900字范文 > 液性塑料心轴 Hydraulic expanding mandrel英语短句 例句大全

液性塑料心轴 Hydraulic expanding mandrel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 07:47:18


液性塑料心轴 Hydraulic expanding mandrel英语短句 例句大全

液性塑料心轴,Hydraulic expanding mandrel

1)Hydraulic expanding mandrel液性塑料心轴

2)Plastics axle塑料心轴

3)liquidity plastic液性塑料

1.Accurate design and analysis on thin liner in fixture ofliquidity plastic;液性塑料夹具中的薄壁套筒精确设计与分析

2.This paper is based on the example of processing the tire of pump stock"s hole on coal mining machine,simply relates the course of design and machinery analysis about the mechanism,discusses the circumstance of force stress and deformation in detail in theory about thin liner in clamping ofliquidity plastic and elastic centering.从理论上详细论述了液性塑料弹性定心夹紧机构中薄壁套筒的受力、变形情况。


1.A New Liquid Plastic Mandrel Used in Finish Machining of Cylinders Outer Surface一种实用的缸套外圆表面精加工液性塑料芯轴

2.Preparing of in Situ Composites Based on Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers and Thermoplastics;热塑性塑料/热致液晶聚合物原位复合材料的制备

3." Plastics hose and hose assemblies--Thermoplastics, textile-reinforced, hydraulic type"GB/T15908-1995织物增强液压型热塑性塑料软管和软管组合件

4.flame retardant RTP阻燃性增强热塑性塑料

5.plastic product hydraulic moulding press塑料制品液压成型机

6.carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic碳纤维增强热塑性塑料

7.manually operated thermoplastic ball valve热塑性塑料手动式球阀

8.fibre reinforced thermoplasticity plastics纤维增强热塑性塑料

9.Effect of Coating"s Wetting Ability for Liquid Polystyrene on Casting Defects;涂料对液态泡沫塑料的润湿性对铸件缺陷的影响

10.Liquid Feeding Technique of The Double Screw Extruder in The Application of Modified Polypropylene双螺杆挤出机液体进料工艺在改性塑料中的应用

11.Study on Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics into Liqud Fuel Oil;废塑料裂解制取液体燃料技术的研究

12.Plastics--Determination of the effects of liquid chemicals including waterGB/T11547-1989塑料耐液体化学药品(包括水)性能测定方法

13.The repaired plastic has seventy-five percent of the strength of undamaged plastic.经修复的塑料的韧性是原塑料的75%。

14.Design on Hydraulic System of Hollow Blow Molding Machine塑料中空吹塑机液压系统的设计与研究

15.Polymers give plastic its ability to be shaped and its strength.聚合体使塑料具有可塑性和韧性。

16.The Studies on the Processing, Microstructures and Properties of Thermoplastic Starch;热塑性淀粉塑料加工、结构和性能研究

17.Investigations on Compressible Plastic Mechanical Properties of Foam Plastic;泡沫塑料可压缩的塑性力学性能研究

18.fiber glass reinforced thermoplastics玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料, 热塑性玻璃钢


Plastics axle塑料心轴

3)liquidity plastic液性塑料

1.Accurate design and analysis on thin liner in fixture ofliquidity plastic;液性塑料夹具中的薄壁套筒精确设计与分析

2.This paper is based on the example of processing the tire of pump stock"s hole on coal mining machine,simply relates the course of design and machinery analysis about the mechanism,discusses the circumstance of force stress and deformation in detail in theory about thin liner in clamping ofliquidity plastic and elastic centering.从理论上详细论述了液性塑料弹性定心夹紧机构中薄壁套筒的受力、变形情况。

4)liquid plastics液性塑料

1.A investigation of using holding devices withliquid plasticsto advance tooth grinding precision;利用液性塑料夹具提高磨齿精度的探讨

2.Designing and making aliquid plastics locking mechanism involves a key problem of selecting a reasonable wall-thickness of the elastic sleeve.在液性塑料锁定机构设计制造中确定一个合理弹性套薄壁壁厚是关键之一,作者针对原计算公式的缺陷通过较全面的理论分析和计算推导得出确定弹性套薄壁壁厚的方法和计算公式,从而满足了结构设计要求。

5)liquid plastics centering clamping device液性塑料定心夹紧机构

6)liquid plastic fixture液性塑料夹具


MasterCAM8.0在四轴、五轴铣床加工中的应用与技巧MasterCAM8.0新增加了多轴加工模块,但在实际加工应用中数控机床的控制器是不同的,在后置处理时,如果在MasterCAM8.0提供的后置处理文件夹Posts中找不到适合数控机床控制器的后置处理文件,或者经过编辑某通用后置处理文件后,仍不能得到与数控机床控制器相适应的后置处理文件,那么就无法将多轴加工模块得到的NCI文件转化成实际加工中可用的NC程序。笔者在工作实践中,通过适当的转化使某些常用、典型的四轴、五轴加工在MasterCAM8.0上得以实现,并且成功后置处理成适合加工实际的四轴、五轴数控铣床控制器格式的NC程序。一、四轴加工的应用卫生巾切刀成型辊的数控加工主要是通过用平铣刀和锥度成型刀在XK-715M机床(带旋转轴的三坐标数控机床)上实现的。旋转轴上夹持的切刀成型辊相当于第四轴——A轴,刀具在圆柱体上走空间曲线,就得到刀刃的型面。那么,如何建出这条卷在圆柱体上的空间曲线呢?首先,在MasterCAM8.0中,根据切刀理论刃口展开图画出不同刀具的中心轨迹展开图,这是二维曲线。然后,利用主菜单的转换→卷筒→串连,用串连的方式选取刀具轨迹曲线→然后设定卷筒直径、旋转轴X及曲线放置在圆柱体上的位置→确认后再作出与卷筒直径同样大小的圆柱曲面,作为4轴曲线加工的导动曲面,将空间曲线以投影方式投到圆柱面上进行加工。虽然同样是FANUC系统,但XK-715M机床和加工中心控制器的所使用的格式稍有区别,所以在用MasterCAM后处理产生NC程序之前需修改后置处理文件MPFAN.PST。方法如下:进入文件→编辑→*.PST→找到系统默认的MPFAN.PST文件,先作备份,如另存为MPFAN-1.PST文件,然后打开,找到下面清单中的变量rot_ccw_pos : 1,将其改为rot_ccw_pos : 0,并存盘。# Rotary Axis Settings# --------------------------vmc : 1 #0 = Horizontal Machine, 1 = Vertical Mill rot_on_x: 1 #Default Rotary Axis Orientation, See ques. 164. #0 = Off, 1 = About X, 2 = About Y, 3 = About Z rot_ccw_pos : 1 #Axis signed dir, 0 = CW positive, 1 = CCW positive之后,进入“NC管理”菜单→更改后置处理文件→选中MPFAN-1.PST文件,再对NCI文件进行后置处理,产生符合XK-715M机床的NC格式。二、 五轴加工的应用以在FIDIA系统的T20上加工双角度叉耳内外形为例,说明用MasterCAM8.0实现T20上带固定角度的五轴加工。
