900字范文 > 青少年读者 juvenile readers英语短句 例句大全

青少年读者 juvenile readers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-06 15:14:55


青少年读者 juvenile readers英语短句 例句大全

青少年读者,juvenile readers

1)juvenile readers青少年读者

1., and make navigation for thejuvenile readers utilizing the library for the purpose of giving full play to the educational function of the library.图书馆应依托优势,通过举办讲座、导读、书目推荐等加强未成年人的思想道德建设,为利用图书馆的青少年读者群进行导航,以充分发挥公共图书馆的教育功能。


1.He wrote down to the juvenile readers.他为青少年读者写浅显的作品。

2.Avoid unnecessary writing down to the juvenile audience.要避免不必要的降格写作去迁就青少年读者。

3.Trace on Hobbledehoy Reading Hotspot and Reading Psychology青少年阅读热点追踪及读者心理浅析

4.Young Adult Literature Reading is an Effective Way for Creating Life Long Readers;青少年文学阅读是培养终身读者的有效途径

5.International Board on Books for Young People国际青少年读物委员会

6.Analysis on Young Readers"Reading Tendency under the Influence of "Youth Popular Culture"“青少年流行文化”影响下的青少年阅读倾向分析

7.a teenager who vilipends the advice of his elders藐视长者忠告的青少年

8.The Relationship of Phonological Processing Abilities to Component Skills of Reading Competence in Adolescent Chinese Learners of English中国青少年英语学习者语音加工技能与阅读能力的关系研究

9.Many teenagers love his book.很多十几岁的青少年都喜欢读他的书,

10.Current Teenager s Reading Psychology Out of 《Da Hua Xi You》;从《大话西游》看当下青少年的阅读心理

11.Interpretation of the reality of juvenile delinquency community correction system;青少年犯罪社区矫正制度的现实解读

12.Guide for Reading of the Youths under the Environment of Web3.0基于Web3.0环境下的青少年阅读指导

13.a teen-ager is a teen ager.青少年毕竟是青少年。

14.Contribute a series of columns angled towards young readers为青年读者撰写一系列专栏文章

15.Evolution Path for Beijing Youth Daily" Business Model and Readers" Consumption Value《北京青年报》读者消费价值的演变

16.Mental status of adolescents who are pregnant before marriage青少年未婚先孕者的心理状态分析

17.Effects of network behavior and psychological intervention in the youth network addicts;青少年网络成瘾者心理干预效果研究

18.A Study of Legitimacy in Curing IAD Juvenile;青少年“网瘾”者矫治措施的合法性研究


youth reader青年读者

1.This paper explains the conception of the readers,introduces the three sects of the theoretical research on the development of youth psychology,and expounds the reading targets of and existing problems in theyouth readers from two aspects of psychological characters and reading psychology of theyouth readers.解释了读者的概念,介绍了有关青年心理发展理论研究的3个派别,从青年读者的心理特点、青年读者的阅读心理两方面阐述了青年读者阅读的目的和存在的问题。

3)adolescence literature青少年读物

4)young readers青年读者群

1.Form Literary Youth to Literary Fans——An analysis of the evolution ofyoung readers since the reform and opening up从文学青年到文学粉丝——试析改革开放30年青年读者群的嬗变

5)juvenile[英]["d?u:v?na?l][美]["d?uv?nl?]n.青少年,少年读物 a.青少年的,幼稚的

6)teenager drug addic青少年吸毒者

1.Changes of the immune cells,cytokines and growth hormone inteenager drug addicts;青少年吸毒者免疫细胞、细胞因子和生长激素的改变


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