900字范文 > 均衡发展 balanced development英语短句 例句大全

均衡发展 balanced development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-11 12:50:08


均衡发展 balanced development英语短句 例句大全

均衡发展,balanced development

1)balanced development均衡发展

1.Present status and solutions ofbalanced development of basic education information system in perspective of inclusive education;全纳视野下基础教育信息化均衡发展的现状与对策

2.The Searching of Area Education Informatization Balanced Development Based on the Agglomeration Effect;聚集效应对区域教育信息化均衡发展的影响研究

3.Rational Deployment of Teacher Resources to Promote the Balanced Development of Regional Basic Education;合理配置教师资源 促进区域基础教育均衡发展


1.balanced economic growth均衡发展的经济增长

2.Unbalanced development theory and Sports Unbalanced development Practice in China;非均衡发展理论与中国体育非均衡发展实践

3.On the Transition of Non-balanced Development Strategy to the Balanced Development Strategy;试论非均衡发展战略向均衡发展战略的转变

4.To Balance the Development of Education by Application of Information Technology--A New Idea for Promoting Educational Equity of Jiangdong District;以信息化促区域教育均衡发展——江东区教育均衡发展思路新探

5."Benign Imbalanced Development" and "Interdynamic Development of the River and Sea" of Jiangsu;“良性非均衡发展”与江苏“江海联动”开发

6.On the Development of the Westrn Region and the Unbalanced Theory of the Social System;西部大开发与社会系统非均衡发展论

7.On Farmland Protection and Balanced Development of Dynamic Balance of Farmland;耕地保护与耕地占补平衡均衡发展的思考

8.The Meaning of Balanced Development of Basic Education and Reasons and Treatment of Unbalance基础教育均衡发展的内涵、失衡原因及治理

9.The Study of Balanced Development of Basic Education in Northwest Minority Area西北少数民族基础教育均衡发展研究

10.Analysis of Real Estate Market Price and Research on Balanced Development Strategy;房地产市场价格分析及均衡发展研究

11.A Study on the Unbalanced Development of the Tourism Industry in China;中国旅游经济区域非均衡发展的研究

12.Balanced Development: A Decision-making Selection of the Compulsory Education of China;均衡发展:我国义务教育的决策选择

13.On the Comprehensive Measuring of Educational Balancing Development:Principles and Methods;教育均衡发展综合测度的原则与方法

14.On Correct Relations in the Balanced Development of Basic Education;基础教育均衡发展要处理好十大关系

15.Rural Schools Mapping Restructure and Balanced Development of Education;农村学校布局调整与教育的均衡发展

16.Balanced Development of Basic Education Rearch in the Context of Education Equity;教育公平视域下的基础教育均衡发展

17.On Balanced Development of Tax Reform,Optimization and Tax Collection and Management;论税制改革、优化与税收征管均衡发展

18.The Problems and Solutions to the Balanced Development of Education in Ankang City;安康城区教育均衡发展的问题与对策


equilibrium development均衡发展

1.Secondly, industry management should be strengthened to realizeequilibrium development of tourism productivity.在分析我国旅游生产力体系存在的问题的基础上,认为要完善我国旅游生产力体系,必须采取三项措施:一 是在旅游生产力地区布局上,东南沿海要上水平,中西部要上规模;二是加强行业管理,实现旅游生产力的均衡发展;三是 扶持“短腿”项目,使购物、娱乐等弱项变强。

2.Disequilibrium development is influenced by three forces: the inherent law of economic development,the working of.非均衡发展一般受经济发展的内在规律、市场作用和政府干预三种力量的影响。

3.The equilibrium & disequilibrium development are part of DENG Xiao-ping Thoughts.研究邓小平辩证发展观时,学术界往往较多关注其非均衡发展思想,而忽略对其"综合平衡"均衡发展思想的研究,针对这一现状,分析了邓小平均衡与非均衡辩证发展观及其对构建和谐社会的作用。

3)balance development均衡发展

1.This article discusses the demands of both masses and societies should been understood when practising educational information and the meaning of achieving educationalbalance development, and introduces their practical experiences.论述了实施教育信息化的工作中,了解群众与社会的需求,实现教育均衡发展的意义,并介绍了天津市深入开展信息化技术教育的实践经验。

2.The fairness andbalance development of education have been the focus of our society now.为探讨教育公平和均衡发展问题,采用国际知名统计分析软件SPSS对我国各地区经济发展和教育发展的众多指标进行因子分析,在此基础上又对各地区教育发展情况进行聚类分析并加以讨论。

3.As a new developing view in education and a scientific,rational guiding policy,balance development is an important strategical thought,which guides us to construct the well-off society in China.均衡发展作为一种新的教育发展观和科学合理的政策导向,是我国全面建设小康社会进程中重要的战略性指导思想。

4)the balanced development均衡发展

1.During the process ofthe balanced development of the compulsory education,it is sure to be confined by some elements such as the unbalanced regional economical development,the differences of incomes and literature between the students families,the differences of the students personal characters,the unbalanced structures of the teachers troops and so on.义务教育均衡发展是我国提出的一项教育发展战略。

2.Through analysis based on the problems and reasons, we proposed the corresponding policy suggestion as follows: to clarify that government bears the entire responsibility ofthe balanced development of compulsory education so as to organically combine local development promotion with central governmental compensation; to establish compulsory educational resource c.我国义务教育均衡发展取得了很大成就,但依然面临着诸多问题和挑战。

5)non-balanced development非均衡发展

1.Since the founding of New China in 1949,China s developmental strategies have gone through the process of balanced development,non-balanced development and relatively balanced de velopment,and correspondingly,the social functioning mechanism has also undergone the same course.建国以来,中国发展战略经历了一个从均衡发展到非均衡发展再到相对均衡发展的过程,社会运行机制也经历了一个从侧重平衡机制到侧重动力机制,再到动力机制与平衡机制协调运行的过程。

2.So it is very important that Fujian works outnon-balanced development strategies in the process of the development of the economic zone on west side of strait.由于与“长三角”和“珠三角”在空间上紧密相连,经济发展程度不同,所以在建设海峡西岸经济区的过程中福建制定好非均衡发展战略就显得尤为重要。

3.The only way to realize social modernization and build a well-off society in all-round way in underdeveloped areas is to carry out thenon-balanced development policy and go a way of leap-forward development.借助非均衡发展和增长极理论,分析探讨了云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州经济社会发展现状,指出实施非均衡发展战略,走跨越式发展之路,是经济欠发达地区实现社会主义现代化和建设全面小康社会的必经之路。

6)development proportion发展均衡度


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