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播种 sowing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 18:31:27


播种 sowing英语短句 例句大全



1.Driver s Fatigue Evaluation and Analysis in Mechanized Sowing Work;机械化播种作业中驾驶员疲劳分析与评价

2.Primary Study on Root System of Alfalfa in the Sowing Year;播种当年苜蓿根系研究初报(简报)

3.Characteristics of Changes of Meteorological Factors Affecting Corn Sowing in Shanxi Province;影响山西春玉米适时播种的气象条件变化特征


1.To sow(seeds)in rows.条播(种子)成排播种

2.cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons.播种季节未播种的耕地。

3.seeding machineph.1.播种机

4.vegetable (seed) drill蔬菜(种籽)播种机

5.planting unit of corn planter玉米播种机排种装置

6.vertical plate planter垂直排种盘式播种机

7.She sowed sunflower seeds.她播种下了向日葵种子。

8.This new machine distributes seed evenly and quickly.这台新机器播种播得又快又均。

9.It is lost labour to sow where there is no soil.没有土壤,播种也是徒劳。

10.furrows ready for planting为播种而犁好的沟.

11.rake the soil(smooth),eg before planting seeds把地耙平(如在播种以前).

12.full-mounted combine grain seeder全悬挂联合谷物播种机

13.semi-mounted 9-row grain drill半悬挂九行谷物播种机

14.mounted 9-row grain dril悬挂九行谷物播种机

15.grassland roller drill带镇压轮的草地播种机

16.It is not yet time to sow.现在还不是播种的时候。

17.It is too soon to sow yet.现在还不到播种的时候。

18.He reaped before he sowed.原始人先收获,后播种。



1.Study onSeeding and Breeding Technology of 18 Species of Magnoliaceae;18个木兰科树种播种育苗技术初步研究

2.Reverse-rotary stubble-cultivator with seeding and applying fertilizer is one kind of multi-purpose multiple compound work machinery.反转灭茬旋耕施肥播种机是一种多功能多重复合作业机械,它由一个通用反转灭茬机平台、与之配套的播种装置、与之配套的深施肥装置组成。

3.During seeding, the bulbil direction was designed as three directions: up, down and random.为了研究大蒜播种时鳞芽朝向对大蒜生长发育的影响,为研究大蒜播种机械提供参考依据,该文以徐州白蒜为供试品种,将鳞芽分为朝上、朝下和随机3种情况种植,观察大蒜生长发育情况。


1.The Theory and Experimental Study of Suction Drum-type Rice PrecisionSeeder;气吸滚筒式水稻精量播种装置的理论与试验研究

2.The results indicated that the suitable seedtime was the second half of June and beginning of July.秋季黑皮冬瓜的播种时期是关系到冬瓜种植的成败关键因素。

3.However,traditional rape production mode has seriously hampered the development of China\"s rapeseed industry.为此,概述了华东地区油菜种植的情况,从油菜种植面积、机械化规模、主要作业农机具、农艺配套及技术规范等方面分析了该地区的油菜机械化生产现状和发展水平,并对油菜品种、播种方式、作业机具及技术、政策推广等制约油菜机械化生产发展的因素进行了比较全面的分析,提出了油菜全程机械化生产的发展对策。


1.Probe on theplanting of cotton high density cultivaion;棉花高密度栽培精量播种问题探讨

2.Design of the Punch Planting with Water Jet Equipment and Its Experimental Research;射水成穴播种试验装置的设计及试验

5)seed sowing播种

1.The results showed that the stem (length 15-20cm, width 4-5cm) rooted after 17-20d of cuttage, the rooting percentage was up to 100% and one year later the length and width reached 213cm and 7-8cm, respectively; the survival ratio of grafted seedling was 70%-90% and sprout grafting had a higher survival ratio; bud bursted after 4d ofseed sowing, the germination percentage was 50.蔓茎扦插17~20d发根,发根率100%,一年后长度达213cm左右,茎宽7~8cm;蔓茎嫁接成活率70%~90%,以幼芽接穗成活率更高;种子播种4d发芽,平均发芽率50。


1.Experiment on Celastrus orbioulatus Thunb of its manualsemination Propagation;南蛇藤人工播种繁育试验研究

2.The research of insemination, sprout and lawn formation of two Trifolium varieties was carries out.对三叶草的2个种的播种、出苗、成坪一系列观察研究结果表明,白三叶海弗(畜)生长较好;白三叶瑞文德(北)、白三叶瑞文德(丹)、红三叶罗亚(兰)和红三叶罗亚(畜)生长适宜;白三叶瑞文德(畜)和白三叶休依(畜)表现欠佳。


