900字范文 > 锚杆支护设计 bolt support design英语短句 例句大全

锚杆支护设计 bolt support design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-27 07:32:45


锚杆支护设计 bolt support design英语短句 例句大全

锚杆支护设计,bolt support design

1)bolt support design锚杆支护设计


1.Study on the Theory and Application Designing the Anchor Shoring Based on Reliability;基于可靠性的锚杆支护设计理论与应用研究

2.Research on design of optimization of high-stress roadway bolting in deep mine深井高应力巷道锚杆支护设计优化研究

3.Research and development of bolt support design and management system base on GIS基于GIS的锚杆支护设计管理系统研究与开发

4.The Development and Application of the System to Classify the Stability of Gateway Surrounding Rocks and Deside the Design of Bolt Support;回采巷道围岩稳定性分类及锚杆支护设计决策系统研制与应用

5.Study on Stability of Deep Joint Rock Roadway and Prestressed Anchor Support Design深井节理岩体巷道稳定性及预应力锚杆支护设计研究

6.Anchored Bolt Supporting Design for Large deformation Roadway with High Geostress in Deep of Lu"an Mining Area潞安矿区深部高地应力大变形巷道锚杆支护设计方法

7.Application of surrounding rock classification method of loosen zone in bolt support design of coal roadway松动圈围岩分类法在煤巷锚杆支护设计中的应用

8.Based on the supporting design of resin anchoring bolt in Daliuta coal mine, the engineering analogy method was adopted to design the supporting system using the new type of mechanical anchoring bolt in the testing entry of fully mechanized mining face.以大柳塔矿树脂锚杆支护设计为基础,采用工程类比法进行综采工作面巷道新型机械锚杆支护设计。

9.Analysis on Upper Limit Design Method of Deep Excavation by Soil Layer Anchor深基坑锚杆支护上限理论设计法分析

10.The Optimizing Design of Bolting Support Multi-coal Seams and Little Intervals Roadway;近距离煤层群巷道锚杆支护优化设计

11.The Design of Bolt-rope Support in No.9 Seam Entries9号煤半煤岩巷道锚杆锚索支护设计浅析

12.Supplementary Principle and Design Method of Bolt and Cable Anchor Supporting Technique煤巷锚杆-锚索支护互补原理及其设计方法

13.Achor rod retaining wall support system dedeep excavation sign point锚杆挡墙支护技术在深基坑的应用和设计研究

14.The Study on Design and Analysis of the Frame Supporting Structure with Pre-stressed Anchor;框架预应力锚杆支护结构的设计与分析研究

15.Study on Optimum Design of Bolting Supporting Parameter at Roadway in Deep Mining Area深部采区煤巷锚杆支护参数优化设计研究

16.The Research on the Computer Auxiliary System of the Winning Tunnel Anchoring Support Reliability Design;回采巷道锚杆支护可靠性设计计算机辅助系统研究

17.Current situation and development of bolt drilling equipment used in collieries煤矿锚杆支护钻孔设备的现状及发展

18.Design and Construction of Cement Mixing Pile - Bolt Composite Support in Foundation建筑基坑工程水泥搅拌桩-锚杆复合支护的设计与施工


bolt supporting design of coal drift煤巷锚杆支护设计

3)Bolting support锚杆支护

1.Research on bolting support in “three soft” coal seams;“三软”煤层煤巷锚杆支护的应用研究

2.Talking about the application of bolting support under the conditions of compound roof in coal road tunnling;锚杆支护在复合顶板下煤巷掘进中的应用

3.Ground pressure monitoring of large section bolting support and its result interpretation;大断面锚杆支护矿压监测与结果分析

4)bolt support锚杆支护

1.Analysis on numerical simulation ofbolt support for mining gateway in deep inclined seam;大倾角煤层回采巷道锚杆支护的数值模拟分析

2.Calculating and analysing the action ofbolt support on surrounding rock stability in elastic and plastic mechanics;锚杆支护对围岩稳定作用的弹塑性力学计算与应用

3.Design ofbolt support for buttock base on surrounding rock classification method of pressure releasing zone;基于松动圈围岩分类法煤帮锚杆支护设计


1.Analysis and countermeasure on breakage of starting cut withbolting;锚杆支护切眼冒落分析与对策

2.Application of elastic wave technique inbolting monitoring of mine roadway;弹性波技术在煤巷锚杆支护检测中的应用

3.Research on partial upper coalbolting technology of big inclined coal seam;大倾角煤层部分留顶煤锚杆支护技术研究

6)bolt supporting锚杆支护

1.A new way of genetic classification on roof falling ofbolt supporting roadway;锚杆支护煤巷冒顶成因分类新方法

2.Approachingbolt supporting technology in big section weakfriable coal roof roadway;大断面松软破碎煤顶巷道锚杆支护技术探讨

3.In this article,the application ofbolt supporting in the roadway repaire of Daoqing Coal Mine is briefly elaborated.通化矿务局道清煤矿是典型的软岩矿井,地质条件比较复杂,结合实际工作,简要阐述了锚杆支护在道清矿巷道修复中的应用,指出了锚杆支护在巷道修复中的优点、施工工艺和注意事项。


