900字范文 > 大型铸件 heavy castings英语短句 例句大全

大型铸件 heavy castings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-07 16:01:38


大型铸件 heavy castings英语短句 例句大全

大型铸件,heavy castings

1)heavy castings大型铸件

1.Calculation of Effective Puring Time for Heavy Castings;大型铸件有效浇注时间的计算


1.It"s used for the production of large castings.它用于大型铸件的制备。

2.Application of EPC Casting Used for Large-size Box-body Casting消失模铸造在大型箱体铸件生产中的应用

3.Extrusion Casting Application in Production of Largescale Complex Casting of Aluminum Alloy;挤压铸造在大型复杂铝合金铸件生产中的应用

4.Founding of Heavy Steel Castings-The Blooming Mill Housing Used for Ma Steel 2250mm hot mill马钢热轧2250mm初轧机架大型铸钢件的铸造

5.Elimination of Shrinkage Porosity in Low Pressure Casting Large Castings with Varied Thickness低压铸造大型壁厚不均铸件缩松的解决

6.Study on Compound Facing Sand of Brown Corundumfor Heavy Steel Castings大型铸钢件用棕刚玉复合面砂的研究

7.The Process Research of Producing Medium-and-large Scale Aluminium Casting Using Transfer Coating;转移涂料生产中大型铸铝件工艺研究

8.Design method of the vacuum die-casting mould for large-scale thin shell part大型薄壁件真空压铸模具的设计方法

9.Low-pressure Casting of ZL205A Large Sophisticated Structural ComponentZL205A大型复杂结构件低压铸造技术

10.Research on Coarse Grain of Heavy Castings and Forgings and Its Solution大型铸锻件粗晶及其解决方法的探讨

11.Sand and rusts removing of large-sized cast iron,cast steel,steel structures,large-sized forging and surface freatment of oxidized workpieces.大型铸铁、铸钢件,钢结构件、大型锻件,热处理件的清砂、除锈去除氧化皮表面清理等。

12.Experiment and Production of Heavy Thick-walled Winding Barrel Casting for Crane with Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron大型厚壁球墨铸铁起重机卷筒铸件的试验与生产

13.Study on Material of Ductile Cast Iron and Numerical Simulation of Lost Foam Casting for Large-size Punching Dies;中大型冲压件模具球墨铸铁材料及消失模铸造数值模拟研究

14.A Study for Application of Low Pressure Casting Technology in Large Thin Wall Aircraft Casts of Aluminum Alloys;低压铸造在大型薄壁航空铝合金铸件上的应用研究

15.Numerical Simulation and Optimization for Counter-pressure Casting Process of Large-scale Thin-wall Al Alloy Cylindrical Casting大型薄壁铝合金筒体铸件差压铸造过程数值模拟与工艺优化

16.The Development of CAD System for Sand Casting of Steel;铸钢件砂型铸造模具参数CAD软件开发

17.The Quality Forecast of Larger Steel Casting Based on the Numerical Simulation Method;基于数值模拟的大型铸钢件质量预测研究

18.Study of Casting-Infiltration of Boron on Local Surface of Fluid-flow Components of Large Water Pumps;大型水泵过流部件局部表面铸渗硼技术的研究


heavy casting大型铸件

1.The study on the mould flux forheavy casting;大型铸件用保护渣的分析研究

2.The types of burning-on defects ofheavy castings and their formation reasons were introduced,and the influences of some factors on the effect of coatings to prevent burning-on defects were analyzed including:ingredients of the coating, combination of refractory granularities,high temperature stability,sintering property,peeling off property,and so on.介绍大型铸件粘砂的种类和形成原因,并对涂料的组成、耐火材料的粒度组合、高温稳定性能、烧结性能、剥离性能等因素对涂料抗粘砂作用的影响进行了分析。

3)large castings大型铸件

1.When calculating 3-D velocity and temperature fields of mould filling and solidification process by turbulent model forlarge castings,increasing accuracy and efficiency of numerical calculation were investigated.用工程湍流模式计算大型铸件充型凝固过程三维速度场、温度场时,对提高模拟计算精度和效率进行了探讨。

4)heavy steel casting大型铸钢件

1.The production status ofheavy steel castings in our country and the gap compared with some advanced foreign enterprises were presented in this paper.介绍了我国大型铸钢件行业的现状及与国外先进企业的差距,以水电、冶金等重点工程为例分析了未来5~中我国大型铸钢件的市场需求情况。

2.This article has described the composition of the alcohol-based zircon powder coating for theheavy steel casting and the production process routine as well as the process property characteristic,meanwhile the effects of the material selection and the production process of the coating on its property have been researched.介绍了大型铸钢件用醇基锆英粉涂料的组成、生产工艺路线及其工艺性能特征,研究了醇基铸造涂料的选材、生产工艺等对涂料性能的影响。

3.Shrinkage and shrinkage porosity, stress and deformation often occurs during the production ofheavy steel casting.大型铸钢件在实际生产中易产生缩孔缩松、应力变形等缺陷。

5)heavy castings and forgings大型铸锻件

1.The current situation and the future mission of the industrial standardization for the heavy casting and forging in China have been analyzed in this article,and issues existed in current standardization work of theheavy castings and forgings as well as the key emphasis in the standardization work for the future have been set forth as well.分析了我国大型铸锻件行业标准化工作所面临的形势和今后的任务,指出了大型铸锻件行业标准化工作中存在的问题以及近期标准化工作重点。

6)large-scale cast aluminium piece大型铸铝件

1.Analysis of fracture residual stress of naval gunlarge-scale cast aluminium piece;舰炮大型铸铝件断裂残余应力分析


