900字范文 > 腾空动作 transit movements英语短句 例句大全

腾空动作 transit movements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-04 17:23:25


腾空动作 transit movements英语短句 例句大全

腾空动作,transit movements

1)transit movements腾空动作


1.The teaching of the second vault with bent knees in horse vaulting;对跳马屈腿腾越第二腾空动作教法的探讨

2.On the Basic Vacated Action of Wushu from the View of Biomechanics运用生物力学原理浅析武术基本腾空动作

3.Research on Application of the Example Teaching in the Teaching of Flight Movement Teaching to Martial Arts Major in Colleges and Universities;范例教学在高校武术专业腾空动作教学中的应用研究

4.perform a curvet, of a horse.马表演的腾空飞跃的动作。

5.The Analysis of Erectijng Stomach in the Prance Technique ofStraightening Back Long-jump;跳远腾空技术中“挺腹”动作的剖析

6.A parallel bar routine consists of predominantly swing and flight.双杠比赛的整套动作以摆动和腾空为主。

7.The Kinematic Analysis on "TengkongBailian" 360° of Martial Arts;武术“腾空摆莲”360°动作技术运动学特征分析

8.Technique Diagnosis of the Jump-Kick Performance for a Wushu Athlete;武术运动员腾空飞脚动作全过程的技术诊断

9.Analysis on the C-Band Difficulty Jumping Actions in Taijiquan--Using the Actions of Flying Kick Linking Outward Leg Swing and Que Di Long;太极拳C级跳跃难度动作现状分析——以腾空飞脚接腾空摆莲540°接雀地龙动作为例

10.Analyzing the Technique of Jump and Cycle 720°Movement in the Long Fist;长拳中的腾空旋风脚720°的动作技术分析

11.Aerial: A manoeuvre that a gymnast completes a full rotation in the air without touching the apparatus.空翻:运动员不接触器械在空中完成全部翻腾动作的技巧。

12.Kinetic Analysis of Second Fly of Men s Long Horse Handspring Tucked Salto with 720°;男子跳马前手翻团身前空翻2周动作第2腾空技术的运动学分析

13.Analysis of Technique of Lotus Kick 720° of Chinese Elite Martial Arts Athletes and Its Training Methods;我国优秀武术运动员腾空摆莲720°技术动作分析与训练方法研究

14.Biomechanics Diagnosis of Somersault Stage Springboard 107B Diving for the Outstanding Woman of Sichuan;对四川优秀女子跳水运动员3m板107B腾空阶段动作的生物力学诊断

15.The condition or act of boiling.煮,沸腾沸腾的状态或煮的动作

16.His movements were slow and slack.他的动作慢慢腾腾,懒懒散散。

17.An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault.空翻下杠在双杠、吊环或其他器械上进行的空中体育运动,尤指一百八十度腾空下杠的动作

18.The rein back is a rearward diagonal movement with a two beat rhythm but without a moment of suspension.后退是以斜对角步伐做出向后退的两节拍动作,但是没有腾空期。


flight movement teaching腾空动作教学

1.This thesis is about a research of the example teaching, which isapplied inflight movement teaching of martial arts major in colleges,making an attempt to settle the problems existing in flight movementteaching at present.本文是范例教学在高校武术专业腾空动作教学中的应用研究,尝试应用范例教学解决目前腾空动作教学中存在的问题。

3)tuck dive movement翻腾动作

1.The result indicated that,the three competitions before ,D group of and above difficulty singletuck dive movement total has not changed,SE group quantity has the increase;in the 39th championships D group of and above difficulty increased nearly 1/3,E g.通过文献、观察比赛录像和统计等方法,对37、38和39届世界体操锦标赛及28届奥运会女子自由体操决赛前八名的技巧翻腾动作进行了比较研究。


1.Therefore,when they are in long jump,their training proportion of run-up,treadling-and-jumping andsoaring should be laid different emphasis on.由于儿童少年和优秀跳远运动员的解剖、生理和心理的特点以及身体素质、训练水平和文化程度都不尽相同,因此,对他们跳远的助跑、踏跳和腾空3 大技术环节的训练比重的安排应有所侧


1.Then they find the superior techniques and point out the existing problems from the four motion stages-swing,release grip,jumping,and handstand.采用影片解析等方法 ,对健将级体操运动员马景华完成的双杠正吊前摆上分腿后切成手倒立动作进行分析 ,即从振浪、撒手、腾空、入撑四阶段中 ,找出其优势技术 ,提出了存在的问题。

6)flight part空中动作

1.The skill includes four partsrunup,jump off ,flight part and landing.对武术中腾空飞脚的技术动作,分别从助跑、起跳、空中动作、落地4个方面,阐述了各环节的教学步骤,为大中专院校的武术教学提供了参


送内寻庐山女道士李腾空二首【诗文】:君寻腾空子,应到碧山家。水舂云母碓,风扫石楠花。若爱幽居好,相邀弄紫霞。多君相门女,学道爱神仙。素手掬青霭,罗衣曳紫烟。一往屏风叠,乘鸾著玉鞭。【注释】:著玉鞭一作不著鞭 【出处】:全唐诗:卷184_51
