900字范文 > 青少年体育 juvenile sports英语短句 例句大全

青少年体育 juvenile sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-30 08:50:15


青少年体育 juvenile sports英语短句 例句大全

青少年体育,juvenile sports

1)juvenile sports青少年体育

1.Four problems to be solved in strengtheningjuvenile sports;加强青少年体育必须尽快解决的四个突出问题


1.The Influence of Adolescents Sports Club on Adolescents Sports in China;青少年体育俱乐部对我国青少年体育的影响

2.Physical Education in Schools and Juvenile s Sports Life-style;论学校体育与青少年体育生活方式教育

3.Discussion on implementing the "Proposal on Strengthening Young People’s Sports & Enhancing their Physical Fitness of CPC Central Committee"实施中央《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》之探讨

4.The Motion and Resistance to Strengthen the Adolescents" Physical Exercise and Their Health加强青少年体育和增强青少年体质的动力与阻力

5.Panathlon Declaration on Ethics in Youth Sports;Panathlon的青少年体育道德宣言

6.Study on the Developing Mode of Teenagers Sports Clubs in High Schools;高校青少年体育俱乐部发展模式探讨

7.The Study of Juvenile Sports Club s Marketing Strategy;国家青少年体育俱乐部营销战略研究

8.Experiment on the Anxiety Control of Youngsters In Sports Test;青少年体育测试焦虑控制的实验研究

9.Advances of Research on the Family Influences on Adolescents Sports Involvement;家庭影响青少年体育参与的研究进展

10.Management of the Organizational Body of Juvenile Sports Club;青少年体育俱乐部组织机构管理初探

11.The Influence of School Physical and Tenuto Physical to Young People and Teenagers学校体育对青少年终身体育观的影响

12.Functions of Scientific and Technological Education in the System of Teenagers Education;科技教育在青少年教育体系中的作用

13.The Research on Influence of Adolescents psychological Health by physical Exercise;体育锻炼对青少年心理健康影响研究

14.Subjective Moral Education of Adolescents and Their Creativity Fostering;青少年主体性道德教育与创造性培养

15.Countermeasures to negative impact of sports communication on youth and adolescents;体育传播对青少年的负面影响及对策

16.The Research for the Development of Teenagers Through Physical Education;体育健康课程与青少年儿童个性发展

17.On subject deficiency of younsters in moral education;试论青少年德育中的学生主体性缺失

18.The Scientific Intension of Teenagers Moral Education Individual Adaptability;适应性的青少年道德教育个体学内涵


junior sports development青少年体育发展

3)Youth Sports Act青少年体育法

4)teenagers education青少年教育

5)adolescent education青少年教育

6)moral education of teenager青少年德育

1.As far as the methods ofmoral education of teenagers in China and the United States,the primary group,families,plays a different role in the two countries,that is,the Chinese family takes a responsibility of inheriting Chinese traditional ethic but the US takes a responsibility of inheriting religious ethic of Christianity.在中美青少年德育的各种载体中,首属群体家庭在两国青少年德育中的职能差异较大,中国家庭承担着传承传统伦理道德的责任,美国家庭则承担着传承宗教道德观的职责。


