900字范文 > 动作创新 movement innovation英语短句 例句大全

动作创新 movement innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-04 01:04:42


动作创新 movement innovation英语短句 例句大全

动作创新,movement innovation

1)movement innovation动作创新

1.In the hope of develop innovative idea and provides help for Aerobic Gymnasticsmovement innovation.竞技健美操动作创新,是指在竞技健美操成套动作中追求“独特”和“最佳”,是在前人、常人的基础上有新的见解、新的发现、新的突破。


1.The Connotation and Skill Innovation of Chinese Dragon Performance;中国舞龙运动的文化内涵及动作创新

2.Study on the Innovative Choice and Assessment of the Defficult Actions in Competitive Wushu;竞技武术高难度动作创新选择与评价

3.On New Immigration Novel Authors and Their Motivations;新移民小说创作主体及创作动机管窥

4.To flee fabrication:a new tendency of literature creation in new century;反虚构:新时期文学创作的一个新动向

5.Blazing New Trails is a Motive Power of Trade Union Work in Newly-Built Enterprises;创新是新建企业建会工作的不竭动力

6.Research on S&T Novelty Search in Universities" S&T Innovation高校科技创新活动中的科技查新工作

7.The New Rules to Competetive Wushu Routine and Action Innovation论竞技武术套路新规则及动作的创新

8.On Propelling Sci-technical Innovation Forward by System Innovation of Institutes of Higher Learning;高校制度创新对科技创新推动作用研究

9.Great Achievements on the Research of Major United Front Theories and Practical Issues;以统一战线理论创新推动统一战线工作创新

10.Relationship and action mechanism between knowledge lnnovation and Technology ln novation;论知识创新和技术创新的互动关系与作用机制

11.A Knowledge Management Model for Knowledge Innovation知识创新管理模型及其对知识创新的推动作用

12.Characteristic Inquisition on the Artistic Innovation Psychological System of The Aerobics Movement Composing;健美操动作创编的艺术创新心理系统特征探析

13.Thinking on Inheriting and Innovation in Animation Creation Traditional Theme;动画创作中传统题材继承和创新的思考

14.The Role the League Organization Is Playing in the Creativity and Efficiency Activities in the Private Enterprises;非公有制企业团组织在创新创效活动中的作用

15.The Role of Technological Innovation Labor in Value Innovation;技术创新劳动在价值创造中的独特作用

16.A Brief Discussing on the Role of the Communist Youth League in Enterprise Activities of Innovation and Benefit-making;浅谈企业创新创效活动中共青团的作用

17.The interaction between Fu (the Traditional) and Bian (the Innovative)--Chen Zi-ang’s Poetry Theory and Innovative Writing;“复”与“变”的互动──论陈子昂诗歌理论和创作的创新

18.Heighten Insurance Study Work,Propel Insurance Theory Innovation加强保险研究工作 推动保险理论创新


new-created movements创新动作

1.On the basis of exploring the design for thenew-created movements on horizontal bar, it is expounded and proved the practical ways of designing and explained how, by making use of the theory of biomechanics, to design difficult and new movements, for the purpose of raising the technical level of horizontal bar sports and increasing itsbeneficial effect in our country.根据单杠创新动作设计探索,论证了如何运用生物力学原理进行难新动作设计的具体方法。

3)bring forth new ideas on difficult movelment难度动作创新

4)Discussion on Innovation of Gymnastic Movements论体操动作创新

5)Cooperation Innovation合作创新

1.A Fuzzy Cluster Analysis on Choice of Alternatives in Steel EnterpriseCooperation Innovation;钢铁企业合作创新项目选择的模糊聚类分析

2.Thr Cultivation of the Firm s Technological CompetenceBased onCooperation Innovation;基于合作创新的企业技术能力培育

3.Research on Knowledge Alliance sCooperation Innovation Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的知识联盟合作创新研究

6)innovation manufacture创新制作

1.In order to enhance the integrative quality and inno- vation thought of students, some contents ofinnovation manufacture is established.本文从培养创新素质人才的教育目标出发,指出传统的金工实习模式已不能适应当前素质教育发展的要求,为了加强对学生的综合素质和创新思维的培养,在金工实习中开设了创新制作内容,学生自主完成特定产品的设计制作过程,提高了其工程实践能力和创新能力,为培养高素质的创新人才起到了重要作用。


