900字范文 > 林木分级方法 method of tree classification英语短句 例句大全

林木分级方法 method of tree classification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-19 01:50:16


林木分级方法 method of tree classification英语短句 例句大全

林木分级方法,method of tree classification

1)method of tree classification林木分级方法

2)The class of stems林木分级

3)classification method分级方法

1.Research onclassification method of public hazard levels for natural gas well involving hydrogen sulfide;含硫气井公众危害程度分级方法研究

2.Study on Classification Method of Rock Slope Stability in Highway Construction in Mountainous Region;山区高速公路岩质边坡稳定性分级方法研究

3.This paper is mainly about classification for burning behavior of building materials, including differences between the newclassification method and the former one.本文简要介绍了我国建筑材料燃烧性能分级方法的最新进展,包括新旧分级方法的不同和相关政策,以及新分级方法采用的试验方法和检测设备。


1.Methods for surrounding rock sub-classification of road tunnels公路隧道岩质围岩亚级分级方法研究

2.Classification on burning behaviour for building materialsGB8624-1997建筑材料燃烧性能分级方法

3.Method for dry classification of chrysotile asbestos fibreGB/T6646.1-1986温石棉纤维干式分级方法

4.Method for wet classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre by length distributionGB/T6646.2-1986温石棉纤维长度湿式分级方法

5.An Attacked-Probability-Based Approach to Ranking Attack Graph一种基于攻击概率的攻击图分级方法

6.Classification Method of Population Density Map Based on Lorenz Curve基于Lorenz曲线的人口密度地图分级方法

7.Bayes-Based Color Detection and Classification Method of Bamboo Slices基于Bayes的竹片颜色检测分级方法

8.Rock Mass Blastability Classification and its Application in Shuichang Open Pit Mine水厂铁矿岩体可爆性分级方法与应用

9.Method for Farmland Slope Classification Based on GIS基于GIS技术的耕地坡度分级方法


11.A New Method to Figure Out Differential Equation: Differential Arithmetic Operators Progression Method;微分方程的新解法——微分算子级数法

12.54 kilograms, that is, flyweight according to some categorization.54公斤级,也就是某些划分方法所说的特轻量级。

13.The class analysis is a basic method of Marxism.阶级分析方法是马克思主义的基本方法。

14.An method of assignment of software priority.软件优先级的一种分配方法。

15.A on-line stroke based multi-level handwriting Chinese character recognition method识别联机手写体汉字的多级分类方法

16.Application Research of Classification Method on Evaluation Ratepaying Credit Grade;纳税信用等级评定分类方法应用研究

17.Study of Credit Rating Method Based on Factor Analysis;基于因子分析对信用评级方法的研究

18.Dividing Model and Option of Financial Risk Level in International Corporation;跨国公司财务风险等级划分方法选择


The class of stems林木分级

3)classification method分级方法

1.Research onclassification method of public hazard levels for natural gas well involving hydrogen sulfide;含硫气井公众危害程度分级方法研究

2.Study on Classification Method of Rock Slope Stability in Highway Construction in Mountainous Region;山区高速公路岩质边坡稳定性分级方法研究

3.This paper is mainly about classification for burning behavior of building materials, including differences between the newclassification method and the former one.本文简要介绍了我国建筑材料燃烧性能分级方法的最新进展,包括新旧分级方法的不同和相关政策,以及新分级方法采用的试验方法和检测设备。

4)fractionation scheme分级方法

1.The article overview the people of the past study the phosphoric ratings method and results,analyses limitations on the tra- ditional soil phosphorusfractionation scheme,points out the function of the studies result that assessment of soil phosphorus fertility.综述了前人研究磷的分级方法及成果,分析了传统土壤磷素分级方法的局限性,指出了其研究结果在评价磷素肥力中的作用。

5)grade method分级方法

1.The study for the effect of resistance appraisal to cercosporablack spot by differentgrade methods in sweet potatoes;甘薯黑斑病抗性鉴定不同分级方法效果研究

2.The normal distribution curvegrade method of forest tree seeds was suggested in this paper, that is determine the rate of every grade according to the requirement from production, management and user of forest tree seeds, and determine the specific indexes of every grade by using the normal distribution value formula u=(x- x )/s .林木种子分级方法较多,用于制定国家种子分级标准的方法有4种,均有缺欠。

6)grading method分级方法

1.Theoretical analysis of estimating data at fitting forgrading method;判断数据适合分级方法的理论分析


林木1.树林。 2.木材。
