900字范文 > 锚杆联合支护 anchor-bolt combined support英语短句 例句大全

锚杆联合支护 anchor-bolt combined support英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 14:58:37


锚杆联合支护 anchor-bolt combined support英语短句 例句大全

锚杆联合支护,anchor-bolt combined support

1)anchor-bolt combined support锚杆联合支护


1.Application of supporting technology combination of anchor cable and bolt in friable roof support锚索锚杆联合支护在破碎顶板中的应用

2.Application of Combined Support with Cable and Anchor in Face Crossheading锚索锚杆联合支护在工作面顺槽中的应用

3.Sham Tseng roadway cable truss+bolt joint support technology research pilot深井巷道锚索桁架+锚杆联合支护技术试验研究

4.The application of steel support double-row piles anchor combined support in deep foundation pit钢支撑双排桩锚杆联合支护在深基坑中的运用

5.12101 stope drift active workings of slate coal mine 21# coal seams head mining area rockbolt ally self with the shoring technology板石煤矿12101回采巷道锚杆联合支护技术

6.Application of combined support technology with wooden block and anchor bolt木托及穿带与锚杆联合支护工艺的应用

7.Promotion and Application of Combined Support with Bolt and Cable in Roadway Maintenance锚杆锚索联合支护在护巷中的推广应用

8.Bolt Roadway Combined Support Technology in Large Section Coal Drift大断面煤巷全锚杆巷道联合支护技术

9.The application of joint support technology of high strength anchor arm and anchor cable高强度锚杆和锚索联合支护技术的应用

10.Application of High strength Bolt and Cable Anchor Combined Supporting in Driving Fault Seam高强度锚杆、锚索联合支护在过断层中的应用

11.Application of Drift Bolt and Anchor Cable Joint Supporting under Condition of Kicking Air蹬空条件下巷道锚杆锚索联合支护的应用

12.Numerical Simulation and In-Site Application of the Anchor and Cable Combining Support锚杆锚索联合支护数值模拟及现场应用

13.Finite Element Analysis for 2-step Foundation Pit Supported by Anchors and Piles锚杆和排桩联合支护二级基坑的有限元分析

14.The application of bolt and anchor united supporting technology on the opening of the third tier in the experimental zone of the white hole carboniferous Permian白洞石炭二迭系试验区C3#层巷道锚杆、锚索联合支护技术的应用

15.Discussin on Bolt and Cable Supporting Technique of the Comples Roof复合顶板巷道锚杆锚索支护技术探讨

16.Double-layer Wire Mesh and Long Bolt and Shotcrete Support One-time of Application and Research Supporting Road of Executive Liquid Contact Metasomatic双层锚网联合中长锚杆一次性喷浆支护在矿岩接触交代平巷支护中的应用及研究

17.Pre-stressed Bolt Anchor-truss Support Technology in Composite Roof Roadway复合顶板巷道预应力锚杆锚索桁架支护技术

18.Study on the Rational Structure and Supporting Effect of Rock Bolt Plate锚杆托板的合理结构与支护效果研究


combining support of bolt-cable-grouting锚杆-锚索-锚注联合支护

3)bolt with cable and metal net锚杆、锚索加网联合支护

1.According tobolt with cable and metal net supporting mechanism and the geologic condition of Fengxi Group Hexi mine,the roadway destroying cause and key supporting technique measure are analyzed.根据锚杆、锚索加网联合支护机理,针对汾西集团贺西煤矿工程地质实际条件,深入分析了该巷道破坏原因及该类巷道支护关键技术措施,提出了高强度锚网支护方案。

4)rock bolt and cable anchor combinational support锚杆锚索联合支护

1.this article compares therock bolt and cable anchor combinational support and the shed support and suggests that the previous one largely decline the rate of support distress, support failure rate and roadway return fix.对锚杆锚索联合支护与架棚支护进行了比较,认为前者大大降低了支护损坏率、支护失效率和巷道返修率。

5)combined support with cable and anchor锚索锚杆联合支护

6)bolt(cable)beam net timbering锚杆(索)梁网联合支护


锚参科海参纲无足目的1科。通称锚参。体细长,呈蠕虫状,体壁薄,常透明,体表光滑,没有疣足或管足,触手羽状或指状(见图)。石灰环辐片常穿孔,间辐片常多于5个,体壁内有叶纤毛漏斗,无居维氏器。体腔内有锚状体骨片。一个锚状体由锚和锚板 2部分关节构成。靠体壁的伸长和收缩锚在锚板上可以活动,借此结构锚参可以在海底运动。世界约100多种,中国约15种。锚参是热带和亚热带海洋常见的棘皮动物。多数分布在浅海,埋栖于沙底或沙泥底,有的钻在碎石底下的砂内,有的隐藏在珊瑚枝下或缠在海绵上,少数种能生活在盐度低的红树沼泽区内。珊瑚礁内有几种锚海参,如斑锚参、灰蛇锚参和高氏真锚参,长均可达2米,酷似长蛇,是著名的珊瑚礁动物。常见的有8属:锚参属(Synapta)、蛇锚参属(Opheo-desoma)、真锚参属(Euapta)、褶锚参属(Polyplectana)、小锚参属(Synaptula)、细锚参属(Leptosynapta)、棘锚参属(Protankyra)和柄锚参属(Labidoplax)。
