900字范文 > 阴阳思想 yin-yang thought英语短句 例句大全

阴阳思想 yin-yang thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-20 01:56:01


阴阳思想 yin-yang thought英语短句 例句大全

阴阳思想,yin-yang thought

1)yin-yang thought阴阳思想

1.Theyin-yang thought in the book of Cuiguzi has profound philosophy meaning and exerts a complex influence on the later ages.鬼谷子是战国时期的风云人物,《鬼谷子》一书的阴阳思想具有深刻的哲学意味,并对后世产生了复杂的影响。


1.It exactly resembles with the Chinese thought of Yin& Yang& the symbol of Tao.它非常像中国的阴阳思想,道的标志。

2.The Yin-yang Thought and Relative Issues in Guiguzi;《鬼谷子》中的阴阳思想及相关问题

3.A Probe into the Theory of Yin-and-Yang by Military Commanders--Taking the Calamity,Divining and War from Zuozhuan as Study Cases;从《左传》灾异、占卜、战争记载看兵家阴阳思想

4.Yin-Yang, Taiji and the Construct of STS Theory Format;阴阳太极思想与STS理论范式的建构

5.An Analysis of SHANG Bing-he s Thought of Yi-ology;尚秉和之“阴阳相须”易理思想辨析

6.On the Aesthetic Meaning of the Thinking Form of "Two Modes of Yin and Yang";论“阴阳两仪”思想范式的美学意涵

7.The Idea of “Conformity to Yin and Yang” Embodied in the Sacrifice Rites of the Han Dynasty;汉代祭祀乐舞体现的“顺阴阳”思想

8.Influence of Neo-Confucianism on Zhang Jiebin" Concept of "Unity of Yin and Yang"理学对张介宾“阴阳一体”思想的影响

9.Association of Nourish Yin or Warm Yang and Yin-yang Personality-constitution Theory on Academic滋阴温阳两派医家阴阳人格体质特征与其学术思想相关性的分析

10.Thought on globality togetherness reflected by Yin-yang and Five-element doctrines in ancient Chinese;中国古代阴阳五行说呈现的整体统一论思想

11.On the implications of Qian-Kun, yin-yang, hardness-softness as well as civiland military affairs in chapter Yi zhi yi of the silk manuscript of Zhouyi;帛书《易之义》键川、阴阳、刚柔、文武思想合论

12.On Effect of Yin-Yang and Five-Element Thoughts on Design Art in Han Dynasty;论阴阳五行思想对汉代设计艺术的影响

13.Cosmology conceived in Yijing and the origin of the Yin-yang & Five-element School s ideology;《易经》的宇宙观与阴阳五行家思想之渊源

14.The Ideology Reflected in Xu-gua of the Balance & Mutual Complementary of Yin and Yang and Changing with Changes of Seasons;《序卦》卦序中的阴阳平衡互补与变通配四时思想

15.On the four seasons, Yin-Yang and five elements --A new exploration of the history of thePre-Qinthoughts;四时与阴阳五行——先秦思想史的另一条线索

16.Xu Shen"s Absorption to Thought of Yin-yang Divination in the Study of Confucian Classics Calligraphy许慎对今文经学中阴阳谶纬思想的吸纳

17.In regard to the development of ideology per Se, it can be seen the ideology of the Yin-yang &Five-element School originates from the thought conceived in Yijing.若从思想自身的发展来看,阴阳五行家与《易经》有着重要的渊源关系。

18.The Associativity Studies between the Thinkings of the Huanglao Study and the Yin-Yang Specialist of Ji-xia Study Palace and Theory System of TCM;稷下学宫黄老、阴阳家思想与中医理论体系形成的相关性研究


Thoughts of Yin-Yang specialist阴阳家思想

3)Yin-yang and Five-element thoughts阴阳五行思想

1.Yin-yang and Five-element thoughts had great effects on the culture and design art in Han Dynasty.阴阳五行思想对汉代文化乃至设计思想都产生了很大的影响。

4)Confucian yin-yang儒家阴阳思想

1.Amnesty system in Han Dynasty in the light of theConfucian yin-yang ideology;论儒家阴阳思想下的汉代赦宥

5)military commander兵家阴阳思想

1.According to the calamity,divining and war described in Zuozhuan,the theory of Yin-and-Yang represents such forms as natural calamities,medicine and interaction between man and nature,which are significant for the historical development of the theory of Yin-and-Yang bymilitary commanders.阴阳思想在《左传》记载的灾异、占卜、战争活动中有自然灾害、医学、天人感应等表现形态,对于兵家阴阳思想发展历史有着重要意义。

6)Yin Yang Confucianism阴阳家的儒道思想


人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people"s army, thought ofrenmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j
