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性道德 Sexual morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 14:49:06


性道德 Sexual morality英语短句 例句大全

性道德,Sexual morality

1)Sexual morality性道德

1.Analysis on the existing problem in the education of adolescent sexual morality and its countermeasures青少年性道德教育存在的问题分析与对策

2.Villages,John Updike s 21st novel published in ,employing three typical suburban middle class villages in different regions as its settings,traces Owen Mackenzie s adulterous life and records in minute details the transformation of sexual morality of America in over half a century.麦肯齐的一系列婚外情,忠实记录了美国半个多世纪性道德的变迁史。

3.Some problems about sexual health and sex morality exist among college students at present,especially for the problems in sexual morality.目前我国的大学生在性健康和性道德方面存在一些问题,特别是在性道德方面问题尤为突出。


1.On Social Moral Education and Subjective Moral Education;论社会性道德教育与主体性道德教育

2.sanctioned by custom or morality especially sexual morality.被习俗或道德尤其是性道德认可的。

3.Humanistic Morality:The Possibility of a Third Morality第三种道德——人文性道德何以可能?

4.Nature Civilization Moral--On Rousseau’s thought of nature and moral自然 文明 道德——论卢梭人性道德思想

5.The Tensility in Moral Education--On social background and Moral Education;德育的张力——浅论社会性道德背景与道德教育

6.The role of moral education in the improvement of the sexual ideologies among the youth;性道德教育对专科学生性道德观念影响的研究

7.The Study on Sex Morality Values of Contemporary College Students in China and the Construction of Sex Morality Rules当代大学生性道德观念现状及性道德规范构想

8.Global Moral Crisis and the Reconstruction of Morality--An Analysis of Maclntyle s Moral Philosophy;全球性道德危机与道德重建——麦金泰尔道德哲学意蕴

9.cardinal virtue1.【书】基本德性基本道德

10.Practice s Morals & Morals Practice--Comment on Practice s Morality;实践的道德与道德的实践——论实践的道德性

11.The quality or condition of being immoral.道德败坏不道德的状态或性质

12.Moral Puzzlement and Moral Self-discipline in Women Intellectuals in Institutions of Higher Learning;高校知识女性的道德困惑及道德自律

13.Looks at Curing the "Morality Indifferently" from the Utlitarian of Morality;从道德的功利性看“道德冷漠”的矫治

14.On "Sub-morality" and "Nontraditional Morality" and Their Righteousness;刍议“次道德”和“亚道德”及其合理性问题

15.A Study of the Capital Trait of Morality;试论道德的资本性特点——兼论道德资本

16.Contemporary "Moral Disruption" and its Moral Philosophical Rescue;时代性"道德裂变"及其道德哲学拯救

17.The Divine Order of Things and the Order of Man:A Study of the Absence of Subjectivity in Traditional Chinese Ethics天道与人道——传统道德主体性缺失探微

18.discuss the morality of abortion讨论堕胎的道德性.


Sex morality性道德

1.Discussing the sex morality in HIV/AIDS prevention & control;试论艾滋病防治中的性道德问题

2.Based on a questionnaire investigation of sexual morality of students in four colleges in Chongqing, Guangzhou and Kunming, this paper describes the present situation of sex morality among the students and of sex morality education in colleges, discusses the difficulties and barriers in carrying out sex morality education and proposes some measures to overcome them.通过对重庆、广州、昆明3座城市的4所大学大学生性道德现状的问卷调查,分析当代大学性道德现状及高校性道德教育现状,以及大学生性道德教育的难点、障碍,找出突破口。

3.Sex morality education in the university is very meaningful,including sex morality cognitive education,sex morality emotional education,sex morality will development and behaviour formation.学校性道德教育具有多重意义,其主要包括性道德认知教育、性道德情感教育、性道德意志培养和性道德行为养成四方面内容。

3)Sexual ethics性道德

1.In recent years,the traditional sexual ethics has been impacted,and it is an urgent appeal to strengthen youngsters sexual ethical education.性道德教育是高职生性教育的核心,也是高职生德育的重要组成部分,近年来,传统的性道德观念受到冲击,加强对青少年性道德教育的呼声日益强烈。

2.Some modern college students had social values and behavior patterns which are conflict with the social code of sexual ethics,i.现代部分大学生和社会性道德规范产生对立与冲突的价值观念与行为模式,存在性道德越轨的现象。

3.The writer carries out preliminary analysis focusing on current situation of sexual ethics for five-year vocational senior middle school(VSMS) students.高职生性道德教育是高职生性教育的核心,也是高职德育的重要组成部分。

4)Sex moral性道德

5)sexual moral性道德

6)morality of virtues德性的道德

1.By making a rational analysis of moralities, this article reveals that themorality of virtues, advocated in the traditional society, has many limitations, so it isn t fit for the necessity of modern market economy.通过对道德的理性分析 ,揭示了传统社会所倡导的德性的道德有其局限性 ,不适合现代市场社会扩展秩序的需要。


性道德性道德sex morals性道德是指人类调整两性性行为的社会规范的总和。作为一种道德规范,其内容比较复杂。通常把性道德的内容概括为:一个核心,即性道德规范;三个范畴,即爱情观、贞操观和生育观;三个性道德关系,即婚前性关系、夫妻性关系和婚外性关系,一个外部条件,即性环境道德。详见有关各节。
