900字范文 > 长记忆性 long memory英语短句 例句大全

长记忆性 long memory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-17 09:36:30


长记忆性 long memory英语短句 例句大全

长记忆性,long memory

1)long memory长记忆性

1.Weighted realized volatility and itslong memory and optimal frequency;赋权已实现波动及其长记忆性,最优频率选择

2.Long Memory in Returns and Volatility in China Futures Market;我国期货市场期货价格收益及波动方差的长记忆性研究

3.This indicates that the series of prices of Yangtze River electric power stock is a fractal time series and presents obviouslong memory.5,这表明长江电力股票价格序列是一个分形时间序列,呈现明显的长记忆性特征。


1.The Study of Long Memory of Chinese Stock Earnings Yield;我国股票收益率的长记忆性分析研究

2.R/S Nonlinear Analysis on the Long Memory of Chinese Stock Markets Return;中国股市收益率长记忆性R/S非线性分析

3.The Intraday Periodicity and Long-memory Characters in High-frequency Data of China Stock Market;中国股市高频数据中的周期性和长记忆性

4.The Empirical Analysis of the Long Memory Properties of Stock Market Returns and Volatilities in China;中国股市收益率与波动性长记忆性的实证研究

5.Parametric and Semiparametric Test on the Long Memory Property of Return and Its Volalitity in Stock Markets基于分整特性视角的我国股市长记忆性识别

6.FIGARCH Model and The Study of Long-term Memory on China Stock Volatility;FIGARCH模型及其对中国股市波动长记忆性研究

7.Long Memory Analysis for Time Series of Short Market Interest Rates in China;中国短期市场利率时间序列长记忆性实证研究

8.Research on the Long Memory in International Stock Returns;国际股票市场收益的长记忆性比较研究

9.The Semiparametric Test for Aggregated Effect of Long Memory Property in Stock Markets Volatility;股市波动长记忆性聚合效应的半参数检验

10.Long memory testing for Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets based on the V/S analysis;基于分形V/S技术的沪深股市长记忆性研究

11.The Long Memory for Ultra-High Frequency Durations Series of Chinese Stock Markets;中国股市超高频持续期序列长记忆性研究

12.Research on Long Memory in International Stock Returns and Its Volatility;国际股票市场收益率和波动率的长记忆性研究

13.Long Memory and State of Market Development in Chinese Stock Markets;中国股票市场的长记忆性与市场发展状态

14.Long Memory Testing for Electric Power Stock Based on the V/S Analysis;基于分形V/S分析的电力股票长记忆性研究

15.There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term.有两种记忆:短时记忆和长时记忆。

16.Empirical Study of Long Memory in Chinese Stock Market;中国股票市场长期记忆性的实证研究

17.Research on the Long Memory in Chinese Stock Market Returns;中国股票市场收益的长期记忆性研究

18.Modeling Long Memory in Chinese Stock Market Volatility;中国股市波动性过程中的长期记忆性实证研究


long-term memory长记忆性

1.The results indicate that the Chinese stock markets showlong-term memory effects.针对中国股票市场的长记忆性问题,讨论了分整自回归移动平均(Auto-regressivefractionalintegratedmovingaverage,ARFIMA(p,d,q))模型中的参数估计问题,重点集中在对分整参数d的估计。

2.Lots of researches applied rescaled range(R/S)analysis,revised rescaled range and GPH methods to testing thelong-term memory in stock market.金融市场的长记忆性问题研究一直吸引着众多研究者的目光,但是期货作为一种金融衍生工具,其长记忆性的研究相对于股票来说却很少。

3.We present thelong-term memory of the Shanghai Stock Market Comprising Index series during the two segments and the anti-persistence of daily trading volume series in Shanghai stock market during the first segment by computing.通过计算Hurst指数,验证了上证指数的长记忆性的存在性,以及日交易量在股市涨跌幅限制政策实施之前的反持续性的存在性。

3)long memory characteristics长记忆性

4)long memory长期记忆性

1.Research on the Long Memory in Chinese Stock Market Returns;中国股票市场收益的长期记忆性研究

2.Research on commonlong memory between trading volume and volatility in Chinese stock market;中国股市波动性与成交量共同的长期记忆性研究

3.Previous studies indicate that the volatility process of financial market has a distinctivelong memory.已有研究结果表明金融市场波动过程具有显著的长期记忆性。

5)long-term memory长期记忆性

1.Thelong-term memory of HongKong Hang Sheng index using MRS analysis was studied,established ARFIMA model for it,and detailed the procedure of fractional differencing.采用MRS分析法对香港恒生指数周数据序列的长期记忆性进行研究,并建立ARFIMA模型,推导了分数阶差分的计算过程。

2.In this paper,we utilize rescaled range analysis and modified rescaled range analysis to test the return series of Shanghai stock exchange for Long-term memory.本文以上证指数周收益率为研究对象,分别采用重标极差分析法和修正重标极差分析法,通过计算V统计量的值对其进行长期记忆性的检验。

3.EMH by the failure to includelong-term memory is one of the important characteristics of FMH.EMH所未能包含的长期记忆性,就是FMH的重要特征之一。

6)Dual Long-memory双长记忆性

1.Research on the Leverage Effect andDual Long-memory of Official and Black Exchange Rate in China中国官方汇率与黑市汇率的杆杠效应和双长记忆性研究


