900字范文 > 货币政策工具创新 Monetary policy tools of innovation英语短句 例句大全

货币政策工具创新 Monetary policy tools of innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-04 13:24:40


货币政策工具创新 Monetary policy tools of innovation英语短句 例句大全

货币政策工具创新,Monetary policy tools of innovation

1)Monetary policy tools of innovation货币政策工具创新


1.Fed"s Innovative Monetary Policy Tools in Finan-cial Crisis and its Implication金融危机中美联储的货币政策工具创新及启示

2.The United States Economy’s Credit Crunch and American Federal Reserve Committee Monetary Policy Tools of Innovation美国经济的信贷紧缩和美联储货币政策工具创新

3.The Monetary Policy Operation to Response to the Financial Crisis:Some innovated Instruments by Fed and International Monetary Policy Cooperation金融危机管理中的货币政策操作——美联储的若干工具创新及货币政策的国际协调

4.One Important Instrument for Government to Control Economy:Monetary Policy;货币政策:政府调控经济的重要工具

5.The Research on the Objective,Strategy and Instruments of the ECB"s Monetary Policy欧央行货币政策目标、策略及工具研究

6.Study on the Electronic Money and Money Creation and the Efficiency of Monetary Policy;电子货币、货币创造与货币政策有效性

7.Research on the Effectiveness of Currency and Monetary Policy Caused by Financial Innovation;金融创新对货币及货币政策有效性的影响研究

8.Impact of Financial Innovation on Money Supply & Demand and Monetary Policy;金融创新对货币供求关系及货币政策的影响

9.U.S. Fed monetory policy tools in dealing with the subprime crisis;美联储应对次贷危机的货币政策工具

10.An Analysis of Chinese Monetary Policy Tools in an Open Economy;开放经济下的我国货币政策工具分析

11.Financial Products Innovations and Its Effect on Monetary Policy;金融产品创新及其对货币政策的影响

12.Financial Innovation Effect and Our Country s Monetary Policy Improving;金融创新效应与我国货币政策的完善

13.The Impact of Financial Innovation on Monetary Policy Transmission Effect金融创新对货币政策传导的影响分析

14.The Innovation of Local Policy and Its Implementation:the Reform of House Monetarization in Guiyang地方政策创新和政策执行:贵阳住房货币化改革

15.According to Dai, the central bank will use various monetary policy tools to increase money supply.戴相龙说,今后中央银行将运用多种货币政策工具,增加货币供应量。

16.An Analysis on the Efficiency of China s Monetary Policy--Perfect and Strengthen Structural Monetary tools;中国货币政策的有效性分析——健全和强化结构性货币工具

17.The Effect of Financial Innovation on Monetary Policy and the Countermeasure;金融创新对货币政策的影响及对策研究

18.The Effect of Financial Innovation on Our Country"s Monetary Policy and the Countermeasure金融创新对我国货币政策的影响及对策研究


monetary policy instruments货币政策工具

ments on New Monetary Policy Instruments Adopted by Central Banks;中央银行货币政策工具变化评析

2.Research on the Influence of the Monetary Policy Instruments Impacting to the Intermediate Target in China;我国货币政策工具运用对中介目标的影响研究

3.The paper focuses on the effect of differentmonetary policy instruments in the different periods of asset prices fluctuation.文章以不同的货币政策手段在资产价格波动的不同阶段所表现出的作用效果为出发点,通过SVAR模型,识别出不同货币政策工具的单独动态冲击,并分别分析了膨胀阶段和低迷阶段的资产价格对货币政策冲击响应的程度,以解决针对不同阶段资产价格波动的货币政策调控手段和时机的选择问题。

3)monetary policy instrument货币政策工具

1.As amonetary policy instrument, the central bank s rediscount business has played a vital role in transmitting monetary policy.中央银行再贴现业务,作为中央银行的货币政策工具,对传导货币政策发挥了重要作用。

4)tools of monetary policy货币政策工具

5)monetary policy tools货币政策工具

1.Research on Time-varying Efficiency of China"s Monetary Policy Tools我国货币政策工具作用的时变效率研究

2.Some suggestions on the trend of future monetary policy were proposed: to ensure the social investment and private investment following up in time;to focus on the collocation ofmonetary policy tools;to improve the transparency of monetary policy;to further perfect the capital market and increase the proportion of direct finance.分析了新一轮经济周期下辽宁省中长期贷款增长的特点以及存在的主要问题,并对未来货币政策趋势提出了政策建议,确保社会投资和民间投资的及时跟进,注重货币政策工具的搭配,提高货币政策的透明度,进一步完善资本市场,增加直接融资比重。

3.Because of these two causes,themonetary policy tools of China have met greater difficulties in regulating the macro economy effectively.这两方面的原因加大了我国货币政策工具有效调控宏观经济的难度。

6)monetary-policy instrumental variables货币政策工具变量

1.The model includes GDP and relativemonetary-policy instrumental variables.本文利用国内生产总值GDP及相关的货币政策工具变量通过向量自回归模型(VAR模型 )的脉冲响应函数建立了货币政策冲击反应模型 ,在实证分析的基础上分析货币政策工具变量的冲击导致的实际国内生产总值GDP的上下波动。


货币政策工具 货币政策工具——货币政策工具又称政策手段,是中央银行为实现货币政策目标所采用的政策手段。货币政策工具可分为一般性政策工具(包括法定存款准备金率、再贴现政策、公开市场业务)和选择性政策工具(直接信用控制、间接信用指导等)。
