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比武 martial arts competition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-24 14:02:20


比武 martial arts competition英语短句 例句大全

比武,martial arts competition

1)martial arts competition比武

1.Medieval nobles regarded themartial arts competition as their career and duty because it revealed the values they pursued, i.中世纪贵族把比武视为其事业和必须履行的责任;比武揭示了中世纪贵族对荣誉、英勇、慷慨品质追求的价值观念。


1.To compete in a tournament.马上比武在马上比武大会中比赛

2.(formerly)contest between knights on horseback armed with blunted weapons,esp lances(旧时)武士骑马比武(用钝武器,尤指长矛).

3.The pen is mightier than the sword.笔胜于刀,文比武强。

4.An enclosed yard for tilting contests.持矛比武场进行持矛比赛的封闭场地

5.A tournament in which knights or horsemen engaged in various exercises and races.竞技比武大会一种大型竞赛,武士或骑士参加各种比赛

6.Kindness and gentleness are of then more effective than force. --Socrates仁慈和温和往往比武力更有效。——伊索

7.The heart is far more important than the sword."对于他们,心灵的力量远比武力重要。

8.(formerly) an enclosed field for tilting contests.古代骑士比武的封闭的地方。

9.It is one of the important contests for the scouts in the world.是世界上侦察兵重要的比武赛事之一。

parison of the Second Changjiang River Bridge in Wuhan with the Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge武汉长江二桥与武汉长江大桥的比较

parative Study of Wushu and Indian Martial Arts;关于中国武术与印度武技的比较研究

parative Study on the Art of Attack and Defense in Traditional Wushu and Athletics Wushu;传统武术与竞技武术技击性比较研究

13.A Comparison between Chinese Wushu Culture and Japanese Wushu Culture;中国武术文化与日本武道文化之比较

14.A Discussion on the Present Situation of Traditional Wushu Scientific Study Compared with Athletic Wushu对比竞技武术谈传统武术的科研现状

15.Research on the Comparison between Traditional Wushu and Modern Competition Wushu;关于传统武术与现代竞技武术的比较研究

16.A comparative study on the manifestation of Chinese Wushu and Japanese Wudao;当代中国武术与日本武道表现形式的比较研究

17.Impact of the Beijing Wushu Competition on the Martial Arts Competition Market北京武术比赛对武术竞赛市场影响的探究

18.Last year I won the second place in the Wuhan Tango Contest.去年,我在武汉探戈比赛中获得第二名。


Wushu match武术比赛

1.Analysis of Shaanxi s 3rdWushu match of minority nationalities;陕西省少数民族运动会武术比赛调研与分析

3)train troops and take part in the competition练兵比武

4)competition for marriage in martial skills比武招亲

1.One of the first story aboutcompetition for marriage in martial skills comes from the medieval buddhist scripture.今存汉语文本最早一则“比武招亲”故事,来自中古佛经。

5)round table competing military skills圆桌比武


1.TheTournament in the Middle Age:a Case Serving to Help Probing into the Conflict Between the Church and the Knights;从比武大赛看骑士与教会的冲突

2.The tournament was an important activity for knights in Middle Ages of Western Europe and its origin was closely related with war.比武大赛是西欧中世纪骑士的重要活动,它的出现与战争密切相关。


