊功能及实施研究

2.Research into present situation of and measures formartial arts teaching in Chongqing s high schools;重庆市中学武术教学现状分析与对策研究

3.Martial arts teaching has been included in the curriculum of middle schools for many years, but the practical teaching is not satisfactory due to various causes.武术进入中学体育教学大纲已经许多年了,由于种种原因,目前各校开展武术教学的情况并不尽如人意。

5)martial art teaching武术教学

1.Status quo and countermeasures ofmartial art teaching among middle school students and pupils in Shandong province;山东省中小学武术教学现状与对策研究

2.The application of synchronous teaching method of Taijichuan and Sanshou boxing inmartial art teaching;太极拳和散手的同步教学法在武术教学中的应用

3.Situations and policies ofmartial art teaching at urban and rural primary schools in both Shandong and Hebei provinces山东、河北两省城区小学武术教学现状与对策

6)middle schools Wushu中学武术


