900字范文 > 大型铸铁件 heavy iron castings英语短句 例句大全

大型铸铁件 heavy iron castings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-29 05:28:45


大型铸铁件 heavy iron castings英语短句 例句大全

大型铸铁件,heavy iron castings

1)heavy iron castings大型铸铁件

1.Based on the analysis of characteristics ofheavy iron castings,it\"s considered that their casting method design principle should be as:bottom gating with dispersed ingates,fast and high temperature pouring.通过分析大型铸铁件的特点,认为其浇注工艺设计的主要原则应当是:分散底注、快速浇注和高温浇注;并对各种浇注工艺的优缺点进行了详细分析。

2.The history and developing features ofheavy iron castings production in China was introduced.介绍了我国大型铸铁件的生产历史和发展特点,指出铁液温度和供给量的正确控制、起重能力的合理选择、地坑设置及队伍建设是生产大型铸铁件的独有和不可缺少的基本条件,并用渣罐、泵体和机床床身的生产实例来说明大型铸铁件的工艺特点。

3.An introduction was made to the problems with the iron melt filtration ofheavy iron castings such as the filtering area,strength,placement and cost of the filters,and so on.介绍了大型铸铁件过滤器的过滤面积、强度、安放及成本等问题,针对现有过滤方案的缺点,提出了工艺设计灵巧、适应面广、过滤成本低的西利解决方案。


1.Technology Analysis and Quality Control of Large-Size Iron Casting with Furan Resin-Bonded Sand用呋喃树脂砂生产大型铸铁件的工艺分析与质量控制

2.Sand and rusts removing of large-sized cast iron,cast steel,steel structures,large-sized forging and surface freatment of oxidized workpieces.大型铸铁、铸钢件,钢结构件、大型锻件,热处理件的清砂、除锈去除氧化皮表面清理等。

3.Experiment and Production of Heavy Thick-walled Winding Barrel Casting for Crane with Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron大型厚壁球墨铸铁起重机卷筒铸件的试验与生产

4.Study on Material of Ductile Cast Iron and Numerical Simulation of Lost Foam Casting for Large-size Punching Dies;中大型冲压件模具球墨铸铁材料及消失模铸造数值模拟研究

5.Casting method and Equipment Used for Resin Sand-Coated Permanent Mould Cast Wheel Hub Castings轮毂类铸件覆砂铁型铸造工艺及设备

6.We export to Europe, America, Australia, Canada and Japan.公司年产各种型号灰铸铁和球墨铸铁件6万吨。

7.The Researcher and Implementation of Computer Simulation of the Gear Box Casting During Filling Process;板形铸铁件消失模铸造充型过程模拟分析

8.We are looking for steel casting suplliers for our larger size valves.现在正在寻找钢铁铸件的供应商,支持我们的大型阀门的制造.

9.Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Lateral-large reducing teesGB/T3289.13-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸侧大异径三通

10.Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Medium-large reducing tees [tees(increasing on the branch)]GB/T3289.12-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸中大异径三通

11.It"s used for the production of large castings.它用于大型铸件的制备。

12.Study of new compound wear resistant coatings on cast iron component;铸铁件表面新型复合耐磨镀层的研究

13.The Mechanism of the Mold Collapse Defect for Iron Casting in Expendable Pattern Casting Process with Dry Sand and Vacuum真空消失模铸造铸铁件铸型坍塌缺陷成因的研究

14.Prevention of Common Flaw in Heavy Section Ductile Iron Castings厚大断面球墨铸铁件常见缺陷的防止

15.Application of Graphite Chills to the Heavy-Section Ductile Iron Castings石墨冷铁在大断面球墨铸铁件上的应用

16.The sand faced-iron mould casting process is a special iron castings production process, according which castings are to he cast in the iron moulds having a thin layer of the resin sand facing in their inner surfaces.铁型覆砂铸造是指在金属型(铁型)内腔覆上一薄层树脂砂,然后采用这种覆砂铁型浇注铸件。

17.A Study on Software of Foundry Technology and Mould CAD of Ductile Iron Castings Produced in Copper Alloy Mould;铜合金金属型球墨铸铁件铸造工艺及模具CAD软件研究

18.Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--U-Elbows(return bends)GB/T3289.9-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸U型弯头


superlarge-sized nodular cast iron casting特大型球铁铸件

3)heavy casting大型铸件

1.The study on the mould flux forheavy casting;大型铸件用保护渣的分析研究

2.The types of burning-on defects ofheavy castings and their formation reasons were introduced,and the influences of some factors on the effect of coatings to prevent burning-on defects were analyzed including:ingredients of the coating, combination of refractory granularities,high temperature stability,sintering property,peeling off property,and so on.介绍大型铸件粘砂的种类和形成原因,并对涂料的组成、耐火材料的粒度组合、高温稳定性能、烧结性能、剥离性能等因素对涂料抗粘砂作用的影响进行了分析。

4)heavy castings大型铸件

1.Calculation of Effective Puring Time for Heavy Castings;大型铸件有效浇注时间的计算

5)large castings大型铸件

1.When calculating 3-D velocity and temperature fields of mould filling and solidification process by turbulent model forlarge castings,increasing accuracy and efficiency of numerical calculation were investigated.用工程湍流模式计算大型铸件充型凝固过程三维速度场、温度场时,对提高模拟计算精度和效率进行了探讨。

6)heavy cast iron重型铸铁件

1.The paper optimizes the manufacturing process ofheavy cast iron,puts the knowledge used in process analysis and process optimization in a database and establishes an expert system for optimizing manufaccturing process ofheavy cast iron with Rule-based-Rea-soning,which is based on Visual Basic 6.对重型铸铁件制造流程进行了优化,把流程分析和优化过程中用到的知识放到数据库中,采用基于规则的推理方法,以Visual Basic为开发工具,SQL Server 2000为后台数据库开发平台,建立优化铸铁件工艺制造流程的专家系统,通过优化4500B镗铣床机座制造流程案例运行了系统,系统优化的结果得出一个新的流程。


