900字范文 > 养阴清肺 Yang Yin Qing Fei英语短句 例句大全

养阴清肺 Yang Yin Qing Fei英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-29 14:40:31


养阴清肺 Yang Yin Qing Fei英语短句 例句大全

养阴清肺,Yang Yin Qing Fei

1)Yang Yin Qing Fei养阴清肺

1.Study on the Still Stangding Process ofYang Yin Qing Fei Tang Jiang;养阴清肺糖浆静置工艺的研究


1.Nourishing Yin and Clearing Lung-heat Method Combined with Body Gamma-knife in Treatment of Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer:An Analysis of Early Outcome养阴清肺解毒法配合伽玛刀治疗肺癌疗效观察

2.Anti-radiation effect of Yiqi Yangyin Qingfei Recipe on lung injuries in patients with lung radiotherapy益气养阴清肺汤对放射性肺损伤干预作用的临床研究

3.Experimental Study of Inhibition of Metastasis of Lewis Lung Cancer with Eliminating Heat by Nourishing Yin;养阴清热方抑制小鼠Lewis瘤肺转移的实验研究

4.Clinical Observation on the Treatment to Fever of Lung Cancer with Replenishing Qi to Nourish Yin and Clearing Heat and Resolving Phlegm Method益气养阴清热化痰法治疗肺癌发热的临床观察

5.Accelerated Diagnosis of Smear-Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Middlebrook 7H12 Semi-liquid Culture PCR(SLCP);应用7H12血清半流体培养物PCR(SLCP)对痰涂片阴性肺结核早期诊断

6.Experimental research on advanced lung cancer cachexia model with Benefiting qi clearing heat and nourishing yin Decoction益气清热养阴中药改善小鼠Lewis肺癌模型恶病质的实验研究

7.Late Cancer of Lung(30 cases)Treated with Therapy of Strengthening Body Resistance by Nourishing Yin扶正养阴方治疗晚期肺癌30例分析

8.The Clinical Research of the Chronic Pharyngitis of Type of Lung-dryness Due to Deficiency of YIN with the Treatment of the Nourishing Yin Relieving Sore-throat and Adjusting Blood Recipe养阴利咽调血汤治疗阴虚肺燥型慢性咽炎的临床研究

9.Discussion on Treating Lung Cancer Based on Supplementing qi and Nourishing Yin基于益气养阴法治疗肺癌的科学性探讨

10.Clinical research of moisturizing dryness by nourishing yin treatment of chronic bronchitis obstructive pulmonary emphysema养阴润肺法治疗慢性支气管炎阻塞性肺气肿的临床研究

11.Research on Antivirus of Tissue Culture of Medicinal Serum of Qingfei Oral Liquid清肺口服液含药血清组织培养抗病毒作用研究

12.The Clinical Research on the Children with Kidney Blood in Urine with the Yang Yin Qing Re Huo Xue Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;养阴清热活血方治疗小儿阴虚内热型肾性血尿的临床观察

13.Clinical Study of Using TCM Therapy Expelling Damp-heat by Boosting Qi and Nourishing Yin to Treat Chronic Glomerulonephritis of Dual Vacuity of Qi and Yin益气养阴清热利湿法治疗慢性肾小球肾炎(气阴两虚证)的临床观察

14.Determination of the content of sinapine thiocyanate in Qingrehuashiyangyin granules by HPLCHPLC法测定清热化湿养阴颗粒中芥子碱的含量

15.Observation of Trichomonas vaginalis cultured in liver extract medium with different concentrations of fetal bovine serum不同浓度胎牛血清肝浸汤培养基培养阴道毛滴虫效果观察

16.Foreign researches find that date contains some other materials that are particularly effective on inhibiting the cancer cell division and improving human immunity.绿色食品,老少皆宜,长期食用,可补五脏、虚损、心肺、脾胃,滋阴养血。

17.Research on the Effect of Yiqi Yangyin Sanjie Prescription to Proliferation and Apotosis of Human Lung Cancer Cells;益气养阴散结方对人体肺癌细胞增殖与凋亡影响的研究

18.Studies of Yiqi Yangyin Jiedu Recipe in Treatment with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer;益气养阴解毒方配合化疗治疗中晚期非小细胞肺癌的研究



1.Determination ofPaeoniflorin in Yangyinqingfei Pill by RP-HPLC;RP-HPLC测定养阴清肺丸中芍药苷的含量

3)Yangyinqingfei ointment养阴清肺膏

1.Objective: To establish the HPLC for determination of the content of peoniflorin inYangyinqingfei ointment.目的:建立HPLC法测定养阴清肺膏中芍药苷含量的方法。

4)yangyin qingfei decoction养阴清肺汤

5)Yangyinqingfei Granula养阴清肺颗粒

1.Determination of Paeonol inYangyinqingfei Granula by HPLC;液相色谱法测定养阴清肺颗粒中丹皮酚的含量

6)Yangying Qingfei Syrup养阴清肺糖浆

1.Experimental Studies on Antitussive and Expectorant Effects ofYangying Qingfei Syrup;养阴清肺糖浆镇咳、祛痰作用的实验研究


