900字范文 > 播种繁殖技术 technique for sowing and propagation英语短句 例句大全

播种繁殖技术 technique for sowing and propagation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-28 00:22:41


播种繁殖技术 technique for sowing and propagation英语短句 例句大全

播种繁殖技术,technique for sowing and propagation

1)technique for sowing and propagation播种繁殖技术


1.Technology of dahurian rhododendron,welcomes the red cuckoo sowing reproduction兴安杜鹃、迎红杜鹃播种繁殖技术的研究

2.Propagation Technologies of Edible Cactus Opuntia milpa alta Haw(Cactaceae)米邦塔食用仙人掌种苗繁殖技术研究

3.Study on Evaluation of Germplasm and Propagation Techniques in Myrica Nana;矮杨梅种质资源评价及繁殖技术研究

4.Studies on the Seed Germination and Cutting Propagation Technique of Rhododendron Molle G. Don;羊踯躅种子萌发与扦插繁殖技术研究

5.Research in the Propagational Technology of Tissue-cultured Seedlings of E·Globulus Pulp Specie;蓝桉纸浆材良种组培苗繁殖技术研究

6.Study on Division Propagation of Tillandsia ionantha铁兰属一种Tillandsia ionantha分株繁殖技术

7.Softwood Cutting Techniques of Garden Greening Species城市园林绿化树种嫩枝扦插繁殖技术

8.The Technical Research of Female Individual Asexual Propagation and the Establishment of Propagation System of Castor (Ricinus Communis) in Two Forms;蓖麻雌性单株两种无性繁殖技术研究及繁殖体系构建

9.Study on Reproduction of Hybrid of Winter Wheat and Reproduction of Parents;冬小麦杂交种制种和亲本繁殖技术研究

10.The Studies on Propagation of High Quality Bulbs in Oriental Hybrid Lily;东方百合主栽品种优质种球繁殖技术研究

11.Study on the Propagating Characters and Seed Production Technology of Zoysia Japonica;结缕草繁殖特性及其种子生产技术的研究

12.Seed Physiological and Reproductive Study on the Medicinal Plant Ferula (Ferula Fukanensis Shen);药用植物阜康阿魏的种子生理及繁殖技术研究

13.Studies on Germ Plasm Resource and Propagation Technology of Taxus Chinensis(Pilger)Rehd;南方红豆杉种质资源调查及繁殖技术研究

14.The Introduction, Cultivation and Propogation of Fern in Beijing Area;北京地区蕨类植物引种、栽培及繁殖技术的研究

15.Studies on Germination Characteristics and Propagation Techniques of Semi-hardwood Cuttings of Celtis Julianae;珊瑚朴种子萌发特性及嫩枝扦插繁殖技术研究

16.Selection and Study on Propagation Technology of Salt-tolerance Urban Afforestation Species in Daqing Area;大庆地区耐盐绿化树种的选择及繁殖技术研究

17.Studies on Introduction and Propagation of Goldenchain Tree and Midland Hawthorn;金链花与欧洲红花山楂引种及繁殖技术研究

18.Study on Cutting Propagation Techniques Chinensis and Seed Vigor of Simmondsia;希蒙德木扦插繁殖技术及种子活力的研究


Sowing propagation播种繁殖

1.The experiments were conducted with Berberis wisoniae including the ex-situ cultivation sowing propagation with the stored seeds and cuttage propagation by different combinations of cutting materials with varied rooting powder dosages.对金花小檗进行迁地栽培与种子贮藏播种、不同插穗与生根粉的扦插试验,结果表明:金花小檗适应性强,成活率受种子贮藏时间和插穗种类的影响,播种繁殖以随采随播效果最佳,扦插繁殖以从人工栽培的植株上采集插穗经生根粉处理后的效果最佳,可在实践中推广应用。

3)techniquesof propagating and producing hybrid seed繁殖制种技术

4)propagation technology繁殖技术

1.Studies on domestication andpropagation technology of Paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis and Paris polyphylla var.chinensis;滇重楼与华重楼的野生驯化和繁殖技术研究

5)propagation technique繁殖技术

1.Studies onpropagation technique of Taxus chinensis var. mairei南方红豆杉繁殖技术研究进展

2.The paper outlines the morphology and growth environment of Trichosathes kirilowii Maxim and itspropagation techniques and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of thepropagation techniques of tissue culture,hairy root culture and seeds at present.对栝楼的植物学形态、生长环境要求、繁殖技术等方面进行了概述,并对现阶段栝楼的组织培养快速繁殖、发根培养及种子繁殖等技术在农业生产中的地位及其优势和不足进行了总结分析。

3.Research advances inpropagation techniques of ornamental cherry were summarized mainly including sowing,grafting,cuttage and tissue culture.从观赏樱花的播种及嫁接、扦插和组织培养等方面,综述了国内在樱花繁殖技术上的研究进展。

6)reproduction technique繁殖技术

1.Sugarcanereproduction technique by double buds of single stem of few and thin planting;甘蔗良种双芽单行稀播繁殖技术

2.Thereproduction technique of D.从越南和我国台湾省引入十字花科蔬菜主要害虫小菜蛾幼虫的优势天敌小菜蛾弯尾姬蜂 ,研究了该寄生蜂的生物学特性和室内繁殖技术。

3.The geographic distribution,biological and ecological characteristics,reproduction technique,economic value and utilization etc of Magnolia sieboldii are introduced.概述了天女木兰的地理分布、生物学和生态学特性、繁殖技术、经济价值及开发利用等方面的研究现状,指出了天女木兰应用和研究中存在的问题,提出了对天女木兰保育和开发利用的策略。


