900字范文 > 芯模 mandrel英语短句 例句大全

芯模 mandrel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-12 14:28:48


芯模 mandrel英语短句 例句大全



1.Experimental study on role ofmandrel in thin-walled tube NC bending process with small bending radius;薄壁管小弯曲半径数控绕弯成形芯模效用的实验研究

2.Model of cord winding on the elbowmandrel;帘线在肘形芯模上的缠绕模型

3.This paper has presented structures and characteristics ofmandrels used for the fabrication of FW products.本文介绍了PVC/FRP缠绕制品芯模的材料结构特点、芯模受力分析和芯模的强度刚性计算。


1.Quality evaluation of the ceramic core shaped by side extrusion and mould design侧向挤压陶瓷型芯模具设计与型芯质量评估

2.The Numerical Simulation of Steel Tube Drawing Process with a Short Mandril and Optimizing Design for Tube Drawing Process and Mandril;钢管短芯棒拉拔过程的数值模拟及拉拔工艺、芯模的优化

3.Research and Implementation to CAD System of Magnetic Core Mould for Deflection Coil偏转线圈磁芯模cad系统的研究与实现

4.Design of Injection Mould with Multiple-cores Puller-Equi-spaced in Circumference,Core Pulling in Circular Arc Trace周向均布多型芯圆弧抽芯注塑模设计

5.large scale integrated chip大规模集成电路芯片

6.core mechanical mockup堆芯机械全尺寸模型

7.pure silica core single-mode fiber纯石英纤芯单模光纤

8.chaplet, of iron or steel (excl. moulder"s nails), for foundery moulding cores型芯撑,钢或铁制(不包括型芯撑钉)用于翻砂制模型芯)

9.Research on Core Pulling Technology of Die Casting Die with Crossed Core Structure采用交叉型芯机构的压铸模抽芯工艺的研究

10.A modeling method for punches and dies of progressive die for motor core电机铁芯级进模凸模与凹模建模方法研究

11.Use A/D Convert Chip and Software to Actualize A/D and D/A Convert用数模转换芯片和软件实现模数和数模转换

12.double layer core dispersion-shifted single-mode fiber双层纤芯色散位移单模光纤

13.Key words: hose-connect、 injection mould、 take off whorl、 side core.关键词:软管接头、射模、螺纹、向抽芯.

14.modern mo(u)ld and core-making process现代型模型及型芯制造法

15.The Manufacturing Process for Core Thread of Bottle Cap Injection Mould瓶盖注射模螺纹型芯的螺纹制造工艺

16.Study of Offset in Circle-section Core of Injection Mould注射模具中圆形截面型芯偏移的研究

17.Design of Progressive Die for the Automatic Tinertoy of the Motor Stator & Rotor Core电机定转子铁芯自动叠铆级进模设计

18.Demoulding Structural Design of Core Cooperating Pushing Plate Dual-Corn型芯与推板双锥面配合脱模机构设计


die core模芯

3)mould core模芯

1.Problems about statormould core design are analysed.详细论述了螺杆泵定、转子的主要几何参数,分析了定子模芯的设计问题,并给出了较为实用的理论和经验公式。

4)mold core模芯

1.The electroforming method and technology of injection mold cavity with the original plastic product asmold core was introduced.介绍了用原塑料制件为模芯电铸注塑模型腔的方法和工艺。


6)thermal expansion mould膨胀芯模

1.The process principle ofthermal expansion mould method(TEMM) was illustrated and the key process procedure was further studied.对膨胀芯模法制备主承力复合材料管件的工艺原理进行了阐述,对工艺过程的关键环节进行了深入研究,并对该工艺制备的炭/环氧主承力管件进行了轴压强度实验研究。


