900字范文 > 性差 sexual dimorphism英语短句 例句大全

性差 sexual dimorphism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-08 00:50:00


性差 sexual dimorphism英语短句 例句大全

性差,sexual dimorphism

1)sexual dimorphism性差

1.These variables were used to establish fisher s and Baye s discriminant functions to distinguishsexual dimorphism among the three strains.结果表明:不同品系性差不同,判别函数对于性别判定具有明显的实用价值。

2.Conclusions: For thesexual dimorphism of the weight ratios of metapodials in Macaca mulatta in the Taihang Mountains,it has the certain regularity and has its particularity as well.跖骨重量比率除左侧的1 Mt∶2 Mt有显著的性差外(P<0。


1.spatial variation in rainfall雨量分布的地区性差异

2.loose - principled原则性差的, 无主见的

3.inhomogeneous linear difference equation非齐次线性差分方程

pensating differentials补偿性(工资)差异

5.Woman Psychology女性心理与性别差异

6.The Information Divide Studies Owing to the Difference of Main Body of Consumption;基于消费主体差异性的信息势差研究

7.alternate test for variance heterogeneity非齐性方差的替换检验

8.I"m sorry about my poor memory.对不起,我的记性真差。

9.full scale error满度误差 -线性ADC或DAC的

10.high performance superheterodyne receiver高性能超外差式接收机

11.magnetic differential flow recorder磁性压差流量记录仪

12.linear voltage differential transformer线性电压差动变换器

13.Serving to distinguish; distinctive"形成差异的,区别性的"

14.He came very near to losing his life.他差点儿丢了性命。

15.nonlinear differential-difference equatio非线性微分差分方程

16.nonlinear finite difference equation非线性有限差分方程

17.independence in analysis of variance方差分析中的无关性

18.Φ-variational Stability for Kurzweil EquationsKurzweil方程的Φ-变差稳定性


sex dimorphism性差

3)natural difference物性差异


1.Analysis of difference in oil or gas accumulation conditions of K1n2 between the south and north of Wuerxun depression;乌尔逊凹陷南二段南北油气成藏条件差异性分析

2.Study on difference of noninvasive blood pressure measurement method based on oscillometric and auscultatory;基于振动法和柯氏音法的无创血压测量值差异性研究

3.A survey of cognition difference on importance of nursing quality;对护理质量重要程度的认同差异性研究


1.Thediversity and consistency principles for design of corporate visual identity system;论视觉识别系统VIS设计的同一性和差异性原则

2.Study of the translationdiversity in intercultural communication;对跨文化交际中翻译的差异性探究

3.Analysis on the Diversity of Expression of Stuctural Protein VP_2among Different Infectious Bursal Disease Viruses;不同传染性法氏囊病病毒结构蛋白VP_2表达差异性分析

6)difference in performance性能差异


成就动机性别差异成就动机性别差异sex differences in achievement motivation成就动机性别差异(se、differenees inachievemeflt motlvati、)n)两性在完成有价值的活动时的内在动力方面的差异。通常认为,男性的成就动机水平高于女性。但麦克莱兰德在研究中发现了如下儿点:(l)在中性条件下,女性的成就动机高于男性。(2)在竞争条件卜,男性的成就动机高于女性。(3)在同一方式进行的测验中,男女的成就动机水平是相同的。显然成就动机还有赖一于具体的情境,以及人对情境的认知。有的研究认为,男性对于成就有比女性更大的欲求,更倾向于为了成就本身而努力,女性则更倾向于为了获得他人赞赏而努力。男性的动机多指向于事业,女性的动机多指向于人际关系。(茜香嘉撰高玉祥审)
